One of my friends on facebook joined the group named, "Why do we test on animals when we have paedophiles sitting in prisons?". Many people say that paedophiles are disguisting and not human and they should be punished for their crimes through toture, or animals are better than paedophiles so they should be subject to animal testing insted. But they are still humans, right?
Not only are they still human, a good number of them have some kind of mental disorder/traumatic experience that leads to the pedophilia. I don't think we should torture them for that.
I think paedos get more crap than they deserve. Sure, kiddie rapers deserve whatever they get. But the simple end-user of CP isn't nearly as bad, and to suggest that they should be used as labrats is ridiculous. When we've got serial killers and major drug dealers locked up, there's no reason to go after Joe 'Pedobear' Bloggs for the stuff he looks at online.
Even though people brand them as sub-human pedo's are still human they think and feel, they can't choose who they feel attracted to as much as a gay person can help feeling attracted to someone of the same sex. Personally someone who would torture anyone else is worse than a pedo.......
I fail to see how faulty cognition and behaviour constitutes as an excuse to defy human rights and perform unethical experiments.
Less than animals? Now that's just insulting the animals, since they have set behaviour and cognitive processes just like any human, but since their not human we should think of them as worse than us? Now that is ignorant. But I prattle... I don't think of Paedophiles as being better or worse than one extreme criminalist to the next. What I am sorry for is that many of them have difficult and deep issues that have caused them to act in such a way, which in many cases makes them attracted and obsessed towards children. What is crucially needed is an effective means to diagnose someone's mindset of being a paedophile before they can harm others. Though I am quite torn on my ideas of experimentation on criminals compared to animals. Since I would say I enjoy the every day animal compared to violent criminals, it doesn't sound to be the worst idea ever. However, this experimentation would only apply to the worst of criminals such as mass murderers, rapists and the such, since their actions and choices led them to their current state of incarciration. It could be an effective deterent from offending, without it being a capital punishment. Though all in all, like I said i'm quite torn between basic rights and mt affection for animal wellbeing.
...wat Anyway, what you said contradicts itself, and this may be because you're torn but still. It makes no sense to say that pedophiles have some mental illness that makes them act that way, and then turn around and say that the idea of implementing experimentation on them isn't entirely wrong. When it gets down to it, criminals and animals are still sentient beings. Any sort of scientific testing on them is cruel and unusual punishment, as it is to the animals. It's not nearly a question of is it right to the criminals so much as it is a question of is it right to anything that can realize to some extent what is happening to it.
Although it can be said that paedophiles are born that way, the way they are born affects and damages other people. This cannot be allowed as the way in which it affects others is not chosen by those it affects i.e. the effect it causes will always affect those that it currently affects. Therefore, paedophiles need to be reconditioned. If they refuse to be reconditioned then they should be locked up until they die =/ HOWEVER, they should never be experimented on. If they are proven to be born as paedophiles then being experimented on would be adding insult to injury. Having to go through reconditioning or being locked up for all of their lives would be enough.
I have a thread kind of like this. But I disagree with this. Unless the pedophile in question has actually molested or raped a child, then no, and I don't think they should be in prison anyway. Like P said, it's stupid to put people in jail for looking at things online.
What is was trying to say in the highlighted part was that it is not right to compare one living thing to another, and in his situation saying that animals could be worse than paedophiles is comparing two non connecting variables. It's like comparing the taste of rice to that of a spicy pepper, they aren't in the same league as each other, their in their own sub group. And what I was trying to put cross was that criminals should be experimented on IF their decisons of commuting a crime has led them to jail. If a robber had a choice had been to commit murder for something like a mafia or gang, I would likely say experiment on them since their decisons have caused major harm even thoguh they had the choice not to do so. Whilst in the case of those with mental illnesses such as paranoid schizophrenia, which alters their behaviour that leads them to act in a violent or antisocial way, I wouldn't believe in experimenting on those type of people who have little to no choice about the defect in their brain. The problem with paedophilia is that we don't know effectively if it's caused by a mental illness or is an actual lifestyle choice. Depending on which one it is I would apply either circumstance onto them.
Well I see both sides of it, but my mother on the other hand agrees that those sickos should be tested. One can not always be saved no matter how disturbed and that's the problem with our society. We think we can "save" anyone even though this sick and twisted sort of thing keeps happening. There should be harsher laws and something should be set as an example so it won't happen again. So if I had to choose I would be all for it. Hell, the animals that get tested on don't derserve the cruelty that is inflicted upon them. No, the creeps out there should be held accountable in that way instead of sitting in jail and wasting tax payers dollars on them. The prisoners have a better life than someone who is homeless for goodness sakes. The least the country could do is enforce harsher consequences.
Most of the arguments in this thread agree on one thing; that there are some criminals that have a choice that they are completely free to make and a whole other group of criminals that are bound by their own mental issues, completely powerless in their own lives, and cannot be held accountable for their own actions. But I ask these people; can you really claim to know what goes on in the head of a pedophile? What gives you the right or ability to discern what caused these people to act the way they did, and explain the thought processes and factors in these morbid acts? Can you tell me what Hitler was thinking?
So they can't be saved. But they still have a mental problem. I don't think that deserves for them to be tested. If they volunteered, alright then, but if not, well, it's like the death sentence. Who are we to condemn them to that? (ironically enough, I'm not against the death penalty) Animals < Humans. Who do you think will pay for this testing?