IMO today most kids are being treated unfair because of the following list; A group of kids just standing on the street talking about their likes (People get paranoid and think their up to no good) A kid tries to keep his/her temper in school but loses it and attacks someone out of rage (People think they are mental and should have an ASBO) A group of kid make a little two much noise because they're just having a good time (People think they are all underage drinkers) That's just a few of the things I can think of right now, and you are more then welcome to add to the list, but now for the question, do you think kids are being teated unfairly nowadays, and if so, who do you think is to blame for this?
I agree it's soo unfair. As I walk down the streets to go home and I'm talking to friend.. I have random people staring at me and giving me dirty looks. Seriously.. We've done nothing wrong. It's like another sterotype.. that all teenagers are druggies and are always up to no good. Pardon my language but **** that.. It really pisses me off because it gets annoying.
Now.. 1. A group of kids talking on the street is fine. However, paranoid kicks in when those kids are dressed like drug dealers. Are dress in the manner of what some call 'thug'. Although this is usually the reason, some people are just paranoid like you said. 2. If someone lashes out in rage, they don't really think they're mental, just need suspension or detention. Now, if they push them through a window, yes, people do think they are mental. I can understand your second point. But, this is why people need to resolve the ordeal peacefully, not violence. Peace is the best way to solve things, inless violence is absolutely neccessary. 3. If you make too much noise, then, yes, it is wrong. You are disturbing the peace. There is no need to very loud music. But, there are a lot of gruppy grandpa's who think anything is too loud. ...So. Those are my opinions.
I am actually glad someone made this before I did lol Today i just realized that one of my friend's are being cruelly treated by her father, and cops were called and all that ****... Nothing was done because the police called it 'parenting' Because of her being treated unfairly, she physically harms herself and now she is being threatened to be sent to an Insane Assylum in Lexington... I believe this is uncalled for :/
I have to agree with this.Because before people would get beaten if they did anything wrong.Where my parents are from they would get beaten.And during a war that happened there, if you were hated by someone,somebody can tell some else to kill you.And that would be blamed by the war.Also soldiers would sometimes go into schools and start shooting at students.So I think we have it WAY better than before.
uhhh...yeah I'd have to say no...I live in New York City. People who see those groups of kids you just mentioned think they're normal. Especially Times Square or Union Square. You get those types of kids and more. I have friends who are like that. But they're smart, and cool. And besides, I believe kids had it way better than before like the others said...
I do think that kids are getting the short end of the stick. However, I blame the media and parents. You see it on stuff like the O.C., good old dramatic CNN, and televised "psychologists" who are so full of themselves when all they do is look at a camera and read a damn script. They make us look bad. Also, adults aren't perfect either; they always feel they have to jump to conclusions the second they see something out of place. I've got a year of therapy under my belt because my Father thought I was emotionaly disturbed when he saw me looking at Colt 45s on the Internet for a history project. Not to mention that if a parent comes down and sees their kid watching a weird music video, he/she'll think the kid's being influenced.
We found some bottles on the ground, and picked them up and walked over to the recycle bin by the house, and this person came up to us and grabbed them, accused us of drinking and thratened to call the cops. I;m like "go ahead" and he proceeded to attempt to burn me with a cigarrette butt (which he did). Needless to say, he wasn't very happy after i was through with him, but im lucky he didnt (well he wasnt able) call the cops after. doesnt help that it was haloween, and late at night too.
Often, kids/teenagers are judged more harshly for their actions because they are young. Like if they do one bad thing, then they're an immature child who is ruining their life. Adults often over reacted when judging children and teenagers. So in that sense, it is unfair. But some judgements are correct. There are a lot of bad kids/teenagers out there who need to be disciplined. "Don't judge a book by its cover." That fits what I'm saying, pretty much. Or "Things aren't always as they appear." That one fits even better =)
Oh, I hate how people make judgements or assumptions about someone just because they're a teenager. In fact, I hate it when people are judged by their appearence anyhow. I remember one time last year my friends and I were out somewhere and some of them wanted to go into a store. The rest of us didn't really want to go inside so we waited at the door, and some security guard told us we'd better get away from the door. Apparently he thought we were planning to shoplift or something. And we were fourteen years old. I can only imagine what people will assume about me when my friends and I get older. My friends and I also tend to laugh pretty loud, and people do give us strange looks. However, I think teenagers have been viewed stereotypically for a while, not just during our time.
I have to agree. You have food on the table, a roof over your head, you're getting an education, clothes on your back, a bed to sleep in, video games and a computer to entertain you, and so on. Oh yes, kids have it so hard these days. If you think it's unfair now walking down the street and hearing people whispering about you, try imagining yourself growing up as a Jewish teenager in Krakow, Poland in the early 1940s, fearing for your life from the Nazis or imagine yourself as a teenager in present day Africa, wondering ir you'll eat in a given day, or as an Armenian teenager during the Armenian Genocide of WWI(which the US denies ever happens btw.) Try picturing yourself in the above three situations and then compare it to your life now. Which would you prefer living in?
There are things in life that are unfair regardless of what age you are. People of different ages and/or social groups will look at you odd and feel they don't like you based on stereotypical or prejudiced responses. However, as Cin said, kids today get treated a lot better than historically. Even in the 80s, child abuse was just coming out to be something to 'look into'. Kids have it easier than they ever had. Kids are also used as excuses why we have so many stupid laws that 'protect kids' while taking things away from adults. The transgressions teens face is not any more horrible than that which any other 'group' assigned by prejudiced people faces, for example some people hate women, teens, blacks, white men, hispanic people, people of different religions or no religion, etc. You get a group of these sorts of people together, well, crap happens. Today though, it is not as bad as it used to be and teens are only targets often because they are seen as rebellious and of course, some are, so it gives enough proof to the prejudiced people against teens to justify their attitudes. Ever hear the statement "Kids should be seen and not heard"? This was the life for many children before child abuse became something the governments would care about. People endear children and they get the weaker amount of the brunt out there but kids complaining about one wants to hear it. Kids have been sheltered unless in circumstances beyond local adult control. In the past and still going on in parts of the world children are used as slave labor, murdered by parents, beaten the tar out of by parents because they have ultimate rights, not educated, murdered by military might, sold into prostitution rings, etc. Also, if a kid -dared- to oppose an adult or attack another, that kid could be killed, so being seen as somewhat eccentric or nutty is better than being shot in the head or drawn and quartered. So yeah, some old people may have a thing against teens because some teens are too rebellious and do some bad things, and yes, it ruins some fun for others but really, this era and living in places like Europe and have it better. I wouldn't really be troubled over this and would just ignore the stupid people that give you looks. If you are being too loud though, it is a distraction and people can complain about that regardless of how old someone is. The thing to do here is just move along and not let others get to you because at least you have that right to do so.
Well, I agree that it's a problem that they are seen as mentally ill for those reasons. But I wouldn't say it's unfair, per se.
Stereotypical. Stereotypes. Whatever you want to call it. Plus, complaining. I don't think anyone can be satisfied with where they are. Not meaning to offend anyone because this is just in my opinion, but really, I don't think there are people out there who are satisfied with their life the whole time. Most kids complain about things. Most teenagers complain about things. Most adults complain about things. Even though I am a teenager, I don't think we're being treated unfairly. I just think this topic is something else we can complain about.
People are very cautious about a group of people they don't understand, even teenagers are still weary of other teenagers. It's true people are judged on what they wear and what they look like, it's what the media shout at us each day, 'teens stabbed another teen in the street' or 'teens underage go on drunken fight' I mean come on, atleast once a week I hear of a new kid being killed, it's just so difficult too believe that so many people out there want to kill people...
It's stereotypes and if the kids are being treated unfairly today, it's mainly their own damn faults too. I must agree with many of you on the fact that the conditions and environments in which kids lived earlier were quite sad and that it's improved by a lot today, and many kids just take it for granted. Not having any sort of difficult hardships like the children of the past years, many are ignorant. I think that the adults have good reason to believe in the stereotypes involving kids, because some of them are actually true, unfortunately. Kids have -really- become selfish and ignorant of the people surrounding them, disturbing them and often scaring them too. Today's kids are all notorious for pulling crazy **** out in public, and after seeing something like that for a while, it's only natural for adults to suspect the kids for doing something bad. However, adults do have to realize that not all kids are bad, and the kids must realize that in their stupid and careless actions, they are degrading themselves in the eyes of the adults, and later complain about disrespect? Hah! Funny. None of these two groups will be satisfied until both realize that point.