Are Humans 'Good'?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Peace and War, Jun 23, 2007.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    We are threatened nowadays because of being 'Good and Evil', we are told that if we are not 'Good' then we will be sent to a bad place or in the next life will live miserably, 'good and evil' was created through religion so that everyone who followed their relegion could be controlled easily.
    And about the 'jumping off a bridge.', when has suicide helped anything at all?
  2. Repliku Chaser

    How are you threatened? If you don't believe in the religion, it means nothing. It's not like they now can do what they used to and stone you to death, burn you, drown you, or whatever it is they did with heretics back then. The worst most fanatics can do nowadays is tell you that you are going to hell and 'try' to scare people, oh and show up on news programs with dead eyes and smiley grins while saying that people against God are all going to die. Those are lunatics and they should be locked up. Good and Evil are coined terms humanity uses as what is productive or negative to a society and its people. In one area cannibalism is bad, and in another, it might have a purpose with burial rites. In one area spanking a kid is wrong and in another, it is a form of discipline. In one area, killing cows is evil but in another, it's top choice grade A steak on your plate.

    The point of saying
    is because I don't get why people ramble on about how evil and horrible humans are. How about instead saying 'some humans' and give others their due credit? Are you stuck in a loop that perpetually will only allow you to see the rotten stuff some people do and it makes you miss the positive things in life? That's really sad if that is the case. Isolating all humans and saying they are all bad or all good just makes no rational sense. For every rotten thing you name I could return with a positive action. Of course, I would be more inclined to say 'yeah, that does happen' from the list people who 'hate humanity' would do because I am neutral. I won't elevate one thing over the other. Would those who think humans are evil though see the good things others do if on a list? Doubting it. That is why I said it is prejudice.
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