Are Hardcore Emo Kids Arrogant?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Spike, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal

    The theme should be quite clear. Thoughts?
  2. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe

    I don't give it too much mind when someone uses "emo" as a fashion style, but the full-out "my life sucks"-ers annoy the hell out of me. Most seem like pessimists who want attention while they spread the word of their "crap" lives on computers and cellphones. Send them to live in a developing country for a few months and they might think differently.
  3. FinalF7 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 4, 2009
    I feel the same. =_=

    If you wanna dress that way...fine. But seriously you need to think of how bad your life really could be, most of them don't even half it HALF bad. This also goes for all the alcoholics and druggies who claim to drink and smoke because their lives suck. More then half the population of my school is like this, and I can't stand it. They all just need to smile more... or something.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    yes, if you mean the REAL ones. Most 'emos' i know are wannabes who overuse Gir quotes/sweatshirts/other apparel and act like weeaboos.
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Honestly the whole 'emo' idea is so diluted and warped. That video was pretty stereotypical, but I suppose it got the message across. Emo really is just a style these days, just as punky or preppy is/was. It doesn't mean anything. :/

    An enormous amount of people go around with that "my-life-is-so-horrible" attitude, it isn't just emo kids. Most of the time they really are just being over-dramatic, but what else is new? People always think that they've got it the worst.

    So... uh, people are just ignorant, to be blunt & pessimistic.
  6. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I would rep you, but I haven't repped others enough yet. These kids who claim their lives are crappy haven't even SEEN crappy yet. Most of them live in a comfortable suburban home with a computer and a good school system. The people they claim to be would cream themselves if they had even half as good a life.
  7. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    It goes without saying that I'm fed up with the emo crap.
    What annoys me most is not the fact that they overdramatize their lives, but that they feel that the whole world should know about that, and that some of them even treat it like some kind of contest. That sickens me most.

    But like Misty said, emo hardly means anything nowadays. An evolution I can only approve of.
  8. woodstockfootball26 Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 29, 2008
    I think "emos" simply want attention. Now are we talkin about people who go around cutting themselves cause thats messed up. Emos dont know how bad life can be. Take them to Africa and let them see how it is there then thdmy might change the whole idea "my life sucks" and actually get a life. Thats straight from the heart.
  9. Rho Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 28, 2009
    I say get these whiny "emo" kids saying "OHH WAHH WAHHH MY LIFE SUCKS FML I WANNA DIE IM GONNA GO CUT MY WRISTS FOR NO REASON", and drop them off in the middle of Africa, with just the most basic clothing, and nothing else. No changes of clothing, no food, no phones or anything like that. Leave them there for a couple weeks, then see if they still want to pull their little gimmick.
  10. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009

    Urban Dictionary-
    When a person is led to believe that they are in some way more superior to everybody else. Pride is fine up until a point, but as soon as you believe that you are in some special way better than everybody else, you become a dickhead.

    Emo=Arrogant? So if Im Emo I think im Superior? A large factor of true emo is to stay understated until insulted or ****ed with-This is also true for Rocker,Punk and Skater. But I do agree that people that try too hard to be Emo are Arrogant but otherwise No.
  11. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    While I do agree with most of the points brought up here, I do know of one person who had a real s*** hand dealt to her by life. Let's just call her NPE (an annogram of her innitials).

    NPE was dealt a really crap hand by life. She was going to almost be aborted bu her parents because she could have had Down's Syndrome, one of her brothers was a hardcore herroin addict who happily managed to get off of it. Her other brother was gay and got kicked out of the house by their hardcore christian parents. He later died (3 or 4 years ago) of Osteo Sarcoma (cancer of the bone marrow) following prolonged illness and a car crash. His boyfriend then committed suicide because he couldn't bare to be without him anymore. She is bipolar and has ADHD and was put in Rittalin for many years which made her faint several times a week and after each time she fainted she went into an exreme depression for a little while. She went to a clinic where she was mistreated and god knows what else. She also suffered from extreme depression and annorexia after her brother's death which only went to screw her up even more. Now she's writing a book about her brother who was on herroin who has now been diagnosed as HIV positive and her parents dont agree with it. The only way she can get out of her situation is music which is where my brother and I met her. Him and her are like family, it's amazing. If he wasn't there for him then I don't think she'd be with us right now. Going back to the story, basically, she used to be a really hardcore Emo kid and cut herself (not saying all emos cut or crap like that) but luckily she doesn't cut herself anymore. However she is still very emotional and don't you think that with all the s*** that she has gone through in her life that she is allowed to be just a little bit? There are more details that either I haven't been told or I can't remember right now but seriously? You think you can call her arrogant? Try it!

    W00t Wall o' Text!
  12. TerryNirv Merlin's Housekeeper

    it denpends on who they are i may not dress like an emo kid anymore but trust me when i say i really am emo but others who thinks of the word emo as more a fashin sense more than a sense of mind are arrogant the ones that really are fakes
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    The original emo or group of emos were most likely understandable for their nihilstic philosophy. Today, after such a regime change in thoughts, values and culture, emo's are just as people stereotype them to be.
    It's very similar to religious cults, whom change and alter the unwritten and written code they belong to in order to fit personal preferances.

    Saying whether their arrogant...
    I don't know, it really depends on the person i'm talking to. Some peoples views of nihilism are logical, especially after some horrorific events they may of had to endure, whilst others use it as a way of being accepted, and feel no emotion to what they are.
    You give me a specifc example, i'd make my judgement that way.
  14. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Wait a second, am I to believe that we are throwing vapid generalizations around a clothing/music choice style?

    Since when is it cool to be dismissive as individuals in favor of a stereotype of the whole? There are whiny losers in every subset of teen "culture," it isn't about their "style" so much as it is about their personality. Generalizations SUCK guys, seriously.
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I don't find them arrogant, but I do find them pretentious. Then again, I have to realise that I haven't lived their life, and it's fully possible that while I find their actions to be laughable, they are, in fact, fully justified. I can't fairly judge them unless I know the reason for their viewpoint. If it's because a girl broke up with them, I'd be likely to think more harshly of them than if they came from a broken home. Whatever the reason, I try to remember that I don't know what their emotions are, so I should try to tolerate them.

    My personal viewpoint is that energy spent on depression is energy better spent on improvement. If there's a problem, instead of revelling in the melancholy of giving up, actually work on overcoming the problem.

    As for the video: It's a fallacy to assume that the problems of 'emos' aren't real, because other people have gone through worse. The feelings of the emos are presumably real, and that much should be respected. It's the actions they take that leads them towards scorn.
  16. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Well, I suppose you could say that but it is kind of stereotypical in my opinion. They don't have to be arrogant. They could be totally anti-social to most people and friendly with some. Personalities differ.
  17. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    There's a difference between people who are depressed and people who are emo. some Emos just really want attention. What annoys me the most is people who write depressing statuses on facebook and they're all like "ZOMG!!! I'M SO UGLY, AND ALL MY FRIENDS HATE ME!!! I'M GONNA GO CUT MYSELF NOW BUT I GUESS NONE OF YOU WILL CARE!!!" These people I like to call Emo Posers. They don't really have a problem, but they just want ppl to know that they're going to commit suicide for the 50th time -_- Most Emo Posers just want attention or sympathy, I hate them.

    Then there are actually people who are depressed...people who wouldn't go posting **** like that on facebook, people who actually need help and cant get any. These are people who actually try to cut themselves, but don't want people to know. These people are secretive and quiet, and don't want people to know of their problems...which is why they come off as arrogant. Emo Posers try to act like that...but they really just fail.
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    So they seek attention by posing as people who don't seek attention. Yeah, I can see how that'd get immensely irritating.

  19. User: Quorra Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    If we're judging the stereotype based off that video then yes. However, I think its quite impossible to judge every "emo" by those standards as they(the standards) seem rather narrowly focused. My position is that everyone has a past and I'm not going to push and wiggle my way in unless I'm invited. And I can't, in good conscience, make a call about someone until I have all the facts.