I take ECP (Early Childhood Studies) and my teacher was explaining how girls are more mature than boys, but I had a thought that giving dolls to girls when their little may be the reason why were more mature. I mean they learn motherly skills at like 4 years old Do you agree?
Nope. Because guys are given dolls as well. Except in their case, they're called "action figures." Different names, same exact objects.
Yeah thats true, but what do boys do with them? They make them fight other dolls/action figures. Well thats what I did xDD. But girls look after their dolls, so, yeah, I agree with ANF.
Nope. I played with dolls when I was little. I kept saying the sink was leaking and everything. (No, I did not make them kill each other) (Yes, I was a strange child) I am by no means mature. So there goes your teacher's theory. I would suggest something to do with hormones. A child's mind may be a blank sheet to paint on, but the paper already has a base colour, affecting the other colours. E.G. Pink on black does not work out. So it could help, but I doubt it. A scheme in my country might have better results, where a live baby is brought into a primary school classroom to reduce aggression levels.
To me that sounds a little sexist....but still.... Anywho, the reason girls MAY be more mature is what pika said. Hormones. Girls mature quicker than boys adn we die later than them too. So that has to count for something right? Well, given that the world needs women to survive, I say we just leave it that women are sometimes smarter than men, but other times they are not because of hormonal influence.
I think girls are more mature because of how they handle their emotions. Girls learn to be more open with their emotions. To them, it isn't sooo bad to be wrong or to be vulnerable. They learn how to deal with their emotions. Pride doesn't stop them from doing whats important or accepting the truth. Also they learn to put themselves in other peoples shoes and value their feelings, so they can see beyond their own concerns.
Well, I also think it has to do with hormones. And emotions, which are kinda triggered by hormones. I think I remember learning something about this before, I am gonna say hormones.
Ho-hum? Pride is a human flaw, everyone has some of it. It seems to me as if you just thought of all the qualities society values, then said girls had them. I do not think that those things you listed are more common in girls. Anyway, those are only things that makes society consider people mature. The topic was whether playing with dolls from an early age helps develop those qualities. I disagree with the theory, for reasons stated in my previous post.
Doll's are to help teach girls how to take care of babies at a young age.Not trying to be mean or sexist or anything,but it's what I think.I dont think it has anything to do about Maturity.
Girls get to physical maturity faster than boys by nature. Girls are done growing by the time they are 16 on average to 18 years old. Boys are finished growing usually by the time they are 18-19, sometimes at 21. Note here there are 2 years difference around in most cases. However, I do not know if I agree they 'mentally' mature faster than boys as a rule. I'd think more it depends on the individual kid. Males and females as children require play just as animals do to get prepared and hone their skills at young ages. I don't think a doll given to a girl means that the girl is going to be more mature than a boy mentally who goes outside and plays sports instead or plays with action figures, but their development will instead mature in areas specifically instead of having a range of knowledge. Also, when growing up, boys around girls sometimes play 'house' as I did because I had a few friends that were girls as well as hanging out with boys when young (around 4 to 6). It's not that uncommon and a good thing for boys to have that too, though getting a boy to sit through it later than 6 is probably asking a lot. Playing with baby dolls can teach a girl or boy some sensitivity and preparation for child rearing but that is not all that there is to growing up that is important. However, I think that girls who actually do other things too, like sports, using their imaginations and using action figures etc develop probably more than just girls with 'stereotypical' female toys. At least they seem more mature because they are more friendly and outgoing and learn other skills as well as the typical 'mommy' ones and can deal with boys better. I think playing 'house' growing up probably gave me a better understanding of females too. So in the end, I think integration at a young age for boys and girls helps both develop better than just segregating kids as some parents do when they are at the most important times of their lives soaking in information like a sponge as they play. Kids that have no interactions with doing a variety of activities amongst both genders at 3-6 seem to be the ones who develop more slowly in mental maturity, I think. I don't have anything really to base on it but life experiences and seeing kids mature into adults and how they turned out but it seems to hold true in most cases.
It would depend on the child, not the dolls. Girls natually develop a little earlier than boys, so in average, most girls would be mature before the boys, especially when it comes to relationships. I was not a doll girl when I was small (I used to cut up all their hair because I was bored, and give the doll's body to my baby sister) but I still am a mature teen. Every girl and boy has a different way of becoming mature through their own experiences in life... So the theroy of dolls may be true to the 25% of the population... But not for the rest. I agree with Repliku's theroy.
Repliku has it covered. I don't believe girls are more mature than boys (I'm more mature than most of the kids in my class, anyway), it's just that girls' minds are structured differently. This could be interpreted as maturity, but I don't think that they're more mature.
they are not the same exact objects. It is the same idea but action figures are big buff guys that suggest violence.
Stereotyping there. Not all action figure are "big buff guys that suggest violence." Some things like thomas the tank engine, or transformers (to an extent) promote brain activity and teach children to follow instructions with their transformer, and build tracks with thomas. Not all action figures are action man.
You got a point there ANF. That may explain how mom's became housewives. Hmmmm I bet men can do it if they played with dolls too.
No I do not, because I had dolls when I was a kid, but I didn't mature any faster, also boy do play with dolls but they called them Action figures