I just started making sigs, and I'm getting.... okay at it. (My current one is one that I made). I also made that one. So if you want one, just put Username Color scheme Text Render (it'd be great if you had one ready, but not necessary) and I'll try to get it done. Okay? Okay. :3 But bear in mind I just started making them. XD
Username:Thekeymaster Color scheme:Blue Text: Feel the power of Light! Render:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/3b/Destinyisland.jpg/180px-Destinyisland.jpg also another render:http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:SrwoBITZdcCSoM:http://serc.carleton.edu/images and last one:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v627/Packs/Weapons/oath.png if you could kinda merge the 3 renders together like their fading into eachother, that'd be great. if not, just tell me please.
Okay, I'll try to get it done soon as i can. Um, I dun think that the sun and the destiny islands would look great with this particular sig. I think you may just want to do oathkeeper, but whatever you want. Let me know. ... Comments, questions, concerns...? I was unable to put the other to renders on it, it would look all wrong. Sorry =S
Take out the * when posting this in your signature. [IMG*]http://img36.picoodle.com/img/img36/5/11/21/f_Thekeybladem_3bfa2c4.gif[/IMG]
Since you're so awesome in making these signatures...I have to ask...is there any way you can smooth over the signtaure I made (it's the second one)? :sweatdrop: I made it, but it looks so clumped up...I could give you the pics I used to make it if you need so...if you don't do that...well um, sorry to bother you!
I'd like a siggy please! Hi! I'd like a siggy please! Here's the details: Username: Lilli~Zerene Color scheme: Blue/Green/Purple/White*(waves if possible) Text: The element of water is the most beautiful of all. Render: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v627/Packs/Weapons/littmer.png Or this render: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v627/Packs/Weapons/starseek.png *Any of those or any combination of those colors will work. :) If there are any problems with the render or anything, just let me know. Thanks! P.S. You did a great job with my brother, thekeymaster's avatar. Good luck!
Username: Pyrogamer (could you put it in a corner with a faded look?) Color scheme: Whatever you think is best Text: I have matured.... you just haven't noticed! Render 1: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-25484 Render 2: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-23046 (is it possible to cut off waist down? i couldn't find a render with just her waist up) I know this may be burdensome of me, but could you arrange the sig so that in the center, render 1 is on the left of render 2. Then the "I have matured...." part of the text on the left while the rest on the right? It would be great if you could do this for me and I would love you (in a nonsexual, friendly way)!
Okay, back from Thanksgiving and I'll try to get these done ASAP. Nymph, of course darling. Pyro, no problemo. :D Okay. :D Retire the * if you decide to use it. Pyro: [IMG*]http://img29.picoodle.com/img/img29/5/11/25/f_Pyrosigm_f406755.gif[/IMG] Lilli: [IMG*]http://img33.picoodle.com/img/img33/5/11/26/f_LILLIm_17dc164.gif[/IMG] Comments and concerns with your sig can be posted here. Rep is appreciated, but not neccessary, as is posting that I made it in your signature. Pyro, I'm sorry I couldn't use the one you wanted, but that one was badly rendered, and I couldn't get the black to go away without taking some of her hair with it :sweatdrop: so i found a different render O-o If you don't like it, either of you, lemme know. I'll be happy to fix it.
Username:Gatekeeper Picture: http://cache.kotaku.com/assets/resources/2006/11/halo3ad.jpg Text:Upper left corner:"Take it...'' now the bottom right corner"...Or Leave it?'' please put the outside of the letter's black and the inside dark green Color's: Light Color's only please,if you ave no idea's just have it be plain Render:None. hope this is ok
It's great! It's understandable as to why you changed the render. Thank you so much! Even though you you say it's not neccessary, I'm going to rep and give you credit you deserve.
Might be a tad difficult (it's not a render) but I will definately do my best. Glad you liked it, pyro :D Alriiight Gatekeeper, here it is, take it or leave it, comments and concerns...... ah well, you know the drill :P
Username: rachel Color scheme: colours that suit the pictures. Text: Art is a bang! Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-14037
Thank you so much for my signature. I really like it. I just haven't put it in my sig yet because my computer hasn't been letting me highlight things lately. I'm gonna try to get that fixed. Thank you very much!
Hmm, was wondering if you had time to do one of these sigs for me to see what you come up with. Username: Repliku (and go ahead and add that to the sig) Color scheme: somewhat dark but however else you feel would look decent. Text: Where will my Heart go? Render: http://ff-rpg.net/images/ReplikuBanner.jpg I made this out of all Repliku pictures so hopefully you can use something out of it. If not, I can try to dig up more pics possibly when I figure where I put them. I love your other sigs so thought I'd give this a whirl. Thanks!
Can you make me one plz?:) Username: Sora95 Render: http://http://planetrenders.net/renders/dis....php?pos=-1935[/URL Text:My Work is Never Done!! Color Scheme: Blue with some Red
Because you are so amazing, can I ask for another sig? I know you have about three other sigs to do, so I'll be patient and wait as the last. Username: pyrogamer01 (bottom right corner) not too bold Color scheme: something bright and not blue. Maybe gold or pink? Text: Fairies can be lethal too! (top left corner in a bubbly/cute font) Render: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-5581 http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-5574 http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-5575 Other stuff: on my sig, i would like (from left to right) paine, rikku, and yuna, probably showing them from slightly below waist up so you can see the pants a little. Thanks again for the previous sig and I know that this one will be great as well!