Wingly is something so... familiar. Though I can't remember what it means. AAAHH. I FEEL IS SOMETHING I KNEW BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT IS IT. ...there is something to do with Legend of Dragoon?
of course there's something to do with legend of dragoon. Although, I still wish I could have made the name Lloyd
Yes I need. But the CDs my brother have are too scratched to play, and it is so hard for me to find them again. It is an old game after all. D: It's rare to find somewhere they sell Playstation 1 games here. Oh PS1, I miss you so bad...
I am ever so glad I am not the on,y one who has been reading his name as Wiggly. Every time I saw a post by him,I pictured dead Caterpies. ..... I don't know why dead Caterpies. I just know it made me sad.
Download it and emulate it. You own the game so it is fine. It appears that only those who knew the game read it correctly.