Apt Kh-vids

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Laurence_Fox, Feb 15, 2008.

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  1. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    So I'm kinda taking a little break from Spam Eater. I kinda lost the drive to continue it. When it comes back I'll so contiue it but for the moment I want to just do a random KHV story. One that isn't really based on a Metal Gear Solid story. xD

    I have gotten into Final Fantasy and as much as I'd like doing a KHV based version of FF7...it's not likely to happen. Though I may figure out one based on Advent Children. We'll see...

    Anyway...here's the story.


    A select group of members from a certain forum we all and love have gathered in a exquisite mansion(why a mansion? Because I'm taking writer's freedom here. Deal with it.) for a lovely little shindig thrown by none other than Laurence_Fox.

    GX: Wow, Fox's crib is tizzight! Chickie must have some serious green.

    Orange: Course the rumor is she paid for this house in the blood of her enemies.

    GX: So she's got some serious street cred too? *I think I'm eying the wrong girls.*

    Orange: -Shrugs- Maybe.

    Another group are settled on a group of leather couches in front of a flat screen tv playing Zelda on the Wii.

    Kitty: Oh Link, forget Zelda. Take me away to Hyrule!

    Forsaken: You do know this is a game right?

    Kitty: Don't squash the dreams of a young lass, Jobby!

    Forsaken: ... Yes Ma'am.

    Vivi: So where is Fox anyway? You'd think being hostess she'd be here by now.

    Forsaken: Maybe she likes being fashionably late? She seems like that kind of person.

    Vivi: I don't know. Something doesn't feel right here. Get up off the couch for a minute.

    Both Vivi and Forsaken stand and lift up the couch coushins finding LA SOFA.

    Vivi: Well no wonder it felt lumpy. What the hell you doing in the couch?

    La Sofa: I don't get it.

    Forsaken: Better get out of here before Fox finds out you're here.

    Vivi: *That might be fun to witness.* I'm sure Fox would be overjoyed to see Sofa. Is ipraise here too?

    Kitty: He was here before. Think he's in the kitchen.

    In the kitchen of the mansion, Split, VGN, DA, and SJ are checking out what Fox has for munchies but mostly in the way of booze.

    SJ: Schnapps, red wine red wine red wine. Man, I thought Fox would have something hard in here.

    Split: Nah, Fox is a classy girl. Imagine this red wine is for all the parties she throws for the other well-to-does in this town.

    DA: Hey Lisbeth found chocolates. Holy ****, German chocolates?

    SJ: Well...she does claim to be a Nazi. Some German pride or Nationalism or some other crap. She's told me a few times but I think I was drunk.

    VGN: Would explain all the pictures of Hitler and Nazi officials she has all over the place. She'd look hot in a Nazi uniform.

    Course the other three(four?) have stopped to stare at him by this point.

    VGN: What? A guy can have his fantasies.

    Meanwhile back in the batcave...er in Fox's chambers. The lady swipes a card in a splot before a section of the wall opens into a secret control room. She seats herself in a chair before a bank of computer screens.

    Fox: I think we'll see what all is going on before I make my entrance. Oh my, there seems to be some rabble amongst my guests. Oh well, no matter. They'll be disposed of before the night is through. This game might be rather interesting after all.

    In another part of the house, there would roam WA-...StupidAquarius, Mish, Sara, Madi, and Rosey, who had gotten bored since Kitty was hogging the Wii and had decided to go exploring.

    Rosey: I never knew Fox was this well off in life. How'd she get so rich?

    Mish: Nazi gold willed down to her through her family?

    Madi: She killed people using the Death Note and took their money?

    Sara: *sips tea* Who knows?

    SA: Where'd you get the tea?

    Sara: It's my thing. Like the avatar I never changed.

    Madi: And when you did change it people had heart attacks. Like in Death Note.

    Rosey: Ye-ah. Hey what's in here? *She pushes open a set of double doors into a room with a crapload of books.

    SA: *Whistles* That's a...lotta books. She has her own damn library? Wonder if she's got any porn.

    Sara: *Eyes* Has to be worksafe porn.

    SA: Oh fine.

    Madi finds a large book bound in a hard cover.

    Madi: Hey guys, it looks like a family registry. Wow, look at all these German names. Hey Mish, looks like you weren't too far off.

    Mish: I...what?

    Sara leans randomly against a wall when a panel behind her compresses into the wall causing a panel of dark wood to slide down causing a body to slide lifelessly to the floor. The girl's scream mostly in horror but Madi yells out 'KIRA!'.

    SA: Wait a minute...I think I know that member. Oh god it's Angel.

    Mish: How can you tell? The head is missing.

    Sara: *lifts up the corpse's arm reveling the identification number, username, and some odd words in German tattooed on.* It says it's Angel right here. My German's rusty but isn't 'Engel' translated to 'Angel'?

    SA: I think so. We have to find out who is doing this and then inform Fox there's a murderer loose in her house. But first we have to find her first.

    Sara: Maybe she's downstairs by now?

    Back downstairs, Kitty, Vivi, and Forsaken have been joined by CtR. Who was trying to still get that hug from Vivi.

    Vivi: Damn it woman I am not your ****ing Snookums!

    CtR: Oh you're so adorable when you swear.

    Kitty: Guys could you keep it down. Fishing takes a lot of concentration.

    Forsaken: Then why aren't you in first person mode? You're staring at his ass aren't you?

    Kitty: NO! ...Maybe.

    SA and the other girls come running down the grand staircase just as SJ and the others have emerged from the kitchen. DA complaining of eating too much chocolate.

    SA: Guys, we found what we think is Angel upstairs. She's been murdered and her body was mutilated.

    Orange: Mutilated. You don't mean...

    GX: I am not down with necrophicizzles in the hizzy.

    SA: No, her head was missing. We didn't see what else was done. I think Fox has a murderer lose in her house. Someone has to tell her.

    Fox: Tell me what?

    She had apparently come down just as SA was saying that bit.

    Mish: Frenchie here thinks there's a crazed killer hiding somewhere in your house.

    Fox: There haven't been any crazed killers in this house for years. I'm sure it was just an overgrown rat. I'll have it disposed off immediately.

    And Fox delved into German to communicate over a small walkie talkie she had removed from her belt. Once the request had been put into place, she returns it.

    Fox: Now then, I hope we are enjoying ourselves tonight? Sure to be exciting having you all here with me.

    End Part 1
  2. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    I wanna read da rest soon =O
  3. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    very epic xD
  4. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    KIRA !
  5. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Why must everyone rape my grammar? I really don't talk like that >_>
  6. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Judging by the responses I think I will continue this. And anyone who didn't appear in the first part can still appear. <_> Like *Sora*.

    Glad you liked it.

    lol. I thought I was being excessive on the Death Note references with you. It's like ALL you talk about.

    And here I thought I was mutilating it horribly. >>;
  7. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.

    SORA GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!111
  8. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    No, dude, every single line I had made me laugh. The fact that you were so constant with it was freaking perfect.
  9. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Mansion? Lisbeth?!
    I'm suing you Fox. You'll be hearing from my lawyer.
  10. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Awesome LF, you make yourself sounds so elegant yet kinda scary xD

    Keep it up :3
  11. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Why am I always crazy in these things. XD

    I look forward to part 2. =D
  12. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    I really dig the parts with SA and Sara.... two completly different people. X3

    Ooooo, hope there's more to come! :D
  13. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Damnit Vivi ;__; would it kill you to give me a hug


    lmao Nice story Fox dearie *cookie*

    Write moar please
  14. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Yes actually, Hugs are my weakness.
  15. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    I think I'll do one of these because it seems everyone is ^_^. Good tho, I liked Madi's lines and Sara with her avater that she never changed


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