Saw this on another forum decided to bring it here. The first poster will say "Applecore" The second poster will say "Baltimore" The third poster will ask "Who's ya Friend" The fourth poster will name a user on this forum that's he friends with or not doesn't matter just as long as it's someone on the forum. This is the targeted user who will get hit with the applecore The Fifth Poster will throw the applecore at that user as be marked as the thrower of that apple Even if he didn't start the joke And then it repeats reactions are welcome if you been hit recently but you must post the correct line to keep the game going and I'll will keep track on who threw the most applecores and who got hit the most. Be wary folk the next apple could be thrown at you. *Apple Core hits me splatting me followed by the laughter of chip and dale* *picks up apple and eats it to a core* and with that the war is on! I'll start us off Applecore