And hence forth this week will be renamed: "The Week Traitor trolled Marushi". Next week will be: "Fullmetal Alchemist: Derp, one Traitors search to get back his arm and leg."
lol, dude. Why you keep making threads about me? But yes, I have a tendancy to stick my foot in my mouth and say things I later wish I hadn't. For example, this morning I told DarkTraitor that I have a tendancy to stick my foot in my mouth. I really wish I hadn't.
Aw yeah, I get a week named after me! You've just given me an idea for a 'Choose your own Adventure' style thread. I might just do this. Because nobody else is.
And me, don't forget about me, DT. So if somebody else made a thread about me, you'd stop? 'Cause that doesn't sound like something you'd do, honestly. XD