Has anyone ever played this game? It's the greatest game ever created in my opinion, better than Kingdom Hearts. It's for the PS1. You are a kid named Spike and you have gadgets and you catch monkeys and fight enemies and stuff. It's amazing. It's awesome! It may seem ******ed or boring, but I lost it a long time ago and I am buying this game again tomorrow because... it's just amazing.
I love the whole series. The gadgets are really neat and unique. =D I hope they make a new one soon. :\
I have Ape Escape 3. It's fun to play occasionally, but somehow it doesn't appeal to me very much. :/
Ape Escape is a cool game. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's better than Kingdom Hearts, but it comes pretty close. As for the sequels, I've heard that they are just like the original, like Dynasty Warriors.