...who believes that homosexuality is wrong and inhuman may go impale themselves upon the nearest sharp object as no civilised/intelligent person has time for their stupid **** =/ I mean, what they are "preaching" is basically racism. If any of the people are black or like Jewish then they are insulting their entire race, never mind the entirety of homosexual people.
Are you going to argue with the gay penguin couples? ;) And yes, if you live in the same country as me =p
I do not believe homosexuality to be immoral. I do however believe that homosexual acts are, as they do not allow for the possibility of procreation.
Being gay does not make you a minority. Being gay does not give you any special rights. Being gay is just like preferring buttsex over vaginal sex; it is a sexual preference and it does not equate you to being black or asian (though I do not condemn making fun of them either, I'm for equality).
So bascially you are lowering being gay by saying that it is a concious choice and not something "inbuilt" i.e. something no chosen by the person in question.
It is in the sense that it is not a choice. In the same way that being born black is not a choice and being born from Jewish parents is not a choice. Basically, people are born gay and have no choice in the matter. Therefore it is "technically" a racial matter. Although, I wouldn't really call it that as such as it isn't as obviously to the general public. I'm going to bed now, so I shan't be replying for many hours =/