Chegg always throws in promotional stuff with textbook rentals, usually it's all crap but I'm a Hulu Plus subscriber and I enjoy it. Basically the code is good for at least one month, with the chance to get up to six. Pretty sure you can just cancel when the trial is over. I'll message it to the first person to reply~
I have no idea when it expires. It's only available for new subscribers, otherwise I would have just used it to add time to my account. Still want it?
Ah :c I'm already on a subscription sooo I'm out of the running haha. TAKE UP THE OFFER IN MY STEAD (un)FORTUNATE SOULS WITHOUT A HULU SUBSCRIPTION.
My pregnant coworker would love it seeing as she gets a 3 month maternity leave in ten days with no income
'MURCIA. If you don't qualify for disability, you get no form of income because jobs don't pay for it.