Anyone wanna help with my fanfic chapter? Because I'm stuck?

Discussion in 'Archives' started by axel-chanviii, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. axel-chanviii Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 4, 2008
    In Hawkeye's closet
    Because its so hyper I need people to help me finish off the 7th chapter. Chapters 1-6 were written by me and my friends (sorah and Demmy) :ff10sora: (Sorah helped with the characters, Demmy is pure random genius)
    So, in the 7th chapter- the bit I'm having trouble with, Roxas is drunk. xD Oh yeah, I'm an Akuroku fan so Axel and Roxas are sorta gay.
    So about the characters (in this chapter):
    Aura- 17, orange hair, originally from Alantica, got Ursula to give her a potion so she could be human eternally, best friends with Sora, Kairi and Demyx. Likes to annoy Riku but dates him anyway.
    Sora- 16, Keyblade Master, still the same but usually very hyper. Currently in possesion of a magical conspicuous green turban from Agrabah and nobody knows why.
    Kairi- 16, has almost the same sense of fun as Sora but thinks his childish antics get a bit out of hand. Aura's best friend, knows that Aura loves Riku deep down. Always listens to her heart.
    Roxas- Sora's half-brother, a nobody from Twilight Town, number 13 in the Organization. At parties he likes to drink a lot and usually ends updoing something that lands him in trouble with Axel (like kissing Aura at Saix's birthday in this chapter)
    Axel- Roxas's boyfriend,loves to annoy the hell out of Larxene. Everytime Roxas is drunk he'll give Roxas a piggyback to his bedroom and leave him locked in.
    Demyx- Hyper musician!!! Hates dogs, especially the 3 headed kind.
    Dream Riku- Riku, in Aura's dream. Tells her what REALLY happened in Hollow Bastion (Got carried off by a horde of heartless)

    okay, I'm gonna post the chapter and see if you guys can come up with anything, just carry it on.
    The gummi ship touched down outside Castle Oblivion for no reason. “Uhh? Why are we here?” Sora asked scratching his spiky head. Suddenly they saw Demyx dancing towards them “HEY GUYS!” he called, waving at them. “Hey Demyx!” they called back. “Do you know why we’re here?” Sora asked the musician. “Yeah! Because oh my god you didn’t hear? Its like Saix’s birthday and he said you can come because the superior’s not here and Axel and Roxas talked him into it!!!” Kairi looked at the hyperactive musician. “Great…” she sighed. Aura looked around “Who’s Saix?” Demyx sighed and skipped in a circle. “Saix is our extremely violent member, he likes to kiss the Superior’s butt.” Sora burst out laughing at this statement and looked around. “We haven’t got a present!” he exclaimed. Demyx shook his head and pointed to Aura. Sora looked at Demyx then at Aura “We can’t just give her as a present!” Demyx sighed and shook his head “No, we give something Aura has as a present. And she knows what it is.” Aura stared at him “Forget it Demyx. No way am I giving him THAT.” Demyx sighed for a very long time “Auuuraaaa why not?” he moaned. Aura sighed, Demyx was a total idiot wasn’t he? Sora seemed to read Aura’s thoughts and nodded or so she thought until he said “She’ll give Saix the present.” He said “B-but Sora you don’t understand!!! He wants my, my…” Sora shook his head and sighed, “But Aura, we need a present and if you’ve kept it secret for this long…. Well you know.” “Yeah,” Aura agreed. “But not my collection of RIKU’S OLD T-SHIRTS!!!” Kairi looked startled “Riku’s old T-shirts?!?” she asked “Since when?” Aura blushed furiously, her whole head turned as red as a tomato. “Since he was 15…you didn’t know then, nobody did.” She whispered Sora’s face adopted a puzzled look “So, how does Demyx know?” he asked. Demyx’s jaw had dropped, his mouth was hanging wide open “I wasn’t on about that…I was on about,” he reached out a finger and stroked Aura’s face, “This.” Aura turned away as Sora and Kairi just stared ahead. Then they saw Axel and Roxas walking toward them hand in hand, “Hey Sora, Kairi, Aura!” called Roxas strolling up to them, dropping Axel’s hand. “Hey Roxas, what’s up?” Sora asked his half-brother, Roxas shook his head “Nothing much, Saix’s birthday. He wants a beautiful maiden as a gift, what d’you say Kairi?” Kairi blushed, and turned to Sora who wrapped one arm around her protectively. Roxas sighed sarcastically and turned to Axel “Don’t see what’s wrong with you though!” he laughed. Sora laughed too joined by Kairi and Demyx. Aura was still being moody about Riku’s T-shirts. “Aww c’mon Aura lighten up a little, Demyx only wanted you to give Saix your pocket knife, not whatever you were actually thinking, I heard Riku mentioned in there, what were you thinking anyway?” Aura blushed and turned away from the boys and Kairi, cursing Roxas. Unable to contain her curiosity Aura spun back around “What does Saix want my pocket knife for?” she asked Roxas shrugged laughed what seemed like a fake laugh “Dunno, probably wants to murder me in my sleep.” Axel shot a questioning glance at Roxas then asked “Why what’d you do THIS TIME?” Roxas laughed and tried to dismiss Axel’s question. After ten minutes he gave in “Okay, so I poured peanut butter over his pillow, then recorded him sleep-talking and then to end the master plan I stole his room keys and locked him in his room.” Axel stared at the blonde 16-year old. “How’d he’d figure that was you?” the red head asked amazed. Roxas rolled his eyes “Well, duh, I have the master key.” The blonde nobody materialized two Keyblades out of thin air “Master keys” he corrected himself. Axel looked skywards and shook his head “We best get in, or Saix will really murder us.” He laughed. Sora looked at his half-brother “Axel seems…nice.” He said making conversation. Roxas nodded and stared at the 18-year-old redhead walking away from them, “Yeah, he really is.” He whispered smiling. Aura and Kairi were behind them, Aura looked at Roxas and tears started to well up in her eyes “Aura! What’s wrong?” Kairi asked her friend, Aura looked back to Kairi and sniffed “I can’t see anyone else, just him...” she whispered. Kairi looked at Aura “Riku, yeah I sorta miss him too.” Kairi whispered back. Aura looked at Kairi “You do?” she asked. Kairi nodded and looked up, her hair whipping her face in the wind, “Yeah, sure I do I’ve known him since forever. He was my first friend.” At this point Sora turned around “Excuuse me, Kairi?” Kairi blushed and giggled then turned to Aura and rolled her eyes “And then Sora came along, or he was already there. I dunno.” Aura looked at the spiky haired teen in front of her, “So you remember Riku more than you remember Sora?” she asked. Kairi smiled “Umm, not really but I did forget Sora’s name. I knew he was there, all the time...I could, feel him.” Aura looked around then let her mind rest on Riku again. “I know what you mean. You did, quite literally, give him your heart, right?” she murmured to the auburn haired girl next to her. “I did.” Kairi whispered before running up to Sora and jumping on his back. Sora caught her and spun her around a few times while Aura and Roxas watched like two loners, until Roxas leaned closer to Aura and poked her. “You’re soo dead.” He whispered to her. Aura turned her back “Am not.” She protested Roxas stood before her a lopsided grin on his face and leaned closer towards Aura “But then again, so am I.” he whispered before kissing her. Aura stood there shocked while he kissed her and then she pushed him off her. “Roxas!!!!” she hissed “You’re with Axel!” Roxas shrugged and looked at her “Aren’t you with Riku?” he asked. Aura gasped, Roxas was going to tell Riku, but he could say that she kissed him! Sora and Kairi turned around “Guys? What’s going on with you two? You’re quiet.” Sora said. Aura ignored him and tried to focus at least 100% of her boiling rage on Roxas, but she couldn’t do it and it wasn’t because he was Sora’s half-brother it was something else. Roxas continued walking and Aura caught him up “I’m gonna tell Axel.” She whispered to the nobody. Roxas’ blue eyes caught her brown eyes and for a second something seemed to flash in them, something like rage. “If you tell Axel, I’ll tell Riku.” He whispered fiercely. Aura stared at the blonde for a moment “But why? Just tell me why Roxas.” Roxas shook his head and strolled off. “What the..?”
    I know, its kinda short..
  2. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    It's pretty good

    It's all bunched together though. I suggest paragraphs, lol.

    Oh, also for help with this story I would look in another section. Since you have the story here, I think it's okay buuuuuut I'm not so sure so you might want to ask a mod.
  3. axel-chanviii Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 4, 2008
    In Hawkeye's closet
    Yeah, I'm gonna tidy it up a bit once its finished.
  4. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    *thumbs up*

    The statement in the beginning about Saix made me lol
  5. axel-chanviii Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 4, 2008
    In Hawkeye's closet
    yeah, thats my typical fanfic Demyx, just tells the truth (mostly).
    I'm gonna post the whole story, but be warned its pretty long

    Chapter 1
    Aura swam in the waves around Destiny Islands. Sora swam near her, dived and caught a fish. Riku sat in the paopu tree alone watching Aura with his deep green eyes. Aura looked at Riku “Sora, why does Riku have to be here? He’s such an emo wussy creep.” Sora looked at her “What’s wrong with Riku? Apart from he told me there was no Santa Claus. Grr” Aura laughed as Kairi jumped in the water too. Sora swam up to her and dragged her down, Kairi rose up spluttering water. “Bad Sora BAAAAAD!” she shouted poking him in the chest as he glomped her, Aura started to fake drown so that Riku jumped in to save her as his arm slipped around her waist pulling her up to the surface she whacked him where the sun don’t shine laughing manically “Riku, you creep! Why’d you do that?” Aura yelled so that Sora and Kairi both whipped around from their current hug, Sora seizing the opportunity kissed her on the lips. “Mmmhhhh Soraaaa…”
    “Yeah?” he asked pulling away smirking “…BAAAD SORA!” she shouted hitting him on the head. Sora leaned in for another kiss; it was now Kairi’s turn to smile as she picked up a frog and held it near his face trying to suppress her giggles as his lips locked on the frogs, his eyes opening, his face suddenly filled with disgust “AH! Kairi what’d you do that for?” Sora growled
    “Hehe sorry I was bore…” she was cut off as they heard Riku shout
    “WHY are you following me? Are you attracted to me or something?! ” Aura looked as if she’d just been slapped but quickly recovered “EEWWWWW. Riku how could you say that, you little emo….GRRR!” Sora looked around away from Kairi and said “Let’s go find out what’s wrong with that pair.” Kairi smiled at her boyfriend. “Okay Sora. I’ll talk to Aura-chan. You talk to Riku. He’ll tell ya what’s up.”
    “Ahh but you whisper her name in your sleep like, ‘ohh…Aura don’t cry, baby, I wasn’t that harsh was I? don’t worry I’ll be softer next time, on the other hand you complete me’” Mimicked Sora rolling around on the floor almost bursting into tears of laughter. Riku raised his fist so it hovered an inch from Sora’s nose “You little…” Sora hid in his sleeping bag “Night Riku, don’t try and pretend your pillow’s Aura.”
    Meanwhile in the girls tent Aura was plaiting little chains of wool and Kairi was staring at the bottle of fireflies she’d collected “Aura-chan, have you ever been in love?” she asked. Aura stopped plaiting the pink, blue and black wool “Nope, why?” Kairi studied Aura as she brushed Aura’s orange hair. “Not even that guy in Alantica you talk about, Urchin?” Aura blushed “No, Urchin was just uh, someone. He’d just help me out in things, collecting pearls y’know?” Kairi stopped brushing Aura’s hair “’Kay, night! Sweet dreams!” Aura sighed “Yeah, sweet dreams Kai-chan!” Aura lay awake ‘Urchin, what’s happening to me?’ she asked in her head. ‘Nothing honey’ Urchin replied ‘What’s up in Alantica then Urchin?’ She asked. ‘Nothing much, another musical. Yada yada’ Aura sighed ‘What’s wrong Aura?’ Urchin asked ‘Nothing, I’m just confused. Night sweet dreams’ Aura thought to him ‘Night girl, “Look at this stuff isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t ya think my collections complete...”’ Aura shut of her ESP that connected her with Urchin, and ultimately Alantica.
    The next day Sora and Riku ran around like madrous raving lunatics away from Wakka who was currently ‘it’. “Give that back dude!” Wakka screamed. Riku raised the red ball over his head “Or what?” Riku smirked. Wakka looked at Riku his eyes wide “Or... or I’ll tell Selphie that you love her!” Wakka threatened “WHEEEEEEEE!” both boys whipped around wondrous of the sound emitting from Sora, who was running around with a magical conspicuous green turban on his head. Aura emerged from her tent in her PJs, she saw Riku and muttered a sound like “Mnnghhhhh” and disappeared inside. A moment later she came out wearing her normal clothes. She surveyed the scene in front of her, the boys were running around and Kairi was hiding in a bush with a gun
    Aura watch uninterested as Kairi shot Sora with the water gun,
    “WAAAA KAIRI YOU SHOT THE TURBAN DIIIIEEEEEE” he screamed running towards her
    “Hoshoot” Kairi went to dive back in the bush but Sora grabbed her around her waist. Aura hoisted herself into the paopu tree. Kairi ran towards her and launched into the tree as well. “Ahh, boys can’t live with them...” Aura said. “..Can’t live without them.” Kairi finished Aura’s sentence. At that moment the boys joined them and then a dark, blue-black swirl appeared. From the swirling air appeared two boys. One had a mullet and was being dragged by the other one. The other boy was blonde and his hair looked as if he’d just climbed out of bed. “Roxas!” Sora exclaimed “What’re you doing here?” Roxas looked at his feet for a while after closing the portal. “Not much bro. Demyx, here got some news for uhh, a chick called Aura?” Aura jumped forward “That’s me. What’s the matter? Is it bad? Is it something to do with Urchin?” she asked speaking really fast. Demyx looked at her “It is Alantica, the sea witch, Ursula, is back. She is holding your dear Urchin captive.” Aura looked at Demyx with tears in her eyes “HOW could you SAY such a thing?!” she shouted, “Even if it WERE TRUE?” Demyx shook his head sadly “Aura, I’m sorry, I come from Alantica myself, I remember what it was like.” Aura stared at him through her watering eyes. “B-but Urchin… I gotta rescue him! I… I love him.” She sobbed. Riku made a strange spasm in Aura’s direction before whispering loudly to Kairi “Who’s Urchin?” Aura’s nose was level with Demyx’s feet and her body was shaking with sobs. Roxas crouched down in front of her. “Aura,” he whispered “We’ve got a plan, we’re gonna save Urchin.” Aura looked up and whispered so low that only Roxas could hear her. “When?” Roxas looked over his shoulder before replying “Tomorrow night. We’ll go tomorrow night 11pm.” Aura straightened up and made her way back to her tent. By the trees Riku had Roxas by the throat “What did you say to Aura?” he growled. Roxas looked at Demyx indicating help, but Demyx was too busy playing with water to notice. “I-I told her we’re gonna save Urchin…” Roxas gasped. Riku stared into Roxas’s eyes “When?” Roxas could see that there was no choice but to tell Riku. “Tomorrow night.11pm.” Riku let go of Roxas “I’ll be ready.” Sora and Kairi ran over to help Roxas, he was crouching on the floor gasping for breath and massaging his throat. “Riku had no freaking right to do that to you, Rox.” Sora said, pulling him to his feet, “Why didn’t you stab him?” Roxas straightened up. “Because, he likes that girl Sora. He really likes her.” Roxas said looking his half-brother in the eyes. “Yeah, we’ve been trying to get them together for zonks!” Kairi cut in, her voice unusually chirpy. Roxas sighed and dipped his toes in the waters edge. Night fell and the nobodies were gone.
    The next day Aura did nothing but pace back and forth, Sora and Kairi watched her occasionally tearing their eyes away to look at each other. “Kairi, do you know where Aura came from?” Sora asked, grabbing her hand. “Alantica.” Kairi whispered squeezing Sora’s hand. Sora turned to face Kairi. “Wow, no wonder she’s such a great swimmer.” Kairi looked up at Sora “Yeah.” She whispered before leaning in to kiss him. Unknown to them Riku was watching them; instead of seeing Sora and Kairi he saw himself and Aura. All he had to do was wait for nightfall, and become truly unknown. He carried on watching his three friends when Aura suddenly took a dive into the deepest part of water around Destiny Island. Riku launched himself out of the coconut tree he was sitting in and ran towards the sea, and then he jumped. Submerged he opened his eyes, Aura wasn’t around anywhere. Riku surfaced “AURA!” he shouted, searching the water. “AURA!?” Suddenly he saw a figure falling underneath the waves, a gleam of orange hair. “AURA!” Riku screamed once again and swam towards the figure, when he was close enough he could see it was Aura; he closed his arms around her waist and pulled her up. Somehow, he managed to get her onto the shore. Riku looked at her, her brown eyes were closed but at least she was breathing. “Aura, wake up.” Riku whispered shaking her gently. “Aura…” Riku sobbed when she didn’t wake. Shaking her again he saw his own tears drop onto the ground by her. Riku lay across her, as if protecting her. Aura’s eyes fluttered open “Mmgh?” she groaned. Then she saw Riku and pushed him off. “RIKU YOU FREAKING CREEP. I HATE YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Riku hugged her and once again Aura pushed him off. “DON’T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!” she yelled. Then she saw Riku’s tears. “Wait, why are you crying?” she asked. Riku didn’t answer. “Riku, babe, why are you crying?” Riku sobbed and threw his arms around Aura’s neck, Aura looked around but Sora and Kairi had gone. She led Riku by the hand to the secret place. “Now, Riku tell me why you’re crying.” She asked. Riku looked at her “I…I thought, I thought you’d drowned.” Aura looked at Riku’s eyes. “Riku… I like guys who can cry.” Riku dried his tears “Wha-?” he didn’t have time to pronounce the‘t’ because Aura had kissed him. Riku sat there for a bit then he saw Aura press her head against the wall, shocked. “Aura? Are you okay?” Riku asked getting up and slipping his arm across her shoulders. Aura spun around and slapped him across the face. “GO AWAY!” she screamed. Riku left and Aura sat there stunned. Maybe she could try and communicate with Urchin, she would know then if she’d done the right thing. Just thinking of Urchin’s voice reduced her to tears, now she wished Riku was with her. Aura shook her head confused. Meanwhile, Riku was sitting in the paopu tree; it was nearing 11pm now. Sora ran up to him “Riku, where’s Aura?” he asked. Riku didn’t seem to hear him “RIKU!” Riku jumped. “Huh? What? Oh, uhh, Aura? Yeah, she’s in the secret place.” Sora looked at Riku. “Riku, are you okay?” Riku looked at him and shook his head, “What’s wrong?” Sora asked. Riku looked at his friend “I’m just a little confused.” Sora looked at Riku again and out of the corner of his eye he saw Roxas and Demyx approaching “I gotta get Aura. We’ll see you later, yeah?” Sora muttered. “Yeah.” Riku muttered. Aura came out and Demyx smiled at her “You ready?” he asked. Aura hugged him “Yeah. Wait, I remember you, Myde?” Demyx laughed “That was me.” He said hugging Aura back. Riku watched them and soon looked at Demyx, staring him in the eye. “Get off my girlfriend.” He growled. Aura hugged Demyx again. “Riku, I haven’t seen Demyx for five years! As if, he’d be my boyfriend!” Riku backed away, slowly. Roxas suddenly came into view. “Guys are we going or what?” he said impatiently, opening another portal. “Yeah yeah.” Said Aura walking in, followed by Sora, Kairi and Riku.
  6. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    My eyes BURN. It's really funny but it's so text massive. Good job, and I like a long chapter :D

    I would suggest using paragraphs. Keep it up *thumbs up*
  7. rexmildd15 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 14, 2007
    ello. You said maybe counting in names right? If so. How 'bout you use.. Yukito.
  8. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    I fixed up the 1st chapter you posted: It is quite long actually but try putting more description in.

    The gummi ship touched down outside Castle Oblivion for no reason.

    “Uhh? Why are we here?” Sora asked scratching his spiky head. Suddenly they saw Demyx dancing towards them

    “HEY GUYS!” he called, waving at them.

    “Hey Demyx!” they called back.

    “Do you know why we’re here?” Sora asked the musician.

    “Yeah! Because oh my god you didn’t hear? Its like Saix’s birthday and he said you can come because the superior’s not here and Axel and Roxas talked him into it!!!” Kairi looked at the hyperactive musician.

    “Great…” she sighed. Aura looked around “Who’s Saix?” Demyx sighed and skipped in a circle.

    “Saix is our extremely violent member; he likes to kiss the Superior’s butt.” Sora burst out laughing at this statement and looked around.

    “We haven’t got a present!” he exclaimed. Demyx shook his head and pointed to Aura. Sora looked at Demyx then at Aura

    “We can’t just give her as a present!” Demyx sighed and shook his head

    “No, we give something Aura has as a present. And she knows what it is.” Aura stared at him

    “Forget it Demyx. No way am I giving him THAT.” Demyx sighed for a very long time

    “Auuuraaaa why not?” he moaned. Aura sighed; Demyx was a total idiot wasn’t he? Sora seemed to read Aura’s thoughts and nodded or so she thought until he said

    “She’ll give Saix the present.” He said

    “B-but Sora you don’t understand!!! He wants my, my…” Sora shook his head and sighed, “But Aura, we need a present and if you’ve kept it secret for this long…. Well you know.”

    “Yeah,” Aura agreed. “But not my collection of RIKU’S OLD T-SHIRTS!!!”

    Kairi looked startled

    “Riku’s old T-shirts?!?” she asked “Since when?”

    Aura blushed furiously, her whole head turned as red as a tomato.

    “Since he was 15…you didn’t know then, nobody did.”

    She whispered Sora’s face adopted a puzzled look

    “So, how does Demyx know?” he asked.

    Demyx’s jaw had dropped; his mouth was hanging wide open

    “I wasn’t on about that…I was on about,” he reached out a finger and stroked Aura’s face, “This.”

    Aura turned away as Sora and Kairi just stared ahead. Then they saw Axel and Roxas walking toward them hand in hand,

    “Hey Sora, Kairi, Aura!” called Roxas strolling up to them, dropping Axel’s hand.

    “Hey Roxas, what’s up?” Sora asked his half-brother,

    Roxas shook his head

    “Nothing much, Saix’s birthday. He wants a beautiful maiden as a gift, what d’you say Kairi?” Kairi blushed, and turned to Sora who wrapped one arm around her protectively. Roxas sighed sarcastically and turned to Axel

    “Don’t see what’s wrong with you though!” he laughed. Sora laughed too joined by Kairi and Demyx. Aura was still being moody about Riku’s T-shirts.

    “Aww c’mon Aura lighten up a little, Demyx only wanted you to give Saix your pocket knife, not whatever you were actually thinking, I heard Riku mentioned in there, what were you thinking anyway?”

    Aura blushed and turned away from the boys and Kairi, cursing Roxas. Unable to contain her curiosity Aura spun back around

    “What does Saix want my pocket knife for?” she asked Roxas shrugged laughed what seemed like a fake laugh

    “Dunno, probably wants to murder me in my sleep.” Axel shot a questioning glance at Roxas then asked

    “Why what’d you do THIS TIME?” Roxas laughed and tried to dismiss Axel’s question. After ten minutes he gave in

    “Okay, so I poured peanut butter over his pillow, then recorded him sleep-talking and then to end the master plan I stole his room keys and locked him in his room.” Axel stared at the blonde 16-year old.

    “How he’d figure that was you?” the red head asked amazed. Roxas rolled his eyes

    “Well, duh, I have the master key.” The blonde nobody materialized two Keyblades out of thin air “Master keys” he corrected himself. Axel looked skywards and shook his head

    “We best get in, or Saix will really murder us.” He laughed. Sora looked at his half-brother

    “Axel seems…nice.” He said making conversation. Roxas nodded and stared at the 18-year-old redhead walking away from them,

    “Yeah, he really is.” He whispered smiling. Aura and Kairi were behind them, Aura looked at Roxas and tears started to well up in her eyes

    “Aura! What’s wrong?” Kairi asked her friend, Aura looked back to Kairi and sniffed

    “I can’t see anyone else, just him...” she whispered. Kairi looked at Aura

    “Riku, yeah I sorta miss him too.” Kairi whispered back. Aura looked at Kairi

    “You do?” she asked. Kairi nodded and looked up, her hair whipping her face in the wind,

    “Yeah, sure I do I’ve known him since forever. He was my first friend.” At this point Sora turned around

    “Excuuse me, Kairi?”

    Kairi blushed and giggled then turned to Aura and rolled her eyes

    “And then Sora came along, or he was already there. I dunno.”

    Aura looked at the spiky haired teen in front of her,

    “So you remember Riku more than you remember Sora?” she asked.

    Kairi smiled “Umm, not really but I did forget Sora’s name. I knew he was there, all the time...I could, feel him.”

    Aura looked around then let her mind rest on Riku again. “I know what you mean. You did, quite literally, give him your heart, right?” she murmured to the auburn haired girl next to her.

    “I did.” Kairi whispered before running up to Sora and jumping on his back. Sora caught her and spun her around a few times while Aura and Roxas watched like two loners, until Roxas leaned closer to Aura and poked her.

    “You’re soo dead.” He whispered to her. Aura turned her back “Am not.” She protested Roxas stood before her a lopsided grin on his face and leaned closer towards Aura

    “But then again, so am I.” he whispered before kissing her. Aura stood there shocked while he kissed her and then she pushed him off her. “Roxas!!!!” she hissed “You’re with Axel!” Roxas shrugged and looked at her “Aren’t you with Riku?” he asked. Aura gasped, Roxas was going to tell Riku, but he could say that she kissed him! Sora and Kairi turned around

    “Guys? What’s going on with you two? You’re quiet.” Sora said. Aura ignored him and tried to focus at least 100% of her boiling rage on Roxas, but she couldn’t do it and it wasn’t because he was Sora’s half-brother it was something else. Roxas continued walking and Aura caught him up

    “I’m gonna tell Axel.” She whispered to the nobody. Roxas’ blue eyes caught her brown eyes and for a second something seemed to flash in them, something like rage.

    “If you tell Axel, I’ll tell Riku.” He whispered fiercely. Aura stared at the blonde for a moment

    “But why? Just tell me why Roxas.” Roxas shook his head and strolled off.

    “What the..?”
  9. axel-chanviii Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 4, 2008
    In Hawkeye's closet
    Wow. Thats long...
    and thanks for your advice everyone..
    Time to post the second long paragraphy chapter..
    Sorry for burning your eyes people.
    Chapter 2!
    Aura, Sora, Kairi, Roxas, Demyx and Riku all came out in Alantica. Both Roxas and Sora now had shark tails where their legs should have been. Under the sea it was clear Roxas had changed since he was 14, his ears were now pierced about a total of twelve times. Demyx was admiring his tail, it was black and also shark-like “Whoa,” he breathed “Never thought I’d see this again!”
    Kairi’s tail was elegant with a sort of ruffle on it and it was pink, Sora was teaching her how to swim with the tail, it was clear Roxas had done a few practice runs before now. Aura flipped over, her orange tail following her head. As she turned the right way up she bumped into a beautiful mermaid with red hair.
    “Princess Ariel,” she said politely bowing. Ariel laughed
    “Oh, Aura. You don’t need to do that, in fact I’m looking for Urchin. Have you seen him anywhere?” Aura went to tell Ariel but then Sora swam over and placed his hand over her mouth.
    “Uh, that’s who Aura’s looking for.” He grinned. Ariel looked at him suspiciously
    “Oh really?” she said “You don’t know where he is? Hmm, that’s interesting.” Ariel swam off in the direction of her grotto. Roxas swam over to Sora and Aura,
    “Well, where does Ursula live?” Aura looked at them
    “I’ll show the way.” Sora surveyed her
    “You KNOW where Ursula LIVES?” he asked incredulously. Aura nodded
    “Yup, in fact if I didn’t I…” she trailed off, “...I wouldn’t have met you guys.” Demyx swam up to her.
    “Dude, don’t worry about it, we know we’re loved… apart from Roxas.” He said, ducking as Oblivion spun past his head and returned to its owner, who was also holding Oathkeeper. Aura looked at them determined
    “I said I’ll show you.” Sora opened his mouth “Shut it Sora.” Aura swam off and found herself face to face with Riku. “Riku! What are you doing here?” she exclaimed.
    “I followed you.” Riku simply stated as if it were nothing. Aura shoved him
    “CREEP!” Riku massaged his chest, why was Aura being so mean, unless she didn’t mean that kiss, but how could you misread a kiss? Riku looked at Aura swimming away, followed by his friends. Time for some following he thought.
    When they were halfway to Ursula’s cave Aura screwed up her eyes really tight.
    “Aura, what’s wrong?” Roxas asked.
    Aura held up a finger to shut him up, and managed to activate her ESP. ‘Urchin, we’re coming to get you.’ She thought.
    ‘Great.’ Urchin answered her, ‘Have you brought a knife?’ Aura looked at Sora and Roxas. ‘
    Nope but we have weapons, stay there.’ Urchin sighed
    ‘Do I have a choice?’ He groaned. Aura shut off the ESP and looked at her friends and Riku.
    “I think he’s a little tied up at the moment.” She said and swam off to Ursula’s cave. Once inside she swam past the ghastly bewitched merpeople who ‘belonged’ to Ursula. Soon she saw Urchin tied from the ceiling by his wrists.
    “Aura!” Urchin breathed, “You came! Ohh and you brought friends!” Aura looked at them
    “Yeah I’ll introduce you later…On the other fin… ROXAS, SORA! You know what to do!” Aura swam below Urchin watching for Ursula until she heard Sora say
    “There!” and hi-five Roxas. Urchin slipped off the last of his bindings and swam towards Aura then automatically hugged her.
    “Wow! Aura you’ve changed so much! How old are ya now?” he asked.
    “Seventeen, but Urchin we gotta go.” Aura whispered urgently. Urchin nodded and swam out of the cave, followed by Aura, her friends and Riku. Soon they were out of the cave, and Urchin looked at Aura
    “You know, there’s still time to see Sebastian, if you wanna be in the musical, Mon!” Aura nodded and looked at her friends and Riku
    “Let’s go find him.” She said. Urchin looked towards the surface
    “Okay but tomorrow, its getting late.” Aura groaned “Aura, I’m 20! I’m a well-respected merman, yada yada.” Aura stared back at him, and placed her hands on her hips
    “I’m 17! I’m old enough!” Urchin sighed
    “Look, I gotta go meet someone… I’ll just take you back to the cave, okay?” Aura sighed
    “Okay” she said, “But who are you meeting?” Urchin sighed
    “Promise not to get mad?” he said. Aura nodded, “I’m meeting Arista.” Aura and Sora doubled up in laughter
    “What?” the others asked.
    “Arista’s Ariel’s sister!” They both spluttered before swimming off to Urchin’s house. As soon as they were inside Urchin brought out some seaweed.
    “Here you go guys.” He mumbled.
    “Anyway Aura, who are these guys?” Aura pointed to each of them in turn.
    “This is Sora, Kairi, Roxas, Demyx and Riku.” She said, growling on Riku’s name. “Sora and Kairi are dating, Roxas and Demyx are part of a secret organization and Riku’s my mortal enemy.” Urchin scratched his head
    “Uhh, Aura why’s your mortal enemy here?” he asked Aura looked at them
    “Because he stalks me.” She answered. Urchin tilted his head to the side
    “Okay. I gotta go.” He spoke the words quite fast before he left.
    As soon as Urchin was gone Riku swam up to Aura “Who IS this Urchin guy?” Aura turned away
    “He’s this really great guy I grew up with… and I love him.”
    Riku looked down, before whispering “Oh, right.” And swimming to the other side of the room, Aura gestured upstairs
    “Beds are upstairs there are a few bedrooms.” The guys and Kairi nodded and swam upstairs but Riku stayed put
    “Aura, you know that night you kissed me?” he whispered. Aura looked around like a rabbit caught in some headlights. “Yeah, I didn’t mean to do that. I tripped over a rock.” Riku laughed
    “You never, you leaned over and kissed me!”
    “I never! I TRIPPED OVER A ROCK!”
    “Oh yeah?”
    “YEAH, NOW STOP FANTASIZING ABOUT ME CREEP!” Aura shouted before swimming off to bed. Riku followed her; there was still a spare room. Aura slammed the door of her room and Riku could hear Sora and Roxas arguing.
    “I did not steal your turban!”
    “Well, where did it go then?”
    “I don’t know but I swear on Naminé’s life I NEVER STOLE IT!” Roxas shouted. Sora seemed to give in to his half-brother then or fall asleep. Riku closed the door of his bedroom and fell asleep.
    The next day Aura awoke at 9:50 to see that there was a note pushed underneath her door. Swimming towards it she opened it to see what it said. “Dear Aura,” it read, “I’m sorry about last night, it’s just that I live to annoy you. But if you want to find me I’ll be with the gang we’re leaving at 10. Just to say goodbye if you want to stay. Riku. PS: This was Sora’s idea. I still hate you. ” Aura clutched the note to her chest and swam for ten minutes to find the gang. Roxas opened another portal “Time to go guys.” He said. Sora looked at his brother
    “Where are we going?”
    “Someplace you might not remember Sora. Castle Oblivion.” Sora drew back and gasped
    “WHAT?!? ROXAS ARE YOU INSANE?” he shouted “Uh, I mean why are we going there?” Roxas shrugged “
    Gotta drop in.” he said as they all swam into the portal.
    Part two coming soon- to avoid burning your eyes more lol