Was a farce. I'm watching it, an episode behind the latest, but it's ok. Though I do seriously think that it could've better translated from book to tv show. It's the whole, stupidity of some characters. It feels just like most people are being aggressive or fighting for the sake of it. Plus, I hate politics, and this has too much of it. I like how no character is safe from dying, getting dismembered or betraying, keeps you on your toes. And DInklage is a great actor, glad to see he finally got a mainstream show and is becoming more well known. So it's an ok show. I like to see what will happen next, but there is a reason i'm an episode behind
I see where you're coming from. I haven't read the books yet but I will as soon as my dad can dig up his copies, but one of the main draws for me is the setting and the fact that there is no true main character so like you said no one is safe. Anyone can die, get maimed or switch sides. And Dinklage is an AMAZING actor and I love his character. I can't wait to see him in the new X-Men movie next year.
No, I obviously don't know the series. I mean, just look at my username /shot I read the books (currently on book 5) and watch the series. I prefer the books, but they're both really amazing. The actors are top notch, and perfect for their roles. Ah, what a series.
I'm actually a clone of my former self that was created by the original me to keep watch over this place in case old friends of mine/his ever return.
I watched the first few episodes with my sister and we just commented on the amount of nipples we could see in such a short time span.