If anyone has any tips on how to beat Ansem on KH 1 in Hollow Bastion. Please help me I've had to watch that cutscene about 9 times and its driving me Insane. I am on level 23 Im using the keyblade from neverland and I have most of the abilities equiped. Thanks :)
You're going to need to post more information than that. What level are you, which weapon are you using, and what abilities do you have equipped?
You mean the battle against Riku who was actally Ansem right? Yep, that was a hard battle. Anyway, i would suggest to use the Metal Chocobo or Olympia if you want strenght. I can't remember though if at this point you can have the Oblivion key. Otherwise you can use Lady luck for magic. As far as i remember you have to avoid his attacks by flying all around the room, using dogde roll and defense. Also summon Tinkerbell and use the aero spell. But you have to raise your level. It's really low. Also try to use power ups. I hope it helps because i'm a little surprised that you are there in such a low lv and to be honest i'm not sure if you're talking about Xehanort's heartless battle.
no i'm not i'm talking about the one where Sora says "Tell me. Who are you and then Riku says "It si I. Ansem the seeker of darkness."
Yeah thats a tuff battle. Yes as someone said above get the olympia and go to Pooh's world *shudder* You can get so main strength, defense, ect. ups that it makes a huge difference in the battle
yeah do what they said but how the heck are you only level 23??? i was like level 50 when i got to that part and it was still tuff for me.
I was thinking that too...... Lots of running and potions on bosses. You may want to level up some too.