Does anybody collect/read the GI Magazines? I find their information very informative and interesting. I hear they are one of the top sellers in game news in the world. I agree with that. I haven't been reading it currently, so can anybody update me on what the main topics are so far?
I used to read it. I have about 30 of their magazines from 2004-2006/2007. Mostly only from when the KH2 hype was at a max. xD
I do. Got a free year of it when I got a Gamestop Edge card (the ONLY reason I bought the card.) I dunno when my subscription ends though.. I better find out. o: I have to admit though, I do enjoy GI's coverage of well... everything. Since I never owned a Nintendo/Microsoft system before well.. now, I never really had a magazine to tell me about games from those systems. I was only subscribed to PSM. :S
yes i do read GI magazines but i need to subscribe again so i culd stop borrowing it from my friends! >.<
I like GI. They seem informative but objective; also, they never put rumors as fact, which is why I really dislike EGM.
I used to borrow 'em from my friend.... 'till his subscription ran out.... Game's are so expensive now.... I see no reason to subscribe myself.