And this time it's of... My bed. The actual assignment was three pillows, so I was just like "Meh." and drew my bed. At 10:30 PM after play practice. 8D 1. NEED A NEW SCANNER. 2. Shading was thrown off by the scanner. I'm a shading psycho, and if any values are's because my scanner is almost as stubborn as me. 3. It also got wrinkled. 4. That's my 11 year old stuffed panda. xDD Cnc please. :3
Thanks. With practice, I'm sure you could learn to draw well too. ^^ But just a little piece of advice: When you cnc something, try adding a little more than four or five words. =D
The texture of the fabric looks pretty smooth like - what kind is it? If it's silk like the shading would be harder and less gradient like. You should add some tone to the bed itself too since the sheets etc already has some. And possibly make some parts darker by shading harder or with a softer pencil, like where the pillows will meet. Cute panda.... :>
Thanks, coco. I would've done more, but by the time I was done I was really tired. xD The panda's name is Hua Mei, after the one born in San Diego Zoo a few years ago. The actual panda is in China now...but I felt that something was missing from the sketch and so I threw my stuffie in there. ^^'
The panda actually makes this picture complete, now that you mention it - it's a good element for still life drawings. :3
It's a pretty gd for a still life project. I'd suggest putting a little more shade on the panda so it looks more furrier if u no wat I mean. Otherwise, it's a job well done.
Haha...the reason it's so flat is because all the fuzz is GONE. xD That just goes to show you how long I've had the little panda and that I've taken it everywhere with me. -^^- But thanks. ^^
then u must've gone through a lot with that panda to have it become bald wat'd u do, rip it's hair off through boredom or something o_O BTW, I like that cap u have on the upper rite hand corner of ur bed.
The fur's there. It's just matted down because I've literally taken it everywhere. And thanks. It's my Santa hat. xDD
I c... lawl, I though it was a cap at first cuz santa hats usually look a lot more furry around the bottom.
You can draw amazingly well. I cannot draw objects like that. Mine looks sharp at every edge compared to yours. ^-^ good work though!
Yeah...well...the main focus was the bed. And it was really late. ._. Thanks! I really want to be able to draw people...I utterly fail at that. xD