Yep, I'm making one too. Classes start for me tomorrow. I had to downgrade this year from an university to a communtiy college. I don't have enough credits to transfer to any of the universities over here, so I'm filling out my criteria this year, hoping to get into a good one soon. Unfortunately, financial aid at this school is terrible and unorganized. Thankfully, they're going to at least give me a waver on my books. I'm still going to have to wait on that new computer though... I'm going to be taking four classes at the college itself and one class online. I lucked out and got them all in the morning, and I have no classes on Fridays! :)
good luck with that online class. I've heard they're really hard. But yeah, getting the general classes and everything right away is a good thing
Thanks. The class I'm taking online is Health; hopefully it won't be too difficult. Oh yay, the school's website is down. Almost twelve hours before the first classes start. :/
I think the most number of classes I took has been six, so I can't help that much. All I can say is schedule study time regularly and spend a lot of time in the library. That's very comforting. Thank you!