Another pathetic attempt to fix my relationship skills

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Scott Pilgrim, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    So girls seem to be breaking up with me recently and I have no idea why. I'm very sweet to them, but when I ask any, they say something about how I rushed things when I've never made a move on em. A few have just left me and I failed to ask why, one died, and 2 that were over the interwebs kinda ditched me and cheated on me (which I don't know if you can consider it cheating if the other person if about...hmmm I dunno, 5000 MILES AWAY!) I don't know if it's me, but it must be if people keep breaking up with ME. It's not like I'm ugly or anything. I'm moderately funny and popular, so I guess it's just me one on one with a girl. I personally don't like people very much (oooooh, not like you've said that before Renegade) so I don't know f I should even consider having someone around. It's not like I'm totaly anti-social, just most people are asses at my school and the girls are tramps that wanna sell themselves out for a "good time"; mind you, I go to a private school. It's not like I'm oblivious to this stuff. I see it. I just want to know what I should do.

    Also, I am a bit shy at times. I've only asked a girl out once. Most of em just come to me.

    Note: Don't give me bullcrap 1-2 sentence posts or just don't even bother.
  2. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    I can see where you're coming from here, because I'm in the same boat (sort of...I'm not a fella). Unfortunately we live in a society now that almost seems to frown on "formal" relationships and runs instead on people having multiple partners and having sex with multiple partners. Nobody seems to want to commit.

    In your case, I wouldn't say it's because of you that girls keep breaking up with you. Some girls like treating men like handbags: every few months they pick one out, carry him with them everywhere, find a new one and toss you in the back of a closet, and maybe if you get lucky she'll pick you out to match with an outfit or something. I've seen too many girls around here do the same thing (I have one friend who's dated 15 guys, and still has relationship ties with about 7 of them). I bet in reality you are very sweet and gentleman-like, but it sounds like those chicks just want sex and figured out they weren't going to get any within the first hour of hooking up (*kudos to you if you do take it slow; I hate when men go too fast).
  3. Yukichin Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 26, 2008
    How weird O_o I'm really sorry! It seems like a lot of people are bad. Like... I guess, you've just had bad luck in relationships. It's so rude that people just date on whims like that, and throw away the other person right away.

    Just take your time, and stay yourself. You'll find someone great for you eventually. =)
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Maybe you shouldn't be in such a rush to get with a girl, from the sounds of it and from what you have said before the girls where you live aren't particularly amazing. It is better to wait for the right person than to go through a million wrong people.

    You go through relationships so fast, I think before you get into another one you need to slow down and have some time to be who you are before trying to be someone's boyfriend.

    Part of the problem could be that because girls keep breaking up with you you expect it to happen on some subconscious level and so you act defensive as a result? I don't know, I don't know how you are in rl or how you are with girlfriends so I can't really comment.

    Sorry to hear you got cheated on, thats rough dude.