Just recently i've made another pony themed siggy, and its for anyone who would like too use it. This time having the Princess of the night: Luna Spoiler Too anyone who uses this siggy. Enjoy ;D Edit: Posted in spam-zone cause afraid of criticism ;3;
True, but im really only capable of basic siggy's, or in other words, simply cutting, pasting, and other things that involve getting a character out of the background picture.
Cuz tats wat i liek, du u gots a prblm wit dat? Lawl, 2nd grader spelling. XD Anyway, i made another MLP one because - "To each his own." So says hadvar when you select the mage's stone in skyrim after the first cave.
What's wrong with My Little Pony bro? Is there a problem? Most signatures are made using a stock/render, and adding your own bit to it. Some don't even do that. I think it's a very lovely signature, a bit overly sized, but still lovely.
But they at least put it on a background and edit around the render/source. Its just a transparent image with text on it.