Another episode of The Random Adventures of Haou and Plums.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Fearless, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    ...We were bored.

    Me is Haou
    Plums is Alex
    Jess is Clear


    Plums: Simple and Clean is ready to be played!
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "All systems go!"
    Alex says:
    *Stereo: "Tough times, hard climbs. We'll get through together. Right now, let's go! Yugioh GX, Generation Next! Game on, get your game on..."
    *Plums: ...
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "Lol."
    Alex says:
    *Plums: Now it should work.
    *Stereo: "Where fears and lies, melt awaaaaaaaay, angels in flight, backwards words here, what's left of m, what's left of me, now"
    *Plums: JGFGKA
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "Okay, now save it for when were actually near the rooms."
    Alex says:

    Stereo: "I will burn myyyyyy dreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad."

    Plums:...Yeah, let's just get to the room.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "Right!"
    *Hous paced towards the window, looking out over his kingdom.
    Alex says:

    Plums and Clear made it to the rooms. They were about to begin playing the stereo until a stream of fire flew down the corridors. The source of the fire was...Alex?!
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "...What?"
    Alex says:
    *Alex: This is not fair! I deserve a place in the Council. As Official KHV Firebender and Number eater, you two cannot defeat me!
    *Plums: But Wolfie's KHV's Firebender. She IS Firelord, after all.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "Dude... you're a General. You command a f*cking army."
    Alex says:
    *firebends Clear*
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: *deflects with laptop*
    Alex says:
    *Plums: *uses fruitbending to summon mangoes*
    *Ales is crushed by the mangoes*
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "...We need him, you know."
    Alex says:
    *Plums: ...OH. Right.
    *frees Alex*
    *Plums: Now, no more evil firebending. Understand?
    *Alex: I will ;;
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "Now shut up so we can get the Master to sleep."
    Alex says:
    *Plums: Now let's play that stereo!

    Stereo: "When you walk away, you don't hear me say, please oh baby, don't go. Simple and Clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight. It's hard to let it go."
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Haou heard something outside his door.
    *"W...T...F... Is that music?"
    *He strode over to the doorway and threw it open.
    *Clear: "Umm... New Plan. GET HIM."
    Alex says:
    *Plums, Alex and Clear tackle Haou. Haou falls onto his bed, and Clear proceeds to know him out with her laptop.
    *Plums: ****. We're screwed when he wakes up.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Haou: *passed out on the bed*
    *Clear: "...****."
    Alex says:
    *Alex: Why'd you ahve to hit him with the laptop of all things?!
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "Well what the hell do you suggest?"
    Alex says:
    *Plums: We need to find Yohan.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "Best idea you've had all day."
    Alex says:
    *Plums: Ignoring that, Jessica.
    *Plums: Alex, you gather the troops. Clear, use your laptop to pinpoint Yohan down. I'll go try to find a clue in his room. Move out!
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: *sits on the floor and opens laptop*
    Alex says:
    *Alex: *runs off to find troops*
    *Plums: Sweet dreams Your Majesty. *runs to Johan/Yohan's room"

    (I forgot how to spell Jesse's non 4Kids name :'D )
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Johan, but since he's evil, it's Yohan.
    Alex says:
    *8D Correctness.

    Plums, Clear, Alex and the troops gather by the throne after an hour.
    *Plums: Yohan left a picture of Yubel on his computer. And a Yubel card on his desk. And a really disturbing Internet history involving him and Haou that will probably haunt me forever more.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "...That sounds... intreaguing."
    Alex says:
    *Alex: Haou gave the rest of the troops a day off. But i did find watapon and Kuriboh!
    *Plums: Clear, now's not the time for your Yaoi obsession.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "Actually, I don't like most yaoi."
    Alex says:
    *Plums: And...I guess, Kuriboh and Watapon are...good enough?
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Kuriboh: "Kuri!"
    Alex says:
    *Plums: You fangirls and your specific Yaoi. Kuriboh and watapon, guard haou. WITH ALL 500 COMBINED ATK YOU HAVE.

    Alex, Clear, we need to go after Yohan.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Kuriboh: "Kuri!"
    *Clear: "I didn't find very much. Something about... the outer realms?"
    Alex says:
    *Plums: Well, we all know Yubel the Tranny tran wants to get all the outer realms together and rule with Haou as its ***** for the rest of its life. And probably kill us. Horribly. With chainsaws and shroomed out nightmares about each other.
    *Plums: Probably about ClearxWataponxAlexxKuriboh. ...DEAR MANGOES IT BURNS.
    *Alex: *firebends Plums* B|
    *Watapon stands there with a blank expression upon its face.
    *Silly me, Watapons cannot stand. they fly~
    *Alex: Anyway, Plums, go ahead to the entrance. I'll stay here with Clear, since she appears to be unresponsive from the nightmare we'll kill you about later.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "I'm better now!"
    *Clear: "And I though Yubel was good again?"
    Alex says:
    *Plums...Oh. I-I thought we were in the Season 3 GX timeline.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *brb again
    Alex says:
    *Plums: Erm, I mean, when did Yubel turn good again? I thought we were still fighting it/her?
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *eating dinner
    *Clear: "No. Yubel is on our side. or rather, Jaden's side."
    Alex says:
    *Plums: I completely lost track. But if Yubel doesn't have him, who does?
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "If I knew, I would tell you."
    Alex says:
    *Plums: Or maybe you do know Clear. Maybe you DO know who took Yohan. Maybe YOU can tell us all your fetishes about Yohan and Haou. And yeah, I do in fact believe it is you that caused this all.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: ... *wacks with laptop*
    Alex says:
    *Plums: *deflects*
    *Plums: Clear, it's over. tel us what you've done with Yohan!
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: :You idiot, I didn't do anything with Yohan, I'm on your side, remember?"
    Alex says:
    *Plums: Then it was you Ale-

    Plums falls to the ground with a thud. Behind him, Clear is holding her laptop up, the screen slightly damaged.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *(...what do you want me to do here?)
    Alex says:
    *(...I have no idea. I pretty much killed this scene ;; We could redo it over again, this time without the accusations.)
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *...No this is funny.
    Alex says:
    *(If you say so xD )

    Alex: ...Well, we should get going.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "I guess soo. Where are we going?"
    Alex says:
    *Alex: The one place that beckons the power of Yohan's Crystal Beast cards: A Double Rainbow.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "where would we find such a phenomenon?"
    Alex says:
    *Alex: We have to make our own.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "...How?"
    Alex says:
    *Alex: Well, we need some water first of all. Lots of it. Then we need some sunshine, which being a firebender, I can supply.
    *Clear grabs the largest firehose in the palce. With a grrunt, she turns on the hydrant. Water dances in the air to a soundless melody. Burping, Alex summons a light upon the water. Orange, red, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet lights bounce off the water, as a Double rainbow appears high in the ceiling.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *hold on just a sec
    Alex says:
    *A thud is heard at the door. The sheer sound alone sent a pulse of fear up the spines of Clear and Alex. After ony two seconds, teh door burst of its hinges, a gray-blue cat with a giant ruby for a tail hissing at the rainbow Makers. Behind that cat stood a blue haired male, whose Australian voice rang in their heads: a memory once gone but now apparant.
    *Yohan: Kukukuku, hello Jessica. Alejandro.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *hold on. I'm in the middle of a duel, btw
    Alex says:
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *He has a Southern Accent.
    *Clear: "Master Yohan!"
    Alex says:
    *(I'm actually talking to Clear, ironically)

    Yohan: It has been a while my friends. tell me, where is Haou? He and I must settle a...dispute.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "...Should I ask?"
    Alex says:
    *Yohan: If you know what is good for you, don't.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "...Well then. I believe your husband is currently passed out in his chambers. And thanks to Plums, he won't be waking up for a while."
    *(you should totally invite clear to this XD)
    * Jessica was added to this conversation. Handwriting is no longer supported because not all participants can view handwritten messages. Handwritten messages will be sent as text.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Want a recap, Clear?
    Alex says:
    *Yes ma'am
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Continue, then, plz
    Alex says:
    *Plums: Bullshit Clear, you're the one that knocked him out.
    *Plums is standing, hand rubbing the spot where Clear smacked him.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Does Clear want to take over for herself or shall I continue?
    Alex says:

    Continue please c:
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Clear: "What! It was your stupid plan to knock him out in the first place!"
    Alex says:
    *Plums: No! I wanted to play music to put him asleep! You're the one that decided to tackle him!
    *Yohan: ENOUGH.

    Yohan's Crystal Beasts headbutt Alex, Plums and Clear, leaving them unconscious on the floor.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Kuriboh: *standing guard*
    *Clear: *passed out*
    *Haou: *passed out*
    Alex says:
    *Yohan: Now, to Haou.

    Yohan descends down the corridors. The doors in the hall were more that that. They were gateways, he thought, to the memories of old that hung to him like a winter cold.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Haou: *still passed out*
    *Kuriboh heard faint footsteps coming down the hallway towards him.
    Alex says:
    *Yohan reaches Haou's door. He opens it clamly, staring blissfully at his sleeping beauty. Out of the corner of his eye he saw what looked like a Kuriboh and Watapon either hiding under one another or...dismissing the thought, Yohan called out Haou's name.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Haou: *ded*
    Alex says:
    *Yohan walks over to Haou and sits on him.

    Yohan: "Haou".
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Haou: *still ded*
    Alex says:
    *Yohan puts his hand on haou's face.

    Yohan: Haou!
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Haou stirred slightly, but still would not wake.
    Alex says:
    *Yohan kisses Haou on the lips.

    Yohan: 7 Crystal Beasts says you'll wake up now.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Haou stirred once again, but still didn't wake.
    *(you know I'm just did that to spite you, right?)
    Alex says:
    *Yohan: *kisses Haou furiously*

    (Haha, I noticed)
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Haou''s eyes squeezed shut and opened to Yohan's orange globes. And thenhe shut his eyes again.
    "Go away, you're just a dream." said Haou, the back of his head throbbing from Clear's laptop.
    Alex says:
    *Yohan smirked, rising off of Haou. The Crystal Beasts soon brought in the unconscious body of Clear.

    Yohan: Well, since you're so convinced this is a dream, I guess I can only snap you out with only one things.

    Lifting up Clear, Yohan yelled "Haou" then furiously made out with Clear's limp body.

    (I shall await death now :c )
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *(Evil, evil boy)
    *Haou's eyes snapped open and looked towards the source of the voice.
    *He was both pissed and felt like he wanted to cry.
    *Pissed was the dominant emotion.
    Alex says:
    *Yohan threw Clear to the grond and stared at Haou, the lust in his eyes about to flow out.
    *Clear landed with a thud.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *"You *******! You've been gone for Ra knows how long, and I wake up to find you kissing one of my council members? I HATE YOU!"
    *Haou jumped off the bed, threw a pillow at Yohan, and ran out the door.
    Alex says:
    *Yohan stopped Haou as he exited the door.

    "I only did that to convince you I was really here. Besides, everyone knows that Clear and Number eater Alex have an...agreement.
    *(NOW I will die)
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *(You are lucky Clear is idle)
    *"You still kissed her!" Haou ducked under Yohan's arm and continued to run out, down the hallway, towards the gardens.
    Alex says:
    *"What does it matter?! It's not like I've ever had a problem with people you kissed. ...Well, Alexis that one time, but that was irrelevant!"
    *Yohan continued in pursuit.
    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *"That was JADEN, you inconsiderate pratt! And she kissed him!" Haou rounded the corner and disappeared from Yohan's sight, and faded into the shadows where he wouldn't be found for at least a little while.
  2. Clear_so_you_can't_See Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2009
    In A Dream
    ClearxWataponxAlexxKuriboh=Holy...What the...*Dies*

    I lost the and Alex the Number Eater are a...couple?
    Haou(who is a guy right? Unless Fearless is playing herself.) and Yohan are in a romantic relationship.
    I work for Yohan(Who is evil?).
    And I have a fetish for knocking people out with my laptop.

  3. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    I had no idea what was going on, but it was hystericle.

    Also, you work for me. But I'm married to Yohan. Who is evil.
  4. Clear_so_you_can't_See Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2009
    In A Dream
    We must all RP sometime again.