Same rules apply. Use if you want, just ask permission before you use on another site. I can lower the file size if you need me to. <3
Looks sexy on you, Darky. Now I can stare at Adam Lazzara AND go on the forums AT THE SAME TIME. I would, Xegreny, but it takes forreeevvvveeeerrrr to color them. D; I have a few colored scans, though, so maybe I'll do it when I open Photoshop.
D: WHERE'S DEAN?!?!?! ;_; He's the best one. *gilmoarfaggirl*:B D: And I like the one Darky took. :/ Want to use it... oh well.
xD I promise I'll make some of Dean. It's just that whenever you look for anything Gilmore Girls, it's ALL Jess. Damn him and his smoldering eyes!
:'D yay. Dean ftw. *w* him in that ep of his balchelors party...... ANOMNOMNOM. X3 D: ya, Jess is nice, too. D: they both are. >: damn them.