Episodes: 11 Plot Summary: Six childhood friends grew apart in high school. One of them is Jintan, now a shut-in. He gets a request to fulfill a wish for Menma, the only one of their friends to have stayed the same over the years. In order to grant her wish, he will have to find and reunite their old friends. ~ My opinion:The last episode was today, and bloody hell was it something special. The entire series was a pleasure to watch with the amazing story and beautiful artwork and sountrack, as well as the amazing voice acting that truly communicated the emotions of the characters. I swear, I think I haven't cried like that since I watched beautiful works such as Kanon and Clannad. (Sure I've cried at other anime, but for those of you who have seen works from Key, you'll see what I mean.) Of course, this anime isn't even by key... But yeah. It's fantastic still. This really was a masterpiece and so I highly recommend this anime to anyone. I've pointed a few people towards it such as Jayn, who I believe also has pointed Fuzzy to it, and as far as I'm aware they're both enjoying it so far too. Anyway, for those of you who have seen it, I'd love to hear what you thought too, so yeah. :')
Just finished it yesterday (Doki subs faster than UTW). I'll post my thoughts in spoilers tags: Spoiler The series was very sad, from start to finish. In a good way. There were times where I felt they dramatized things a little too far off the wall, but it's a was a emotional roller coaster between friends, unfortunate pasts, and of course death. It was a very unique character cast with different personalities but at the end, we got to see their similarities in their selfish desires. Even though they apologized, its hard to accept the fact they wanted a close friend dead just to get closer to other people, but I guess it made for an interesting finish. As for the last episode... I wasn't blown way. The ending was pretty predictable from about the half-way point of the series and I felt they really overdid it with the yelling at the end, it could have been a lot sadder than it was. I felt bad for menma when she granted Jintan's mom's wish, that part got to me the most. Overall I gave the series a Solid 9/10 because it was one of the best this season and nothing has come that close like you mentioned since maybe Angel Beats or Clannad.
I am very tempted to look at RvR's spoiler, but I'll resist. xD I've yet to finish it. On episode eight. This series is beautiful so far though. I love the art, the story, the characters. It hasn't sent me into water works quite yet, but it definitely has the potential to do so. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of it, so I'll edit this post once I finish it to give a more...detailed review. Spoiler Also, so like. I finally finished it today. I didn't think it would make me cry the way it did. I only cried during the last episode, though a lot of the yelling made me laugh instead of actually feel something because of how intense it was. The end is what made me cry, for some reason. Like, the very end. I got emotional. Overall, I enjoyed it. It was a good anime, and I'm glad Bushy here recommended it. Clannad still remains my favorite, but this was pretty good too.
I'm on Episode 8 too and I plan to as soon as I finish watching the newer Bleach anime episodes. So far I've loved it and it really has made me cry alot more then other animes do and I am very happy to have found out about this anime ^^
This is a major bump, but I thought I'd get this out there: "An anime film will be released in Japanese theaters in summer 2013. The film will be a retelling of the anime's story from Menma's point of view." I don't actually have an official source to back this up yet. But I'll try and keep people updated as I'm sure I'm not the only one excited (and ready to cry a lot again) about this.
Yushhhh. I heard about the movie, and this is honestly one of my favorite anime (odd to me with how everything else I like is all actiony and gritty and such)