Site News Announcing KH-Vids 7.0!

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female

    As you might have noticed, the site is looking pretty different! It is my proud duty to unveil KH-Vids's newest redesign, KH-Vids 7.0! Before I start to highlight the new eye candy you've got ahead of you, let me explain a little: it is the tradition of KH-Vids to release our new styles on KH-Vids's anniversary in December. However, in August of 2012 we underwent the taxing but worthwhile move to Xenforo, a new forum software, thus introducing KH-Vids 6.0. In order to get the site up and running as quickly as possible, I downloaded a pre-made style, modified it for KH-Vids, and dubbed it KH-Vids 6.0. It worked well and looked nice!

    But I am of the school of thought that KH-Vids should have something entirely custom, built specifically for us, by us. Once everything had settled down after the Xenforo move, I began work on KH-Vids 7.0. I tried my best to have it done by the end of December but was unable to--however, I've busted my butt the past few weeks and the skin is now available, albeit a few weeks late!

    I do sincerely hope you guys like KHV's new look. The KH-Vids 6.0 styles will be disabled as I will no longer be supporting them, and 7.0 is really quite similar in color scheme and layout. I know a lot of users want a light style for KH-Vids and I do hope to provide it one day! Instead of explaining the snappy new appearance of KH-Vids, I'll leave you all to see it for yourselves.

    KH-Vids 7.0 has been tested rather extensively by myself and the staff team. I have tried all the major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer), and while it functions fine on any of those, if you are using anything below Internet Explorer 8, I highly recommend that you upgrade to a newer version, or to a more modern browser. You'll be able to experience the full pizzazz behind KH-Vids 7.0!

    Should you find any display issues, browser-specific or not, please reply to this thread with the following:
    • Screenshot of the problem
    • Link to a page where you see the problem
    • What operating system you use
    • What browser you use (include the version!)
    ... and I will address it as soon as possible.

    Known Bugs/Issues

    • Bug #001: Particularly on mobile devices, links and the search bar are conflicting. (Screen) Unconfirmed
    • Bug #002: Links on the likes bar are hard to see. Fixed!
    • Bug #003: Some gray text is difficult to read. (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #004: Tab link hover needs to be lighter (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #005: Quote link arrow needs to be lighter (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #006: Start New Conversation button cuts off (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #007: Some buttons have jaggies (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #008: Spoiler text is italicized Fixed!
    • Bug #009: Post and signature separator needs to be clearer Fixed!
    • Bug #010: Dropdown arrow could use brightening (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #011: Some buttons have black links (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #012: Spoiler bar is threatening
    • Bug #013: I completely forgot to style attachments (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #014: Poll results are hard to see (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #015: More posts to display bar needs styling (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #016: Deletion notices need styling Fixed!
    • Bug #017: Post new thread button cuts off (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #018: Attachment upload bar needs styling (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #019: Tab link hover on profiles (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #020: Sign Up Now! button needs to be styled (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #021: Default avatar has cropping issues (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #022: Overlap in profile signature displays, only when tabs are used (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #023: Login bar needs to be styled Fixed!
    • Bug #024: Default avatar is hard to see on discussion listing Fixed!
    • Bug #025: Prefix selection bar is uggo Fixed!
    Once again, I do really hope you guys like the redesign. Happy posting!
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Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Feb 9, 2013.

    1. Misty
      Using this thread to say the homepage has been seriously overhauled ~

      Take a look! I wish I could have launched the redesign with 7.0 but it would have delayed the style quite a lot. It's here now, though!
    2. Silent Wings
      Silent Wings
      Loved what you've done with the Home page, Misty <3
    3. Amaury
      Anything that can be done to speed up the loading of the portal?

      Also, not sure if these are bugs or not, but it can't hurt to post.

      • The @ symbol under Recent Threads seems like it shouldn't be there
      • It shows the avatar of the last poster instead of the thread creator

      Recent Threads Box.png
    4. libregkd
    5. Amaury
      Look at the second thread from the bottom, for example. Mixt's name, but Below's avatar.
    6. libregkd
    7. Amaury
      Okay, then the name's off?
    8. libregkd
    9. Amaury
      Ah, okay.

      That should probably be made more clear, then.
    10. Railos
      I love the new homepage, but I have to admit, I was a little surprised by the change. I thought KHV went through another major change. Like KHV 8.0 or something.
    11. Amaury
      It's hard to see the default avatar in threads the user has posted in.

    12. Amaury
      The time gets cut off when there are long usernames (see Premium Name Changes).


      E-mails still have the default XenForo styling and need to be styled. (Probably trivial, but can't hurt to post. :3)

    13. Shiki
      The search bar seems to have moved a bit. Is this on purpose?
    14. Amaury
      Misty, a couple days ago I figured out the search bar issue, which isn't even really an issue. :)

      It's not an issue with its position nor is it an issue with XenForo doing it like that intentionally. It has to do with a curve in the sub-navigation bar the default XenForo style has that KH-Vids 7.0 doesn't.

      Compare these two screenshots, and you'll easily see the difference:

      Search Bar KH-V.png Search Bar XF.png

      Think it would be too much trouble to add a curve like that to 7.0?
    15. Amaury
      Overflow issues with the member card if a user with a long username and long status is viewing something long, such as a thread.

    16. Amaury
      The forum name text when choosing a prefix is hard to see. May I suggest white? :)

      Forum Name.png
    17. Misty
      #024 and #025 have been fixed.
    18. Amaury
      Not really a "bug," but I couldn't think where else to put it.

      Maybe move down the avatar here and center it within the area?

      Text Box.png
    19. Amaury
      I'm thinking of trying Opera and noticed the favicon looks weird on it.


      Favicon Opera.png

      Mozilla Firefox:
      Favicon Mozilla Firefox.png
    20. Amaury
      Hi, Misty!

      The calendar popup background for Newer Than on the search page is transparent, making the calendar hard to see.

      Search 1.png