Site News Announcing KH-Vids 7.0!

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female

    As you might have noticed, the site is looking pretty different! It is my proud duty to unveil KH-Vids's newest redesign, KH-Vids 7.0! Before I start to highlight the new eye candy you've got ahead of you, let me explain a little: it is the tradition of KH-Vids to release our new styles on KH-Vids's anniversary in December. However, in August of 2012 we underwent the taxing but worthwhile move to Xenforo, a new forum software, thus introducing KH-Vids 6.0. In order to get the site up and running as quickly as possible, I downloaded a pre-made style, modified it for KH-Vids, and dubbed it KH-Vids 6.0. It worked well and looked nice!

    But I am of the school of thought that KH-Vids should have something entirely custom, built specifically for us, by us. Once everything had settled down after the Xenforo move, I began work on KH-Vids 7.0. I tried my best to have it done by the end of December but was unable to--however, I've busted my butt the past few weeks and the skin is now available, albeit a few weeks late!

    I do sincerely hope you guys like KHV's new look. The KH-Vids 6.0 styles will be disabled as I will no longer be supporting them, and 7.0 is really quite similar in color scheme and layout. I know a lot of users want a light style for KH-Vids and I do hope to provide it one day! Instead of explaining the snappy new appearance of KH-Vids, I'll leave you all to see it for yourselves.

    KH-Vids 7.0 has been tested rather extensively by myself and the staff team. I have tried all the major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer), and while it functions fine on any of those, if you are using anything below Internet Explorer 8, I highly recommend that you upgrade to a newer version, or to a more modern browser. You'll be able to experience the full pizzazz behind KH-Vids 7.0!

    Should you find any display issues, browser-specific or not, please reply to this thread with the following:
    • Screenshot of the problem
    • Link to a page where you see the problem
    • What operating system you use
    • What browser you use (include the version!)
    ... and I will address it as soon as possible.

    Known Bugs/Issues

    • Bug #001: Particularly on mobile devices, links and the search bar are conflicting. (Screen) Unconfirmed
    • Bug #002: Links on the likes bar are hard to see. Fixed!
    • Bug #003: Some gray text is difficult to read. (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #004: Tab link hover needs to be lighter (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #005: Quote link arrow needs to be lighter (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #006: Start New Conversation button cuts off (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #007: Some buttons have jaggies (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #008: Spoiler text is italicized Fixed!
    • Bug #009: Post and signature separator needs to be clearer Fixed!
    • Bug #010: Dropdown arrow could use brightening (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #011: Some buttons have black links (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #012: Spoiler bar is threatening
    • Bug #013: I completely forgot to style attachments (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #014: Poll results are hard to see (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #015: More posts to display bar needs styling (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #016: Deletion notices need styling Fixed!
    • Bug #017: Post new thread button cuts off (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #018: Attachment upload bar needs styling (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #019: Tab link hover on profiles (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #020: Sign Up Now! button needs to be styled (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #021: Default avatar has cropping issues (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #022: Overlap in profile signature displays, only when tabs are used (Screen) Fixed!
    • Bug #023: Login bar needs to be styled Fixed!
    • Bug #024: Default avatar is hard to see on discussion listing Fixed!
    • Bug #025: Prefix selection bar is uggo Fixed!
    Once again, I do really hope you guys like the redesign. Happy posting!
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Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Feb 9, 2013.

    1. Bushy
      Wanted to report the odd placement of the search bar.

    2. Amaury
      I will include issues, suggestions, and questions in here, if that's alright.

      1. The search bar is displaced and needs to be moved up. (Screenshot)
      2. It's sort of hard to see the gray text under Members Online Now on the forum list. Is it possible to make it that lighter gray the arrows are pointing to? (Screenshot)
      3. It's hard to see the gray text on the member preview popup because of its transparency. It can be especially problematic when you're in a thread and you are viewing a post with an image when you click on the member's name for the preview popup. Is it possible to change it to white like the rest of the text there? (Screenshot)
      4. Text and links in the notice bar seem fuzzy. (Screenshot)
      5. The gray text is hard to see on the blue background on profiles and on dropdown menus. Is it possible to change the text to white? (Screenshot I | Screenshot II | Screenshot III)
      6. When hovering over an unselected tab, the text is hard to see. (Screenshot)
      7. The arrow link in a quote's header blends in with the header background. (Screenshot)
      8. When you're managing stuff in your account, the username dropdown menu is highlighted; because of that, the circle and arrow to the right of your username are hard to see. (Screenshot)
      9. The Likes You've Received link wraps. (Screenshot)
      10. The bottom of the Start New Conversation button at the bottom of the Conversations page is cut off. (Screenshot)

      1. Move the user, date, and time stamps at the bottom of posts to the top, but keep Edit, Delete, Report, Post #, and Reply at the bottom, of course.
      2. Currently, Reply works as a quote reply. Is it possible to rephrase it to Quote Reply or Reply with Quote?

      1. Was the editor background intentionally made white and was the editor text shade intentionally made black on this dark version?
    3. Llave
      Looks hawt n' sexy cass. I'll just have to get used to the centering of the postbit and the bold blue in quoted messages but other than that this is simply smashing! Lucky No. 7~
    4. Bushy
      Wanted to mention as well...

      The reply to thread button is cut out a bit messily... There are those little white bits in the corners of it.
      Not a big deal, but thought I'd point it out. Because it's next to the other buttons, it makes it look very obvious. lol
    5. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      i just checked KHV this morning and it was still the old skin. i was like O__O "What the--?"

      BUT I LOVE THE NEW SKIN~~ It's nice and clean. I also like the fact that the Profile/Inbox/Alerts/Log Out bar is not in the corner.
    6. nasirrich
      Misty I'm testing out for the phone and it lags a bit but that's probably because of this college connection so it works. Nothing really to complain about so far.
    7. Saxima

      Bushy has already provided a screenshot, and mine looks exactly like that, so I will reiterate; the search bar placement is wonky.

      Whenever you've got the time, look into a slimmer width? I know a lot of members prefer it, but it's not a sort of top priority thing.

      On spoilers; for some unknown reason ( and it happened a while ago ), the text in the spoilers has gone back to italicized. I hope you can make it normal again.

      The new design will take much getting used to.[DOUBLEPOST=1360440758][/DOUBLEPOST]Also: I shouldn't have to screenshot it, but I'll link it; the BBcode page is all kinds of fucked up, and it's been like that since the XenForo move. I also don't think it would hurt to update the list, to add things like the [ PARAGRAPH ] code and such.
    8. nasirrich
      I honestly didn't mean to post that because I saw what Bushy Brow put that shouldn't have been posted. DX
    9. Technic☆Kitty
      Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!! This is the best, style, ever!!!!

      Misty, you're amazing!! Everything looks great ^^
    10. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Postbit could afford to be moved up, I keem mistaking posts for the previous person's sig
    11. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      My default avatar is obscuring the word 'default' as I write this
    12. Doukuro
      I am so happy that the avatar and online bar are not overlapping anymore as that drove me insane. Too tired to notice any errors and will also need time to adjust to this change but looking nice and hm...advanced? Seems like a fitting word.

      I appreciate your hard work on this Misty and will like to thank you for it <3 Excellent work.
    13. ShibuyaGato
      It's worse for me (using Safari).

    14. Dinny

      I was a little confused at first and I thought I zoomed in everything lol but I actually really love it!
      All the hard work + effort to this really shows! Good job and thank you!!
    15. KeybladeSpirit
      Would it be alright to change the post/signature separator to a lighter gray, or maybe even a dark blue? It's getting a little annoying to look at signatures that start with text, especially because the line break isn't much larger than a double space worth of... well, space.
    16. Amaury
      Some more issues I found.

      1. The dropdown menu icons for sub-forums on the forum list are hard to see. (Screenshot)
      2. The Delete Post button text when editing a profile post is black and should be white. This was also an issue on KH-Vids 6.0, but I didn't report it because I knew it was just a quick style. (Screenshot)
    17. Te Deum
      Te Deum

      I love the new design. My new favorite.
    18. reptar

      jk this is p nice
    19. Madoka
      Oh my! I like the new style. :D It makes it a bit easier to navigate around the site. :)
    20. Airi Ban
      Airi Ban
      Welp I see not everyone seems happy with the change. I overall like the aesthetics of it. It's gonna take a bit to get used to but I like it so far. Nice work.