When the world ended a terrible evil spread across the galixy and took almost everyones character with it... Except you! You were able to escape with a few seconds to spare.... now the evil will search and destroy anyone that stands in their way..... will you concure the evil or will it consume you? Name: Crystalize Age: 13 Weapon: bow and arrow Bio: lost her parents to the evil and now seeks revenge Appearence: Name(can already be a real character): Age: Weapon: Bio: Appearence: Im not sure if someone already had a thread like this but my first thread was ok but im hoping for this one to be even BETTER!
Name(can already be a real character): anna Age: 13 Weapon: gun Bio: she ran away from an orphaneg she lived at Appearence: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...ji.jpg&searchTerm=anime gun girl&pageOffset=3 Name(can already be a real character): Erin Age: 14 Weapon: sword Bio: abandend Appearence: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...u.jpg&searchTerm=anime sword boy&pageOffset=2
Name: Alex Age: 16 Weapon: see pic Bio: she doesn't know she knows magic Appearence: http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x98/49loves410andtheotherwayaround/PossibleNurikosmom.jpg
Name(can already be a real character):Neji Huugya Age:13 Weapon:byakugaan, chakra, kunai,senbon, and shuriken Bio:n/a Appearence:
Name: Cierra Age: 15 Weapon: in pic Bio: She lost everyone and everything. She's determined to defeat the evil, hoping that it'll at least ease the pain of loss. Appearence: http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a191/Mingan_Ghost/Randomness/Girls/Fighter/Rose.jpg
Name: mitsurugi Age: 30 Weapon: katana Bio: when he finaly found the ultimante katana he started to learn a kid his samurai ways Appearence: Name: rexejon Age: 16 Weapon: katana Bio: after his parents died he traveled along his master mitsurugi Appearence: black spikey hair, black samurai clothes and red eyes