Anime in school 2

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Chendler, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    ´´Well, it is a long story and original needs to rest. All i can tell you is that we are in Land of Nobody, desert land´´clone said and went back into Legato
  2. Xaphira Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 30, 2007
    Wherever you are not!
    "AAAAAAAH great!We'll be ok then"
    She said with an evil smile on her face

    EDIT: Have to go now :(
    Hope i'll see ya soon T_T
  3. gexion Moogle Assistant

    Hawk's ensticts woke up from Gressia's depths .She grabbed the sword ,pulled it out of his body and licked it.Gressia started trembling while countless shivers hit her body.She fell on ground screaming while Cursed Gressia was losing the battle within."Begone!" Gressia yelled desperately while her cursed shadow separated from her body and faded away.Gressia opened her eyes and stood up.She was free.Her skin wasn't pale anymore,life was given back to her.She held unconsious Legato in her arms"You fool!Idiot!I never asked for it."she cried out hitting his chest with her bounces.She stopped."You sacrifised your heart"she whispered looking at the marks on him.Then she made up her mind.She hugged him and picked him up.She flew over a cave and put him down away from the hot sun.She sat next to him and put part of her energy to stop his bleeding."I will never forgive myself if you die"
  4. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    ´´Come on, give him a break, he is only asleep´´Legatos clone said ´´You better not move him too much or he will wake up, and then he can got really mad´´clone said and dissapeared ´´Why did you called me idiot and fool?´´Legato asked and opened his eyes ´´You wasted your energy, i can heal very fast and using darkness, i can heal even from certain death´´
  5. gexion Moogle Assistant

    Gressia turned her back to him"I called you fool and ARE!"she said in the end.Silence fell in cave and the atmosphere became colder.Then Gressia turned again and hugged him"Thanks God,you're okay now"she sighed."It's just that you acted like a fool.You can't control yet your dark side!Everything could go wrong!What if Legato never returned again?!"she asked him seriously
  6. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    ´´Did you said something? I wasn´t listening´´Legato said not answering on any of her questions. He put his hand on her head and softly runned in her hair ´´Well, we should go´´
  7. gexion Moogle Assistant

    "If you're strong enough it's fine with me"Gressia smiled and lifted her sword from ground when...

    "So you're finally free,my sister.Everyone knows.Tribe wants to see the dead body of your opposite.They want to know.I tried to prevent them but Akita will be here in a few seconds"Arthe said and disappeared.
  8. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    ´´He is dead by now. Darkness here will simply anihilate every light molecule of his, only you are alive becouse you are with me. And about Arthe, she is Goddess´´Legato said and drew his two swords, they were extended by darkness into dark blades ´´And these are my fav weapons´´
  9. gexion Moogle Assistant

    "I hope he 'll be fine.Now let's go.Dark Mage is aware of the solved curse and he must be quite irritated that both of us stil live."They jumped in the air and left the cave behind.
  10. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    ´´Well, lets see what can Akita pull out´´Legato said and walked out from cave
  11. gexion Moogle Assistant

    "Look Legato.Let's make this clear.Akita is out of this.Let's continue our mission"she interupted him.Suddenly an earthquacke burst out.The whole area shook fiersely.She raised from ground trying not to lose her balance and cut off some rocks falling above them."What happens?"she asked while a noise covered the place around them.
  12. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    ´´Well, it appears that our little pest broke first defence, lets go out from here. There is no way i can stop those rocks from falling with my darkness´´Legato said and runned away
  13. gexion Moogle Assistant

    Gressia tended to fly away,when the earthquacke stopped.It was over as fast as it burst."What the?.."Dark shadows became bigger while the sun was setting.The noice became sharper."Hey Legato!Be on guard!"she shouted while the shadows surrounded them and moved close to them
  14. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    Legato felt on his knees and bowed ´´I humbly apologize, great one´´he said to one of shadows and used darkness to Gressia to move same as he did ´´You have your Tribe, we have ours Union´´he explained and one of shadows looked on Gressia ´´Well, she is here with me´´
  15. gexion Moogle Assistant

    Gressia raised her look.Her eyes shined golden but she didn't say a thing.She looked at Legato and got silent."Honored to meet you ,great one"she said and lowered her head and hid her sword.
  16. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    ´´They can´t hear you, they only sence you´´Legato said to Gressia and looked on the biggest one ´´I never thought that someone can grow this much´´shadow said and then looked on his swords ´´Very well then´´ shadow said and all 10 shadows entered his swords ´´This is strange´´Legato said
  17. gexion Moogle Assistant

    Gressia felt the danger.She could sense that she wasn't welcomed there and the shadows were approaching her sword too."Away from me"she backstepped and light flames appeared on the edge of her sword.
  18. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    Legato laughed and then saw something brightly glowing in corner of his eye ´´Now YOU must go and get that axe, i will hold this relm from not colapsing´´
  19. gexion Moogle Assistant

    "Ok"Gressia jumped on ground closed her eyes and let the light of the axe to guide her.She turned to an invisible target and whispered"Ow,my powerful weapon ,come to my hand and shall be painted with blood of my enemies"she requested and the whole area overflowed with light just for a moment.She opened her eyes and caught the light axe in the air."I guess I'm done"she turned to Legato."Look at it!It's beautiful"The half blade was black and the other one silver."Thanks for the help Legato.Let's go now"she touched his shoulder.

    g2g now...see ya tom
  20. Chendler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 20, 2007
    Legato felt extremly big pain when she touched him ´´Don´t touch me and that weapon at same time´´he said and lowered his dark force field and runned away