Simply put, I've gotten so stressed lately that: My grades are suffering I can't sleep I become very agressive (I curse more and have occasional Bale outs) I figure that the stress is caused by three main things: school, people, and my parents. Without going into detail, my parents are giving me constant hell. So before I really snap and punt a kitten or something, any advice about controlling stress/anger is appreciated.
Figure out what relaxes you. Whenever you start to get angry or stressed, think of this and you if you focus on it, you will calm down. If your parents are adding to the problem, i'd talk to them about it.
I'd suggest that you take a day off of school (if you can) to just relax. that's one of the main reasons for stress (weekends just aren't long enough anymore) also with your parents try to ask them for some personal time to yourself. like asking for them to please not to come into your room because you just need time to yourself. This is depending on your circumstances though.
I really wish my mum would let me do that last year..... Be with people who make you happy. That's how I deal with it. Or you can just get one of those stress balls.
whenever i am stressed and i have been coping with the same things, i would count to myself and think how much longer is school only 2 more hours great so thats what i do in school. as far as parents I would say do what others have mentioned as far as ask for a day off or call in sick if its that bad. but for grades if its your teachers, see them after class, you may not want to but nothing makes them happier than seeing someone actually caring about their class. hope that helps :D
lol well you said you couldn't sleep so that barrs out my two cents But try listening to some soothing music that helps you sleep, maybe. Helps me at any rate.