Angelic Divinity

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 28, 2011.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ren landed beside her and rubbed his chest and wiped his arm across his face. "I don't think that's what it wanted to do. It felt more like the intent to rape."

    Kiel held his hand out to Tori, "Climb on my back. It'll be faster that way."

    Genesis gulped down air and did as Tori instructed. Speaking wasn't one of his specialties, but he needed to get back to Giselle before she freaked out completely.

    Penny spanned his hands across her rib cage, "Yeah...I wonder about that. If we're so special...why can't we tell anyone?"

    Jean giggled, "No vaporizing. Although, Keenan doesn't have that much power. You're special humans...protected by the Seraphim. I'm one would deny you something you wanted." Jean stood on her tip toes, trying to get closer to him. "Is there...anything you want?"
  2. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    kaila chuckled.
    "well, then you should be very greatful I arrived when I did. Now we have to go back and get tori and find genesis. Not to mention gabriel is still lying unconscious on the lawn. But I did put a barrier of him. Best get going."
    She grabbed ren's collar and pulled him in for a kiss; before heading back in the direction she came.

    Tori hesitated, looking at genisis, before taking kiel's hand to get on his back. When she hand painfully climbed on, she glanced back down at genesis.
    "can you walk all right? I mean, I realize it was your throat, but are you okay?"

    schuyler rolled her eyes and laughed.
    "did you not see how you reacted when you found out about us? You were hysterical. Imagine if the whole world knew? It would be chaos. People would envy us, kill us because they don't understand us, or fear us. wouldn't you feel better knowing that none of those monsters you saw really exist? To live in ignorance? Not fear what might come after you?"
    She tapped her pointed finger on the tip of his nose while smiling.
    "sometimes I wish I didn'y know what was out there. To be like you?"

    tristan smirked and wrapped his fingers in jean's hair.
    "you could say that."
    He leaned his head down to kiss jean. Everything that he had felt that morning came rushing back in a whirl emotions. She was talkative, bubbly, and a little bit crazy. Perfect.
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ren kissed her gently before pulling away as something tickled his arm. Brushing at it, he swept three spiders onto the grass. "What the..." Glancing around, he noticed the multitude of the little spiders creeping out from the darkness and surrounding Kaila and himself. " original."

    Genesis nodded and looked above Kiel and Tori. His blue eyes widened and he gasped as he tried to force words out through his damaged vocal chords. Blood dripped onto Kiel's head and he glanced upwards. Upon spying the creature that had nearly hung Genesis, his heart quickened and he set off at a dead run, "Genesis, run!" Genesis followed close at his heels, but he could still hear the creature, jumping through trees, trying to catch them as if they were prey.

    "Angels....demons...what's next?" Penny closed his eyes, trying to keep the memory of everything solid and bright, instead of letting the dark words of the demons dull and sully his memories.

    Jean closed her eyes and kissed him. She let the warmth of another person surround her, wrapping her up like a blanket. It was something she was used to but never could get enough of the feeling.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    "this feels vaguely familiar."
    Kaila had ice shooting out of her hand at the spiders as she ran through the trees. If any spiders came ti close, they would get frozen almost immediately.

    tori held onto the sword tightly. It was yet another gift from yves and she refused to loose it. Her leg felt even worse from all the bouncing on kiel's back. They would be lucky if they made it out of the forest before that monster reached them.
    "are we almost there?"

    schuyler ran her hand across penny's face.
    "see? It's a lot to handle. Do you understand why telling people is a problem?"
    She felt bad that he was so upset over this, but the only way to move past it would be accepting the truth.
    "it'll be okay, ya' know."
    Schuyler gave penny a reassuring smile.

    tristan hadn't been this happy all day. Even when he was with jean that morning it wasn't as great as this moment. when the kissing finally stopped, he couldn't help grinning.
    "you're pretty amazing."
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ren made a noncommitible sound and followed Kaila. Little knives of darkness dropped down on the spiders and speared them to the ground. "What's familiar about it? I don't remember being chased by a million little spiders before."

    "Tori, the creature! Look at it!" Kiel panted, "Yeah, I can see the school!" Genesis tumbled to a stop, leaning heavily on a tree. He was breathing hard and Kiel figured the boy wasn't used to running. "C'mon, Genesis!"

    Penny's tongue flicked out, licking his lips. " aunt and uncle..." He paused for a moment and scrunched up his face, "No...I can't say they'd be worried...they're too busy getting high and drunk. But the teachers at school....they'll wonder were we've gone."

    "I'm not really..." Jean blushed under her tan skin and pulled him back against the cot. "I'm never amazing until you've seen me in bed." she whispered to him.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    kaila rolled her eyes as she caused more spiders to freeze.
    "i wasn't referring to us. I saw it in a movie or something."
    She broke throught to the spot where she had left tori, only to see her gone.
    "where did rhat child go?"

    tori panicked. She thought yves would have gotten a good enough view of the monster when she cut its tomgue but apparently not.
    "no! Kiel we have to stop. genesis clearly can't run anymore. It's probably really hard for him to breathe. Let me down."
    She struggled against his arms, trying to climb down. Tori needed a clear view of the monster and she couldn't get it from on kiel's back. She wondered where her teachers were.

    it hurt schuyler seeing penny so distressed.
    "well, originally we were going to stay with all of you. That might still be the plan.. I don't know for sure. Th here's been a lot of activity today and they might reconsider. But then again, mome of uou were supposed to know we were angels. They were going to enchant our wings so nobody could see them."

    tristan was surprised by jean's commenf. It wasn't something he was expecting and now he kind of felt bad.
    "are you sure? We don't have to if you don't want to. But I mean...we should probably not do ir here with other people around."
    It wasn't like it was his first time, but something about jean was rather intimidating.
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Allen was starting to get bored waiting for Genesis to return. Man, how long has he been gone? He thought to himself.
  8. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    giselle's crippling fear of storms had made her forget that allen was even in the same room as her. It only made her feel worse, knowing that he had witnessed her terror. She slowly unwrapped herself from the blankets and held them in her hand as she climbed back onto the bed. Giselle curled up and buried her face in her knees.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ren glanced around, "We'd better find her quick. I don't think these things are the only ones out here today." He growled, "Who the hell is the one on patrol tonight!?"

    Penny watched her and touched his forehead to hers, "If that't stay in my home... My aunt and uncle are the worst."

    Kiel grimaced at her, "Are you insane? Tori... Genesis! Get moving!" Genesis limped towards him, clutching at his throat. "I'm...okay..." A four legged creature without fur or scales jumped down in front of Genesis, half a pink tongue was hanging out of it's mouth, surrounded by serrated teeth much too large for it's mouth. Genesis' eyes widened and he drew his sword.

    Jean's warm smile turned desperate, "You don' me? No, no...I see...I'm not alluring enough..." her brown eyes transformed into pools of tears.
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    "who knows. But hopefully they didn't end up like you."
    Kaila heard some shouting and turned in the direction of the noise.
    "this way."

    schuyler smirked. She didn't understand how they were supposed to stay with the humans. Surely their families would not be okay with a stranger or two coming to live with them for an unknown amount of time. Especially if their peotector was of the opposite sex.
    "don't worry. I'm very personable. Everyone likes me."
    She tilted her chin up; connecting her lips to penny's. She really liked kissing and wondered why she didn't start doing it sooner.

    tori was getting frustrated with kiel. The pain in her leg was being masked by the adrenaline pumping through her and she leaned all the way back, pushing her hands off of his back. Tori landed on her dide as she hit the ground. Shakily, she stood up holding her sword defensively. She needed to get the monster's attention off of genesis, but it was dangerous to have it face her since kiel was unarmed. Hopefully she could distraxt it just ling enough for genesis to attack. There was no way she could ohysically cause damge, she could barely stay standing.
    "hey! Ugly! Why don't you come and get me? Or have you forgotten who actually cut your tongue in half?"

    Tristan was startled by jean's sudden outburst. He in no way intended to offend her. Quickly he wrapped his arms tightly around her shoulders, pulling her into with being able to escape. He brushed his fingers through her hair, trying to calm her.
    "jean...jean don't cry. I wasn't trying to offend you. I think you're incredibly gorgeous, and bubbly, and a little yerrifying actually. I really like you, which is new for me. I just...didn't want to rush it ya' know? And to be honest i'm a little afraid your angel guy will be watching and will swoop in to kill me as soon as anything is about to happen. But then at leadt i'd know i'd die happy."
    He held her away from himself, to get a better look at her.
    "but if you really want to, i'm game. Just lead me back to that room you took me to this morning. Honestly, I have no idea how to get back there."
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ren shook his head, "You're never going to let me live that down, are you? It'll forever be, 'Ren got himself almost eaten and raped by a giant spider with a freaky tongue.' Isn't it?" He frowned in the direction she'd started off in. If Tori was was Kiel. Why hadn't he emitted any sort of light from the emerging of his wings. If he was in danger, his wings would protect him, unlike the rest of the students' wings. His wings were a shield of armour, that only appeared when his life was in danger.

    Kiel groaned, "Tori!" The creature whipped it's head around. It didn't really have eyes in it's rather human shaped skull, only indents where they should've been. Long, sharp, claws gouged holes into the ground as it advanced towards Tori, snarls emitting from it's mouth. Genesis' vision blurred. He cursed under his breath and swore he saw Giselle standing in Tori's place.

    "Okay!" Jean said a little too loudly. Penny was throughly enjoying his moment with Schuyler when he heard the young girl's words. Pulling away from her with a large amount of willpower and regret, he yanked back the curtain and lifted one eyebrow at Tristan and Jean. "This is new. Who's she?" Jean giggled, escaping from Tristan's arms like a butterfly, "Busted! Your friend is kinda cute, Tristan." She winked at Penny and he gave her a blank stare.
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    tori noticed genesis loosing focus and could help but let ou a curse. This hadn't at all worked out the way she planned. In her head it was fool-proof, but that was the difference between imagination and reality. She pictured the spider turning around so genesis could attack it no problem and then they all quickly flee the woods no problem. In reality, the monster was facing her, while she could barely stand, defending kiel who was unarmed, and their only chance of offense appeared to be loosing consciousness on his feet.
    so much for being a great seraph.

    kaila couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
    "probably not sweetie."
    She had to stop abruptly, almost running into genesis. The monster in front of them was different then the one that had attacked ren, but was still as grotesque.
    "looks like I found the students."

    schuyler raised an eyebrow skeptically, as she wrapped an arm around penny's waist, the same way he defensively did when she was talking to genesis.
    "so this is where he disappeared to."

    tristan sat down on the cot behind him rolling his eyes. He let out a sigh and glanced up at penny angrily. He couldn't have come at a worse time.
    "jean...this is penny and schuyler. Penny, schuyler, this is jean. We met this morning, after penny ran off. She's a summer girl...right?"
    This was both awkward and embarassing. He sat there picking at the hilt of the sword.
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ren caught Genesis as he was about to fall over and rested him against the tree. "Well...I haven't seen this before... Looks like something out of a Resident Evil movie..." he wanted to study the creature but it lept into the trees and he frowned, "Well that's unfortunate."

    Kiel sighed as the creature disappeared, "Whoa...that thing was seriously scary."

    "Thank you Tori, you've been very brave. I'll look into the library here in Heaven and get back to you with a type, name and weaknesses."

    Jean nodded, "Right." Penny ignored Tristan's foul glare and tapped a finger against his chin. "Oh? Hey, little girl teacher. What do you know about Summer Girls?" A clatter came from the back of the infermary and Sanya poked her head out of a doorway, "I"m not a little's the prosthetics...they stopped by growth at a young age. I'm much older than you, i'll have you know. And Summer Girls derive and live off of the pleasure of other people. Though human, they love sunlight, dancing, orgies and...moving in general. Why do you ask? Oh...Jeanie! Sorry, love...but it's the truth." Jean sheepishly smiled at her as she waved, "Hi Sanya... All Summer Girls are the is just apart of what we are and what we do. We're not...normal, like you humans."
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    tori nodded, without thinking. Obviously she was the only one that could hear yves so nodding for no reason looked silly. She stumbled over to kiel. Her leg giving weigh as she reached him.
    "can we go now?"
    The adrenaline was fading and the pain in her leg becoming excrutiating.

    kaila nodded and started walking towards the school.
    "we need to get gabriel inside. Mr. uru, I hope you like badgers. We have detention together first thing tomorrow morning. What did I tell you?"
    She looked over at him, eyes like steel.

    "oh, you're a summer girl? I'm one of kallai's newest recruits. She was going to have me meet some summer girls tomorrow, but then all this happened. I doubt she still plans on it. Although it's nice to meet you."
    She held her hand out to shake jean's.

    tristan sat on the cot brooding. Not only did penny ruin the moment, but now he was finding out that she only wanted to have sex because it was apart of who she was. It had nothing to do with him.
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kiel grumbled, "I go where Tori goes. I don't mind long as Tori stays inside."

    Ren massaged the back of Kaila's neck, "C'mon now...he's a boy in love. Leave him alone."

    Jean shook Schuyler's hand excitedly. "Wow...I've never met a female Summer Court angel. They only allow me around the men. Which is boring. OH, is Tristan apart of the Summer Court? He," she turned to Tristan, addressing him directly, "You can become a Summer Boy and then we can spend a long time together! You can be Schuyler's bonded Summer Boy!"
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    kaila changed her gaze to ren as they broke free of the trees.
    "don't undermind my authority. I don't care if he is in love. He didn't listen. He needs to learn discipline. judging by the marks on his neck, uriel tried to teach him that lesson once already today."
    She stormed over to gabriel's body and dispersed the barrier. Grabbing one of his arms she began trying to lift him up.

    tristan glanced up at schuyler and penny uncomfortably.
    "i don't know about that jean. Schuyler's already involved with someone and it would be a little weird."
    He stared down at the floor, not really wanting to make eye contact with her anymore. Once again nothing was going right. Dvery time they were having a perfect moment it was somehow ruined.
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ren chuckled and lifted Gabriel up, "Whether you think I'm undermining you or not... You're still a woman and you can't lift Gabe no matter how hard you try. This guy's...a heffer." he grunted as he swung Gabriel's arm around his shoulders and lifted him onto his feet.

    Gabriel's unconscious mind ravaged his memories. Another one? Gab...Gabranth? That's first born son...then came...Zadkiel..."

    Jean sat beside him, "Are you sure? Well...okay! I still think you're much more suited to..." Penny set a hand over her mouth to stop her rambling and lifted her from the cot. "Would you sleep with me?" Jean stared at him as if assessing him before shaking her head, "" A slight smile curved his lips, "Why not? I'm as handsome as Tristan, aren't I?" She twisted her fingers in her tank top, "'re warm like he is..."

    Usagi floated in a spiral down to Giselle and landed on her head, bouncing in he air.
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    kaila shot a death glare at ren as they walked into the school.
    still a woman. If it wasn't for this woman he'd be dead right now.
    She was seething the entire way to the infirmary.

    tori wrapped her arms tightly around kiel's chest from behind. She nuzzled her head into the back of his neck.
    "i'm sorry you got in trouble because of me. How is your throat by the way?"
    The pain in her leg was radiatinf. She still didn't think it was broken, but it was in too much pain to not at least be fractured.

    schuyler and tristan were now both glaring daggers at penny. She flicked him hard on the ear and took her arm off of his waist.
    "standing right here!"
    She turned to walk away angrily, amazed at how quick he was over her.

    tristan stood, pulling jean away from penny. He didn't know what he was supposed to be getting at, but now he was a little peeved.

    giselle reached above her head and plucked the rabbit out of her hair. Once she had him down to eye level, she managed to greet him with a smile.
    "oh. Hello there. I'm glad to see you survived. I didn't know for sure. You had me worried."
    She inspected him curiously.
    "did you have another flower for me?"
    The memory of the last flower still had her a little shaken. It was terrifying how someone else could just speak from inside her.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ren sighed, he could practically feel Kaila's anger pricking at his wings.

    Kiel shifted her weight on his back, "It's fine... I'm healing, which is better than living with open wounds. Uriel did a number on me... Hey, Genesis, you think you can walk on your own?" Genesis nodded, trying to swallow. He'd taken up an old labored breathing habit to calm his heart and lessen the strain on his throat.

    Penny grabbed Schuyler's waist before she could leave and lifted a finger, "See? I don't think Jean would sleep with just anybody. It seems to me...she only wants Tristan. Right?" Jean blushed, her tan cheeks turning bright red. "Well...did you think I was just saying that?" she looked at Tristan over her shoulder, "You actually thought it was just my nature to take anybody to bed?"
    Penny turned on his heel and brought Schuyler close to his body, "I could never forget you were there. Tristan's my friend...guys have to look out for one another."

    Usagi lifted a leaf up to her, shaking his little white head. The leaf, a shorter message, coming not from the Heavenly Father, but from the Archangel Micheal.
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tristan looked down at jean feeling stupid.
    "i didn't...til a minute ago...and I just wish this conversation hadn't happened."
    He watched her feeling guilty. As tristan looked into her eyes, he realized why he was so immediately attached to her. She reminded him of alexis. The one girl he was only ever friends with. Never further involved. The girl that told him she loved him on the swings and then two days later was found dead before he could respond. The girl that kadaj referred to when he was on the phone the night before. Tristan quickly sat down on the cot clutching his chest. The realization pained him.

    Schuyler was still glaring at penny when she noticed tristan collapse onto the cot. She knelt down so they were at the same eye level.
    "hey. Are you okay?"
    She shook his shoulder, trying to get his attention.

    Kaila stopped inside of the infirmary, letting gabriel down on a nearby cot.

    Tori painfully waved at the others as they entered the infirmary.
    "hey guys."

    giselle delicately plucked the leaf out of usagi's paw, inspecting it between her fingers before the message came.
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