Angelic Divinity

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 28, 2011.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tori was a little surprised that yves asked about kiel.
    "oh well...umm.. I dunno. I think he's trying to act more pulled together than he actually is. For my sake. I've been an awful mess and has just been standing by watching and comforting. I think I should apologize to him for that. And he keeps making promises, sss aying that he'll always be there to protect me, even though it seems to be killing him for some reason."
    She thought for a moment, not understanding what could be bothering him.
    "what did he speak with the other seraphim about?"

    Tristan took the sword delicately and extended it outward with one hand.
    "this is so cool! You're just giving it to me?"
    His face lit up like a five-year-old receiving a toy. He wanted to go rub it in penny's face. penny may have had a date, but at least he got a sword. There was nothing cooler than things that could kill you.

    Giselle looked down at genesis, who was kneeling in front of her.
    "no it's just weird is all. And my parents were supposed to come home tonight. I haven't seen them in a few weeks. Always on the road..."
    She looked sad, but relieved at the same time.

    Schuyler felt her finger graze the black rose petals and thought there was something very strange with what elena was telling her.
    "the rose is like a vampire?"
    She quickly turned to penny, realizing that he might think they are real after a day like today.
    "they're not real. Just us, and the monsters from hell. But not vampires."
    She shook her head quickly as she spoke and set a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

    Kaila leaned into ren, giving him a kiss on his cheek.
    "but what if it was the funeral? What then?"
    She leaned back, opening the door to her room.
    "i'm kidding. It obviously wasn't the funeral. I care deeply for ammittai, and his death is a tragic one, but I wouldn't cry."
    Her tears stopped as she stepped into her room.
    "i had my meeting with kadaj. I don't handle anger well, so it usually ends in tears. I had to give him the spell, but we have a month before he can use it. Sanya said it would only work on the full moon, so those little humans better work their hearts out. I also managed to bring that student back and stop the attacks on the school. But he does hold the power of one of the greatest evils in his hand. It's rather bothersome androblomatic. And my meadow is destroyed. It was the one thing in this school that never changed and I could always count on it being there for me, but now it's torched. It was really hard not to attack kadaj for that. The meadow was my gravity. I guess you will have to do now."
    She spoke playfully and poked him in the chest. Kaila hoped that if she kept talking the way she did ren wouldn't think there was more to the story. She couldn't tell him about the sacrifice. He didn't need that kind of burden, not to mention he would only make matters worse by trying to stop her.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Yves frowned for a moment and closed his golden eyes, "I'd assume he asked them about his father...but that's most unlikely. He's more worried about your mental health than his own at the moment. The boy makes promises but not oaths...they mean nothing. He mearly says them so he can feel closer to you. Angels....and Nephilim are different beings altogether. Zadkiel a Nephilim...half angel...half human. I sense a longing within him to know who his father is, but a more fierce desire to protect you from something. Perhaps...himself? In the summer...on the sixth night of Cheshevan, a fallen angel will come here to possess Kiel's body and do as he pleases. It's something Seraphim have never involved themselves with because fallen angels usually aren't apart of our jurisdiction...they're archangels' problems. I wonder..." He trailed off and fiddled with a beaded portion of his hair.

    Gabriel grinned, his blue eyes softening towards the boy, "'s yours now. I've designed it for a human to weild and protect themself against what the night offers. It's very effective against angels and demons. In the hilt, there is a small removable vial of water from the river that flows through Heaven. It's small but the purest of water. In a pinch, it should do considerable damage to a demon or an angel that has rejected our Father. Understand?"

    Genesis watched her face change and felt confusion roil within him. Why should he care what this human felt. Why did he care? "Do you...want to go back? I...I could take you home....if that's what you desire. I'd be hard for me, since I...I can't do spells that conceal my wing, but...I could get you close to your house." He wanted desperately to make the girl before him happy, which felt strange in his bones.

    Penny nervously smiled at Schuyler, "Ah, that's a relief. I was a little worried." Elena smiled, releasing Schuyler's hand, "In a way, yes. Black Roses are the lovely symbol of Bananach, a member of the Dark Court. She's a half demon, half angel sort of creature. She's the reason vampire myths started. The woman has no self control."

    Ren frowned, not finding her joke funny. "I see....wait...what?" He blinked rapidly and grabbed her hand, pulling her against his chest. "Kadaj has become more of a problem to you than I realize. I'll...have to ask Elena to look at the meadow when she comes back. Her affinity for plants and music should be able to restore it to a less than perfect condition...I think." He felt awful. Memories of Yuukki flashed before his eyes. How lovingly she'd joked with him and even when she was taken into the Dark Court, she smiled at him, pretending like she wasn't losing her mind every time they fed off her emotions. He vowed it wouldn't happen again and was cursed for that vow. Renewing his vow, Ren tilted her head back, his yellow eyes boring into her relentlessly as he trailed warm fingers along her jawline.
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tori quickly became worried. She wanted to help kiel and didn't want someone else to posses him. It wasn't right.
    "is there something I can do? No one should take control of other people it's not right. It's intrusive and just plain wrong."
    She stood angrily stamping her foot. It almost looked like she was a child throwing a tantrum.

    Tristan's gaze slowly raised from the blade to the angel, growing more serious the higher he looked up.
    "yes. I think so."
    He thought of those dark hunters and the man controling them, kadaj. He seemed pretty bad if he could shake an entire school full of angels.
    "i definitely understand. So don't waste it then? That's key."

    Giselle thought carefully. She really wanted to see her parents, but they never really noticed her when they were around anyway. She didn't want to inconvienence genesis by making another risky trip through the woods and having him wait outside for her while she saw her parents.
    "no, no. it's okay...i wouldn't want to be a bother. It's not safe right? And you have more important things to do? I'll just see them in a couple weeks when they come back again."
    She let out a sad sigh, but wasn't going to drag this guy around wherever she wanted to go. She wasn't spoiled or selfish, and he had clearly been through today.

    Schuyler cringed and a disgusted look spread across her face.
    "oh...well that's lovely."
    She felt like she was going to through up but went back to tending the flowers to keep the nausia from spreading.

    Kaila wrapped her arms around ren's waist and smiled as he grazed her jaw with his fingers. The events of earlier were eating away at her, but now wasn't the time to show them. If ren knew about the sacrifice, he would spend more time away from her, searching for kadaj and trying to find a way around it. She would be able to spend her last month soaking up moments with him. Moments that would last in her mind and heart for all eternity. It took so many years for ren to reciprocate his feelings for her and now they were being ripped apart almost immediately.
    "it's fine. I can repair the meadow. I'm fairly skilled and it's my sanctuary. A place where no one else comes to find or visit. My hiding space. It wouldn't be a secret if I showed everyone."
    Her smile grew as she leaned for a liss.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Yves agreed with her quietly. "Keep him close. Fallen angels are deathly afraid of Seraphim and archangels. They fear us because we removed their wings so many years ago. You saw how Kyrios ripped out Genesis' wing... After something like that happens to an angel, they start to fear the one who took their wings. I'm sure Genesis is paranoid and afraid of Kyrios now."

    Gabriel nodded, his blue eyes engulfing Tristan's emotions. "Yes...the key. Some things weren't meant to exist. Like demons and even angels... So, I've heard you had a moment with a Summer Girl."

    Genesis stood, rubbing at the wound on his back from his missing wing. "Alright...if you ever change your mind I'll be around. Do you have a cell phone?" He reached into his pocket, pulling out his thin black flip phone.

    Elena knelt, her face becoming somber, older without a smile marking her face. "Yes...I suppose... Bananach has been hiding for years now. Even Kyrios hasn't seen her. It worries me that he lets her run loose."

    Ren brushed his lips against hers. "Alright then Kaila." Ren kissed her and wrapped his black, disheveled wings around her.
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tori's eyes grew wider. She didn't know what had happened to genesis, but now felt awful about how she treated him.
    " that what happened? I feel terrible now."
    She didn't want to see anything happen to kiel, and if they were going to have a successful future together she would have to protect him. A determined look spread across her face.
    "i will protect him."

    Tristan became quickly embarassed. His face turned red and his heart started pounding.
    "oh uh yeah...i didn't mean for that....i felt bad and didn't think it was a good idea...she said it was okay."
    He scratched the back of his head awkwardly with his free hand.

    "oh yeah, ummm..."
    giselle reached into her pocket pulling out lint.
    "it's in my bag, at school in the cafeteria...probably in the lost and found now..."
    She sighed and leaned back into the chair.

    Schuyler dusted some dirt off her skirt and looked up at her teacher.
    "i see. Someone like that you'd,usually wanna keep tabs on right?"

    kaila kissed ren back and brushed at his black wings. They were opposite in so many ways; wing color, personality, dress, mannerisms; but yet they seemed perfectly together and she never wanted to loose him. Kaila whispered in ren's ear.
    "i never want to loose you."
    It felt strange admitting it out loud to him, but she couldn't find any other way to express it.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Yves smiled, "Don't worry about Genesis or Kiel for the moment. Cheshevan isn't for a while now and you must focus on your duties as Seraph. Ah...I should be going now...I'll see you again soon, Tori." He smiled, brushing a lock of black hair back behind his ear and wiggled ringed fingers at her before fading.

    Gabriel laughed a full, rich laugh and slapped Tristan on the back, "I'm not judging you, boy. Summer Girls are incredibly cute. Especially Jeanie. She likes human guys and doesn't see 'em much. Hey, be nice to that one," he pointed rather rudely at Kallai arguing with Kyrios again, "And you just might get another chance at seeing Jeanie."

    Genesis stood and pulled on his shirt, "Then I shall fetch it for you. Again...I apologize for the way I acted at your school. Reconessence isn't my thing and humans make me jumpy. I'll be back in an hour or less." His mind was scattered as he walked out the door of his room, leaving behind his red sword and jacket. He wanted something from the human girl and it didn't feel like companionship of the normal kind. He'd promised himself he wouldn't do anything to warrent another punishment from Kyrios.

    Elena nodded and Penny stopped removing weeds from around the flowers, "Y'know, you drag us humans into this and still we don't know what we're supposed to do. I'm getting rather tired of being in the dark. I'm sorry Schuyler but this is hard for me to wrap my head around. Surely you're confused too." He pleaded with her. Elena sighed and picked a white rose.

    Ren trailed a line of kisses from her lips to her ear, "And you never shall. I'll do everything I can to keep you beside me." Though he felt at a loss for the reason why she was acting this way now, he wouldn't push her away.
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    "oh! Okay...goodbye then..."
    Tori was stricken with sadness, but it soon fade knowing he would be back. She hurried out of her room and down the hall to kiel's. Tori knocked repeatedly on kiel's door.
    "kiel. Kiel are you in there?"

    Tristan's color slowly faded back tomorrow.
    "really? Okay."
    He really wanted to see jean again, but didn't really think it was a good idea.

    Giselle got up from the chair and crawled onto genesis's bed. She was getting tired and slipped under the sheets until he returned.

    Schuyler sent the gardening tools down and looked up from penny to elena.
    "i am a little curious, actually. I really don't understand what's going on. Other then the fact that some humans are being attacked for some reason and it's our job to ptotect them."

    Kaila pulled ren into a tight embrace and buried her head into his chest. She never wanted to let go. Kaila had no clue how she was supposed to leave ren on the day of the full moon. This was asking a lot of het. More than she was capable of.
    "i wish this never had to end..."
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kiel opened his door and let it drift open. Grabbing a shirt, he half donned it, "What's the matter, Tori?"

    Gabriel messed up Tristan's hair, "Ah, humans with crushes are funny. You're always acting like it's a bad thing."

    Genesis dove from the sky, down to the edge of the woods next to the school. He didn't really want to enter the building again, but he needed an easy way to keep in contact with Giselle and Allen. Slipping in with a group of students, Genesis nudged a little wind tracking spell through the school, locating Giselle's pack.

    Elena moved away from them, "Oh..but...I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you yet... It's not much o a secret's not something we can just throw around. The most I know is that you humans are supposed to become warriors and defeat Demise if he arises. It's our duty to make sure he doesn't but if he does the angels that protect you humans will become the source of your determination and power and the legend says you will drive Demise back into the ground."

    Ren's patience drew to an end. "Kaila...what are you hinting at?"
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    "oh um...nothing really...i just got done speaking with yves. i feel better now. i thought i would tell you."
    tori shifted in her dress awkwardly. she had apparently interrupted him getting dressed.

    "isn't it a bad thing though? she's like...bonded to an angel or whatever. so wouldn't liking her be a bad thing?"
    tristan didn't understand how there could be anything good about that. her fate was already sealed and he had no idea what his was bringing him.

    giselle slowly drifted asleep on genesis's bed. all the excitement from the day had made her tired and it didn't hit her until she was in bed.

    schuyler didn't know how to react to that. she didn't really understand what all was going on. she had always been a go with the flow kind of person and now wasn't any different.
    "oh. so whatever happens we will probably encounter a fight?"

    kaila was always a quick thinker and she had to be in order to get rid of ren's skepticism. a coy smile spread across her face.
    "we're adults. unlike the students we won't get in trouble for being in the other person's room. and you should stay here tonight."
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Allen noticed Giselle fall asleep on the bed and shrugged his shoulder. Guess she must've been tired. He thought to himself.
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kiel frowned and leaned against the door, "Is that so? Well, I'm glad you got to talk to him. Tori...are you sure that's all? I mean rushing over here like that just to tell me that seems a bit...much." Supressing a smile, Kiel watched her, completely enjoying himself.

    Gabriel shrugged, "Some things that are good still do happen, you know."

    Genesis grabbed her pack and turned on his heel and bumped into a teacher. Cursing himself he turned and bolted for the door.

    Elena sighed, her wings fluttering nervously. "Yeah...that's the jist of that... Well you took that better than I expected."

    Ren closed his eyes, "And here I thought you were going to say something drastic like you were becoming a sacrifice or something."
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tori's face grew a slight pink and her body warmed.
    "well Not exactly. I mean i'm not so worried about being the seraphim anymore...and you shouldn't either. I can see that it's bothering you. I'm not sure why, but I can see that it is."

    Tristan put his free hand in his pocket and held onto the sword loosely.
    "yeah I guess."

    schuyler stood and dusted the dirt off her shins, examining the flowers.
    "well I still don't really understand, but i'm sure it'll make sense eventually."
    She smiled down at penny and picked a leaf out of his hair.

    Kaila laughed nervously.
    "everything is so dramatic with you, isn't it?"
    She poked ren in the chest, pushing him back towards the bed.
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kiel shook his head, letting his smile cover his face, banishing the worry in the corners of his eyes. "I only worry for you."

    Gabriel slapped the sword out of his hand and caught it out of the air, twirling it around in his palm. "C'mon, boy, let's see what you've got in you already. So I know where to start at least with one of you."

    Penny glanced up, his face growing warm. ""

    Ren sat on the edge of her bed, "Comes with the background." Laying back, he set his foot on his knee and folded his arms loosely on his stomach.
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tori stepped closer to kiel, leaving only a couple inches of space between.
    "don't. What's really bothering you?"
    She stared up at him wishing she could read minds.

    "i've never used a real sword before. Just toy ones when I was a kid."
    Tristan grabbed the sword back from gabriel and held it out awkwardly. He felt silly. it was something he hadn't even pretended to use in years.

    Schuyler noticed how it was starting to get dark and figured they would be in trouble if they didn't head back soon.
    "if you'll excuse us professor, we should probably be getting back."
    She bent down and scooped the tools up in her arm. Schuyler figured she'd put them back where they originally got them.

    Kaila laid down next to ren on the bed. She curled up against his side and wrapped an arm around his chest.
    "why did you choose to be a part of the dark court? They're so sad and dismal."
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kiel leaned down to her. "As a Seraphim, you'll live longer than me... As a Seraphim,'ll change in ways I can't being to imagine. I worry your feelings for me will change with your body." He lifted one hand and held it a centimeter away from her cheek and dropped it back to his side. "Even dead, Yves continues to only tell you of things that I couldn't comprehend."

    Gabriel materialized a thin saber in his hand, "That's hardly a reason to treat it lightly. Come now, boy, feet apart, legs bent, sword at the ready. C'mon...point it at the sky....why don't you try hitting me."

    Penny followed slowly. He held the white rose Elena had picked in his hand and stared at it as if in a daze. "The white rose is a pure's supposed to represent purity of the soul... I hardly doubt they reflect what's truly in our souls..." As he spoke, the white rose turned a bright orange color with hues of dark orange in it's petals.

    Ren flinched slightly at her words. "I didn't choose them. Yuukki did...and I begged Kyrios to release her. She was human and it was a matter of days before she lost everything... You've no idea what it's like, staring into the eyes of humans taken in by the Dark Court. They're dull...lifeless...emotionless. Kyrios planted his mark on me and told me he'd release Yuukki when I accepted him as my Seraph. I was young...understanding all that was beyond my capabilities. Yuukki died before I understood what he'd meant."
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tori's face flushed red. She took another step forward, filling in the gap between them and took both of his hands in hers. Tori stared down at their hands biting her lip.
    "we um...we talked about that, ya' know? he said it would work out, it just requires more work on my part and patience on yours. Seraphim and archangels don't express feelings the same way. My feelings for you won't change, but in order to show those feelings I have to physically think about them. It'll'll be hard, but if you're willing to'll be okay."
    She fidgetted with his fingers as she glanced up at him almost looking like she's pleading.

    Tristan scratched the back of his head confused and stood the way gabriel instructed.
    "okay?? How am I supposed to hit you if i'm aiming at the sky?"

    Giselle rolled around in genesis's bed during her sleep.

    Schuyler gasped as the color of the rose changed.
    "no way! That was so cool! How did you do it? Maybe you should have a little more faith. It appears to be doing something."
    She wrapped her arms around penny's arm and rested her head on his shoulder as they walked. She was glad that tristan had changed her mind about going on a date with penny. She reached her hand out and played with one of the petals.
    "orange is my favorite color it's quite beautiful."
    Schuyler let out a sigh as a smile spread across her face.

    "oh. I'm sorry."
    Kaila rolled away from ren on the bed. It always seemed to lead back to yuuki. No matter what happened she couldn't compare to that human. She turned so that her head was at the top of the bed. kaila wished she could do something, but it always lead back to yuuki. It was usually her fault that the conversation went in that direction. She curled up in a ball on her bed. Kaila wanted ren to herself, but he would never fully be hers. It was frustrating and she didn't know what to do.
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kiel cautiously pulled Tori to him until he'd pressed their bodies together. "You won't abandon this lowly boy for an angel higher up on the hierarchy tree?" Yves' words were always true....weren't they? Kiel wouldn't accept Tori leaving him. Not in his lifetime. He held Tori loosely in the circle of his arms so she could escape if she so wanted to.

    Chuckling, Gabriel stepped closer to Tristan, "Silly Come at your oppenent with a high stance. A high stance will give you the upper hand in predicting his move. Keep the point towars the sky and never swing like you're handling a battle axe." Lifting his blade over his head, Gabriel swung downwards towards Tristan's hips.

    Genesis returned with her bag in hand and leaves in his brown hair. It'd been a nightmare getting away from the questing teachers seeking to put him back in class. He watched Giselle sleep and realized his room must be colder now since Kalli had gone off with Kyrios to Heaven to speak with their Father and left Enan, brooding, downstairs. His chilly mood set the whole school in a colder atmosphere.

    Penny blushed and stopped walking. "Oh man...I am in way over my head." he muttered to himself and turned Schuyler so she was facing him and lowered his face to hers. "I don't have the faith that you have. I believe in what I can see...what I can touch." He reached a hand out towards her wings and stopped short.

    Ren closed his eyes lazily and brushed his hair back away from his face. "Don't worry about it so much, Kaila. Yuukki meant a lot to me...but she deliberatly disobeyed me and let Kyrios have his way with her. The Dark Court drained her of all emotion and she died from the tax on her mind. Each day being with her was both heaven and hell." He pulled on Kaila's shoulder until he turned her towards him and cradled her chin in the palm of his hand. "I'd prefer to stay on Earth, where the women, be them angel or human, are normal and tempermental."
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tori wrapped her arms around kiel tightly. Her wings closed around them. All rhat could be seen were steel gray feathers and legs sticking out the bottom. She buried her face in his chest.
    "you're not lowly zadkiel. Why would I need any of those other angels when I have you?"
    She didn't look up. She just spoke right into his chest.

    Tristan instinctually jumped out of the way of gabriel's sword.
    "hey! You almost hit me. That would have really hurt. That seraphim guy just fixed my leg and arm a few hours ago. I'd rather not lose that mobility so quickly."
    He awkwardly lifted the sword back up so that it was pointed towards the sky. He was standing diagnallu from the angel and he shifted his body so that they would be facing each other.

    Giselle shivered from the cold, waking her. In her sleepu haze, she noticed genesis back in the bedroom.
    "hm..oh...sorry. I got tired of waiting and vell asleep."
    She let out a yawn as she sat up to get out of the bed.
    "i can get out of your bed."
    Giselle moved the sheets off of her lap to stand up.

    schuyler frowned. Penny's attitude quickly dampened her good mood. She glowered up at the human boy. Schuyled had let go of penny's arm and wavdd them around dramatically.
    "is this a specialty of yours? Ruining moofs? Because everything was going swimmingly until you opened your mouth. I don't understand how you can't have faith. You believed in angels before coming here right? That was blindfaith. If you could believe in the likes of me then how could you not believe that a simple color changing rose could show the nature of your soul?"
    She plucked the rose out of penny's fingers and gwirled it in her hand giving it a light sniff.
    "orange is a strong and warm color. It's friendly and inviting, but still fearsome because of the possibility you might get burned. I love orange and my initial reaction towards you was that you were very orange. Now i'm starting to feel otherwise."
    Schuyler shoved the rose back towards him and began to walk away.

    Kaila's face dawned fake anger as she crossed her arms.
    "i'm not tempermental. It just seems like no matter what I say it always leads back to her. We can't successfully move forward if there is still a significant part of your past holding you back."
    She sighed and the fake anger was replaced with sorrow.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kiel kissed the top of her head and held her to him. Their moment of silence only interrupted by a crack of thunder.

    Gabriel flipped his sword around in his palm. "That's the point of a sword fight. Don't be afraid to connect, Tristan." A bolt of lightning streaked down from the sky and nearly missed Gabriel's sword. Shocking him all the way through the thick metal and through his bones, he dropped his sword and fell face first into the ground.

    Genesis pulled the sheets back around Giselle before she could stand, "No, it's fine. I gave my bed to you. Go back to sleep." At the thunderclap, Genesis' paranoia overwhelmed him and he nearly jumped into the bed with Giselle. "Holy.... Th-that...was unexpected..."

    Penny grabbed Schuyler's arm and spun her back around to face him, letting the rose fall to the ground and kissed her.

    Ren shifted his attention to the window as he heard the thunderclap and shuddered. "Where did you say you were earlier?"
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tori jumped a little from the thunder. It had completely come out of nowhere. There hadn't been any rain or graying skies. She looked up at kiel nervously.
    "i have a bad feeling about this thunder."
    She pulled away from him a little to check outside, but there weren't any windows in this hall.

    Penny had caught schuyler by completely surprise. Her hands had dropped to her sides as he kissed her. She had never kissed anyone before and was afraid she might do something wrong. Her heart was pounding and her entire body was getting warmer. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach, but did her best to ignore them. She had seen plenty of movies growing up and always remembered the girls wrapping their arms around the guy's neck, so that's what she did. Schuyler wrapped her arms around penny's neck and strung her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. She ignored the thunder, it never really bothered her growing up, but when she heard the feint sounds of someone calling for help, she knew it was time to stop. She didn't want to, but knew it was for the best. Kissing penny had felt incredible, like nothing she ever experienced before. As schuyler pulled away slowly she panted from being out of breath.
    "we...have to go...see what's...wrong..."

    Tristan quickly dropped his sword and fell to his knees. He put one hand on gabriel's back and started shaking him.
    "sir, sir are you okay?"
    He looked around nervously, noticing that almost all of the funeral attendants had gone inside.
    "help! Somebody help!"

    Giselle had jumped so hard her chest wad pounding. She was absolutely terrified by storms. Her hands were gripping the sheets so hard they were turning white. Giselle bit down on her lip a little too hard and it was now bleeding, which meant she would have a fat lip by morning. It wasn't her room, so she didn't know any good places to hide until the storm passed. She just sat there frozen, with the look of terror engraved on her face.

    Kaila took a nervous gulp as she followed ren's gaze out the window. She sat up and crawled closer to it on her bed.
    "the umm...the meadow...i had to give kadaj the spell...but it can't work for another month...and there are supposed to be no more attacks on the school."
    From kaila's window she has a pretty great view of the school. It was why she chose this room. Looking down she could see a tiny version of gabriel lying in the grass. It wasn't a good sign.
    "gabriel's in trouble..."
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