Angelic Divinity

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 28, 2011.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    schuyler listened intently to what elena had to say. she so greatly wanted to learn more about the summer court, especially since the seraphim had asked her to join it. when it came to music however, she wasn't the greatest. being musically inclined seemed to be an important part of the summer court and if schuyler couldn't make music, she wasn't sure if the court would actually allow her to join. she slouched down in her chair quietly and pouted a little.

    tori sat there next to kiel bored and staring at the ribbon on her wrist. she had no idea where it came from and it really bothered her. she went to bed and it wasn't there and then when she awoke from her nightmare it was there. that meant someone had snuck into her room while she slept and put it there. the thought of someone touching her while she slept really creeped her out.

    kaila went over the third year syllabus and started the students off with going over some spells they attempted at the end of the year before for refreshment. then helped each individual student refine the spell so that they could perform it effortless.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Elena babbled on and Kiel stared at the flowers as they swayed to her voice. His eyes caught again on Tori's ribbon, where the hell could it have come from? One of the Seraphim?

    Elena paused in her speech and her eyes clouded over, "Oh...! Monsuier Seraph!"

    The Seraphim of the High Court silently stepped into the music room, his hood pulled tightly over his head and shrouding his face in shadow. "It's time... I came to get you personally." his melodic voice rang only in Tori's mind and to the rest, Uriel's commanding voice echoed through the entire school.

    "All students and staff, report to the backyard courtyard. The Seraphim of the Courts have come to deliever us a brand new pathway into Heaven. Please report there immediately." Silence followed her voice before Kiel stood and stretched, "Shall we go then, Tori?"

    Gabriel and Sanya ushered their students quickly out to the courtyard and Elena fumbled around with her plants for a moment until most of the students had left already.
  3. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Sora was on his way to music class before he had heard the annocnement. Okay, guess I'll he to class later. Changning his direction to the backyard courtyard. Hopefully nobody would notice him not being in class until this had ended.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    tori stared the seraphim in the eyes. she continued to keep eye contact with him as she spoke to kiel.
    " you go on ahead. i'll catch up."
    she stood up and followed the seraphim out the door.

    schuyler watched the other girl follow the winter seraphim and was curious as to what might be going on, but decided it would probably be best to go to the courtyard. she gathered her things and stuffed them in her backpack neatly before leaving the classroom and following the crowd in the direction of the courtyard.

    kaila dismissed the class and instead of heading towards the courtyard she went off in the opposite direction. she started heading towards the woods where elena had taken her the night before. she just wanted to escape for awhile and this seemed like the best opportunity to do so. plus when she realized that her bracelet was gone, she had become even more upset then she was the night before. it was a family heirloom that her father had given her. it had originally been a gift from the heavenly father to her great-great-grandmother Seraphiel. when kaila exited the building she stretched her wings and flew into the woods. there was a spot out in the woods that opened up into a meadow. it was where she escaped to when things weren't going great. as far as she knew, no one new about the spot, or at least didn't know that's where she always disappeared too. sometimes when kaila lied there with her ivory wings outstretched and the sun shining on her face, she wished someone knew where she was and would just come searching for her. of all the teachers, she felt the most out of the loop. it always seemed like everyone else was hiding something from her. she wasn't sure if it was because they didn't trust her even after all these years of dedication or if they were trying to shelter her. both of those ideas depressed her.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    The Seraphim set a hand on Tori's back and led her to a side courtyard where the other Seraphim waited. Ren stood there too, beside the Seraphim of the Dark Court. His golden eyes were cast downwards. " my fellow companions. To each of them, my name is Amittai. But to you and those in my court..." he bent down and pulled off his hood, black hair spilling around his face and lightly touched the light blue ribbon on Tori's wrist, "My name is Yves."

    Each of the Seraphim pushed off their hoods and either smiled or glared at Tori. Ren kept his eyes fixed on the ground, his fingers wrapped tightly around a glittering bracelet.

    Deep in the forest, a blaze of red surged around a large hole in the ground and out from it poured a long serpent like creature. It's red eyes glowed with mavolence and his scales secreted a black sludge. The serpent wound it's way around trees and up into their branches. Awaiting it's dinner of succulent divine angel flesh and blood.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    {ooc: wow...that was so detailed it almost made me a little squimish. things are about to get intense up in here.}

    tori looked up at yves a little surprised by his name. it sounded familiar in a way.
    "Yves? that sounds like a name from the norse mythology i used to read about."
    her gaze drifted off for but a moment as she thought about all the old stories she had read. tori was big on mythology. it didn't matter what kind. in the end they were all very similar and taught the same moral lessons. it was hard to believe in multiple gods, given the fact that she was an angel, but just standing there with the seraphs from each of the different courts made it a little bit easier to think that they didn't necessarily have to be gods, but beings that represented different aspects of our lives and surroundings. she glanced over at ren and saw the bracelet in his hand, but given his aura she felt it best not to ask.
    "it's nice to meet you all, but why exactly are we separated from everyone else? i thought all of you had something to present to the school."

    schuyler joined the mass of students and teachers that had gathered outside in the courtyard. she really wanted to speak with the seraphim of the summer court some more, but figured that seeking out a seraph would be pointless. she would just have to wait for kallai to find her. schuyler figured it wouldn't be too difficult for the seraphim of the summer court to seek out a student that was required to stay inside a building and follow a ruitine schedule.

    kaila was lying in the evergreen grass soaking up the sun as she thought of her father. he hadn't been on earth for quite some time now. he had lost his life in an attempt to protect her and her mother, but at least that meant he was able to go back to heaven. she never really understood the point of casting aside his angels to an eternity on earth, just so they could come back to heaven when they die-like mortals. kaila had heard the stories many a time, but never once did it make any sense.
    she heard some noises coming from the trees in the western part of the woods, but dismissed it figuring it was just some squirrels or other animals going about their day. the meadow was her safe haven. kaila would even go there from time to time when school wasn't in session. it never seemed to change. decades had gone by and the meadow always looked exactly the same. it was the one thing in her life that always seemed solid and that would always be there for her. nobody knew about it, so nobody could harm it. it was a place of eternity, like this banishment from heaven.
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Once Sora had gotten to the courtyard, he stood there with the other who had showed up and listen as introduced the new Seraphims. He had no idea what they were going to be doing, but it had to be important if everyone was called here.
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Yves stood straight and spread his arms to encompass the other four, "We do. In fact, you're going to help us. A child of Heaven has rebelled against our Holy Father... This child has been summoning creatures of the underworld to attack fledgling angels. To change them into what he is.." Yves' face became dark and pained with anger. The white haired Seraph stepped forward, his cool compsure never budging from it's icy form. "That's enough, Amittai. No need to frighten your new underling. Kadaj will show his face soon enough...and we'll be ready and waiting for him when he does."

    Ren gritted his teeth as he felt a spike of fear tear through him. "Kaila!" Spreading his midnight blue wings he stopped suddenly as a wall of sheer ice formed in front of him, "Grr...Enan, get out of my way! She'll be killed!" Ren searched his icy blue eyes for some hint of anything. Nothing. No compassion, no anger, no fear shone in those icy eyes. "If you won't move, I'll make you move!" Storm clouds formed above in the sky and thunder and lightning coursed through them. "Raphael...I expected more from you."

    Kiel glanced upwards, "A storm?"

    It's forked tongue flicked out as it's head lowered from the leaves. An angel, both lovely and radiating an aura of well balanced powers for it to devour. Just as it was about to take a rather large bite out of Kaila's head, a sharp bolt of electricity surged out of her pocket from the pocket watch and pierced it's eye. A scream of pain emitted from it's mouth as it fell to the ground at the base of the tree it was lying in. The pocket watch kept glowing a vibrant blue and chiming a single high note in rapid succession.
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    tori jumped back from ren's outburst. he started screaming and it caught her completely off guard. she had no idea what was going on and it scared her a little.
    "wh-what's going on?"

    schuyler stared up at the sky.
    "that's weird. where did this storm come from. it was just fine a moment ago."
    schuyler looked at some of the other students that were gathered there outside and they looked just as baffled as she.

    kaila jumped up and screamed. the beast lay on the ground and she pulled out the pocketwatch with shakey hands. kaila completely forgot about the watch in her pocket and as she stared down at it, there was a blue glow and it kept chiming. her eyes moved to the monster lying limp on the ground and stumbled back. she attempted to cast a barrier spell, but it flickered out right away since she couldn't focus. it didn't appear to be moving, but she didn't want to take any chances. kaila took a deep breath and concentrated on the snake-like creature lying motionless on the ground. odds are it was still alive so she cast her barrier spell again. an invisible dome rippled over monster. it wouldn't be able to cross the invisible circle. kaila collapsed on a log, staring at the still glowing watch. ren gave it to her for protection.
    is this what he meant? nobody explained what the dark even is or how i'm supposed to fight it.
    "this is ridiculous! ugh!"
    kaila sighed and started walking out of the woods. she poked the barrier with her finger to make sure it was still going strong as she walked past it.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Yves set a hand on Tori's shoulder, "Don't be afraid. Ren is just worried for his friend. No need to be frightened. Anyway... We should be getting back to the others now."

    Enan coldly poked Ren and ruffled his feathers much like an older brother would. "You sure act like a child. I can't believe you're actually our Father's favorite at the moment. You're unworthy of the name Raphael."

    Kiel lifted a textbook and held it over Schuyler's head as it started to pour. "Wouldn't want you to get all wet, miss." he smiled. "If those Seraphim don't get here soon, we'll all catch colds."

    The Serpent flicked itself up and bashed it's head against the barrier. "Is that all you can do, little angel?" it hissed. Ramming it's head against the barrier again, small fractures appeared along Kaila's barrier. It's red eyes widened drastically and the barrier shattered, "What's the matter? Surprised? A half-hearted barrier can't hold me. Your body will become my afternoon snack! And later I'll feast on some pathetic freshman!" It slithered around and blocked Kaila's way.
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "Man, where did all this rain come from?" Sora asked, looking up at the clouds above them. Hopefully this would get them inside quicker.
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    tori nodded and started to follow as the seraphim's headed towards the rest of the school.

    schuyler turned and smiled at kiel.
    "thank you. it's kiel right? we met at dinner last night."
    she held her hands up above her head in a half attempt to stop the rain from hitting her head.
    "how are you supposed to keep yourself from getting rained on if you're protecting me?"

    anger flashed in kaila's eyes. it was almost as if you could see the color changing from the rage. she spoke through gritted teeth.
    "you will not lay a hand on my students. i will protect them if it's the last thing i do!"
    fire raged in her eyes as fire ball after fire ball blasted into the creature. as the flames roared a thick bolt of lightning blasted down onto the black beast. kaila's hair frizzed as the electricity coursed through her veins.
    one last wave of fire came flowing out her hands directly at the serpent setting the meadow ablaze.
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    The Seraphim emerged into the back courtyard. Yves' hand still on Tori's back and his hood still down, he let a small smile play on his lips.

    Kiel shrugged, "It doesn't matter, it won't hurt me." he looked up into the sky, "It's only water." his tone was almost reminiscent but his expression revealed nothing.

    The creature hissed out a laugh and slowly slithered it's way out of the fire, climbing into a tree, "Would you believe that those you serve are truly the evil forces at work here? No? Then we shall see who is truly evil among the group of so-called pure angels." It disappeared, heading towards the group beside the school.

    Each Seraphim kept their hoods down as they approached the students. Summer and High Courts bearing smiles for them and Dark and Winter cold and grim expressions.

    Uriel greeted them individually and noticed Amittai wouldn't let Tori leave his side. "Thank you for coming Seraphim. We're honored you could come on such a day. I apologize for the weather." Enan grunted, "It matters not. I'd prefer it to be snowing, but that will come soon enough. I trust the Frost Festival is still going to be held?" Uriel nodded and grinned, addressing her student body, "Students, staff...please welcome the Seraphim of the Courts who have taken today out of their busy moments between Heaven and Earth to visit our school and bestow their individual powers upon few chosen students."
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    tori glanced up at yves nervously. something serious was about to happen if he wouldn't let her leave. she shuffled uncomfortably.

    schuyler smiled gently at kiel.
    "if you say so. oh! they're starting now. hopefully it will be over before it starts pouring."
    she sighed. schuyler loved the rain, but the last thing she wanted was to catch pneumonia on the first day of school.

    kaila panicked momentarily and then started flapping his wings. she flew high above the wood lining and towards the school. she was afraid of not making it in time. it didn't make any sense how that monster could have still survived. kaila needed to warm the rest of the school before the serpent arrived. if the seraphims were there then they could destroy it easily, but the students needed to be protected.
    as kaila got closer to the courtyard she could see uriel speaking. she knew she would get scolded later for interrupting but right now it didn't matter.

    she landed next to uriel and the seraphims.
    "it's coming! we need to get the students inside to safety! there's a monster coming right towards us and we need to protect the students before it gets here. i've already had to fight it once and it didn't do anything. uriel, your holinesses, we need to protect the students!"
    kaila grabbed uriel's arm and pointed towards the woods.
    "it's coming from the woods. we need to move NOW!"
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Uriel hesitated, "Kaila...what are you saying? Monster...the students.. Sanya!" The young teacher with a metal arm and wing broke from where she was within the students and bolted towards the woods. "Leave it to me. Kaila, what did it look like?!"

    Yves tightened his hold on Tori and pulled her back against him for protection.

    Ren's eyes shut tightly against the sight of Kaila in such dissarray. "Forgive me...forgive me, I'm so sorry..." he mumbled.

    Kiel watched the little Sanya peel off towards the woods. "That's not right...she's way too young... Stay here!" he ordered Schuyler and ran after Sanya.

    Elena and Gabriel cried out as he ran off after Sanya.
  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    OOC: Two thing 1 would it be okay it I made Sora's sword able to come to him magicly if needed and 2 Another Character
    Name: Shane
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Powers: Is able to either turn his arm into a claw or a sword
    Side: Dark
    Personality: prefers to be alone
    Bio: Shane always prefered to by alone no matter what it was. Til one day angel found that they have something in common and decided to give him his powers. Granted the angel stays inside of him to help him.

    BIC: Sora was glad when the other Seraphim showed up, at least until Kaila appeared. Wait, what're the rest of use supposed to do? He thought as two angel flew off towards the forest. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have his sword on him and he didn't know how to use it, he would volenteered to help.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    tori watched as kiel just took off towards the woods. she reached out to him but felt the tug of yves pulling her back.
    "kiel no!"

    schuyler continued to hold kiel's book over her head.
    "what do you think you're doing? you'll get killed!"
    she dropped the book on the ground and followed quickly after.

    kaila glanced at ren for a moment, but ignored what he said. she looked at sanya.
    "it was this giant black serpent. i did my best but it was enough. it's headed straight here to attack the students. we need to set the barrier and get the children inside before it's too late. and we need to stop them!"
    she pointed to kiel and schuyler who had taken after sanya.
  18. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    ooc: sure thing and accepted.


    Sanya and Kiel ran into the forest even with Schuyler behind them. Sanya lurched upwards into the trees and Kiel stared after her. "Dammit....Ms. Logos!"

    Yves kept his hold on Tori and nodded to his brown haired, gloomy associate. "Sitnah, you know what to do. Keep the creature at bay until Sanya can find it." He nodded and stood in front of the group of students, "Darkness and death, symbols of the call is absolute, come...I challenge you, Serpent of the Underworld."

    Uriel clutched Kaila's shoulders, "Calm yourself Kaila. Sanya will take care of it. If your spells did not affect it, Sanya will pierce it's armor. Have no fear."
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Seeing yet another angel run off into forest made Sora wished even more that he had his sword when it hit him. His sword was enchanted. "That's right, I can summon it whenever needec." He said to himself as he began to make his way towards the forest.

    "Well, things have certainly gotten interesting." Shane said hearing about the danger that was heading for them. He started to reach for his right hand before stopping and deciding to see how things would tutn out.
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    schuyler caught up to kiel and grabbed his shoulder pulling him back.
    "are you crazy?! you're gunna get killed. did you even hear what that teacher said. none of her magic seemed to have any affect. what makes you think you're going to be able to do anything? this is only our first day."

    she stared him down.

    tori stood there nervously under the grasp of the seraphim of the summer court.

    kaila took a deep breath.
    "how can you entrust her to do that. she was but a student only a few short years ago. she isn't much older than the two that took off after her. i know you and gabriel have faith in her, but she is young and in poor shape."

    she turned to the seraphims.
    "your holinesses,"

    kaila knelt even though every once of her body told her not too.
    "will you please do something?"
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