As everyone knows, every religion and or myth is based on some form of common facts but when it comes to the greek/roman religions however no one knows where the appearances of gods came out of,the is no real founder to their believes.What is this ancient and dead religion based on???
i know a little that most of the roman gods are copies from the greek... they mostky just changed their names a little... although...jupiter is a pretty big difference to Zeus...
I know that but what i want to know is how they came up with such a religion.It didn't just come from someones imagination.Maybe some form of mutation happened to make a group of people extraordinary and the greeks called it Magic.
hey...that could be it... however, you never know how someone thinks... what made you think about this sir daxma?
The first humans all had systems of beliefs that would be passed down from generation to generation. The most likely reason for the origin of Greek Mythology is that these deities were created by the thoughts and beliefs of the ancient Greek people, before they became a real civilized series of states. These stories of the "gods and goddesses" were passed down for generations, and in time, they gained much popularity for the Greek people, becoming their "main" religion. That is my theory.
Well as usual my mind drifted during a history class i think,(thats where i actually come up with most of my questions and where i exercise my creativity) when it just came to me.Where did these people make such a religion,is a fabrication of a greek imagination,did extrordinary people do events that were recorded and made into a religion or could it be something else i haven't had the time to think about???
The Greeks and Romans didn't really have a big understanding of the world, so they made their myths to explain how the world and other things came to exist. I can't really say exactly where their beliefs came from, though.
But how did they make the appearances and the events of the gods.They say that hercules did deeds in athens and other roman cities.These weren't just invented.There must be something behind it.
It comes from that, humans need to believe in something, whether it is science or god, we need to 'know' that their is something that governs the world we live in. A course which many people took at the time was that super-humans ruled humans. These Gods were made up by travellers, explorers who could only explain their story with fiction and no facts. The Greek gods were the most human of all Gods, they showed that even almighty Gods have human tendencies, from the great god, Zeus sleeping with mortal women instead of his goddess wife, too Hades hunger for power, to control all men. They are some of the perfect sets of gods ever made.
Pantheon deities such as Greeks, Norse, Celtic, Egyptian, etc were partially motivated by a desire to explain phenomena they could not grasp through science but also as a representation of human characteristics embodied into a form of a being and also expressions of nature spirits and the sort. Roman mythos basically were mostly derived from Greek mythos and also took in some Egyptian culture amongst other things. Roman beliefs largely stemmed around others they 'Romanized' into their culture. There are many older religions that wished to explain nature, animal instincts, human behaviors etc. The gods often represented things like 'love', 'strong harvest', 'sensuality', 'love of alcohol', 'happiness', 'death', 'life', etc. Many aspects of our existences that could be personified beautifully into an entity created were special; even the bad things or negative things that people often today try to avoid. The gods of course needed homes etc so elaborate places were created for them. Also, because of the nature of things like 'death vs life' and other opposite ideals existing, the gods would 'war' about these things amongst each other such as Hades and Zeus feuding or Osiris and Set, etc. The religions of the past which now are often called Mythos were meant to not just run people's lives but also they were seen as very beautiful and explained things while also exploring human nature to include things that today are seen as naughty to think about like sensuality, reproduction, partying, love affairs, etc. Even gay behavior was accepted and sometimes encouraged in some of the mythologies and the cultures people had. There wasn't so much that was considered taboo. It is important to mention though that some people do still believe in the mythologies as religion such as the Wiccans. These beliefs aren't totally extinguished though the monotheistic religions did suffocate them out quite a bit. It's also of interest to say that some people did not really believe in the gods back then and saw the stuff as fanciful stories but stories told really were very important to people back then and great battles, adventures and exploits, romances and more were just things people loved to hear about. Another thing to note is that the deities of the past often had weaknesses and strengths that made them feel tangible for humans to understand. Some kings or pharaohs etc back then also were candidates for godhood if they did the 'right' things in their lives. It was about understanding life and filling in gaps but it was also about the human condition and dealing with people's natures and nature itself. Also, some people that became seen as deities in the mythos actually did live or were made up to tell about a time of life from the past.
Ancient Religion seems to be based on elements, and names the early people way back came up with, such as Zeus,Ra etc. So, I'm not exactly sure about where Ancient Mythology originates but I'm certain it comes from different artifacts that you can find in nature...i guess.