this is the first coloured pic that i have done of my OC Analy. Its also the 5th pic that I've ever CG coloured. it's a christmas pressie i am giving to a friend as well. Since he may be getting me GH:WT
Aww.... it's cute :] I can see a few flaws but it's alright. I like how you colored it. Her eyes are amazing too :3 Except they seem a bit misplaced. Still, amazing job here :] I never colored CG yet >w< and I doupt that I'll ever do something as amazing as this anyway x]
lol thanks~ i was testing out a technique to CG eyes, they're meant to be on top of the hair as well because i hate having my eyes under the hair. The pen tip of my graphics tablet pen ish almost completely flat so keeping that in mind this came out very good. dont worry, CGing gets easier as you get more experience.
Commented and I didn't know it was you! XDDDD I didn't know you were Bareri after you chagned your name. XPPP Sprry!~
She looks squished, her eyes look way to big, but the color looks great. Overall, I don't like it, but the style you used is unique. 7/10 because it looks like you tried hard.
that my friend, is the beauty of shoujo manga anyway, its meant to be a chibi-fied version of analy, i guess i failed x_x