i must be tired because that made me laugh.... reps for making me laugh today, i needed that xD (damn tests >.>)
I'm honestly surprised you got that since Luka's name hasn't been TheChosenOne since... a long ass time ago. But glad that my terrible attempt at humor made someone laugh. :v OH GOD, THE PAMSY-NESSa
really? i was thinking star wars as in Luka change A to E and get i just took it as a visual pun, not her old name
Anakin was portrayed as a ***. The kid version and general disjunction of the fourth movie was the end of the series and my respect for Lucas. c: Only thing he did right (and I don't think it was even his, per se) was the Commandos.
At this point, probably. 8D But I've also played RC multipule times over now, so it's about the same. xD