So yesterday, I needed a costume because I was going to a superhero costume party. Now, for a long time, I was planning as going as one of the Monkeemen from the old TV show The Monkees, which aired in 1966-67. But I suddenly realized I didn't have a black cape. So I went on a quest in search of a black cape, but my sisters were going to the same party, and so all of our capes were in use. Our old Jedi cape, our black cloak we used for the ghost of Christmas future in a Christmas play we did once, our Phantom of the Opera cape... all in use. We also had two Red-Riding Hood capes, but those are, obviously, red, and not black. Finnaly, my sister remembered that my dad bought a Zorro costume a few years back, and it came with a cape. But according to her, it was stored in a box of Halloween decorations that was located in our basement, which is infested with billions of spiders, so that you literally just have to open the door at the top of the stairs and you can see webs everywhere. No one will brave the basement except my dad, and when I'm desperate, me. So I crept down the stairs armed with Sting and the Light of Elendil. Okay, I didn't have those. I crept down the stairs armed with my old black and gold Sith Lightsaber, and my red lightsaber flashlight. I hunted around some of the less infested areas, and found the box with relative ease. Opening the box, I rummaged through it only to find- there was no cape there. Going back upstairs, I relayed the news to my family, who lamented the fact before my dad had an epiphany of greatness and found me the perfect costume, one that he was going to wear, but couldn't. And that concludes my Epic Tale of Adventure and Geekism.