I've been working on a lot of videos since 2007. I started off with some dubs and it got pretty far in the KH community. Below are some of the best AMV/Dubs that I've made. Edit: In the dubs, I voiced as Roxas. Birth By Sleep: Fan Trailer Three KH titles were announced at the Tokyo Game Show 2007. The Birth By Sleep game for PSP has caught my attention. So, here's a trailer on Birth By Sleep. Please note that it's not the real thing. This was simply Fan Made... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjorR3ztopQ Twilight Clock Tower: Dub A Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ Dub. Features the important scene with Axel and Roxas on the Clock Tower from Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+. The dub was translated to fit this scene. Please note that it may not be correct from word to word, but this is what we got. Lionfayt plays as Axel and I (Mike) play as Roxas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqn7gMOfTrU The White Room: Dub Here comes my third dub, but this time featuring a scene from Kingdom Hearts II. Al though it is short, the dub is different from the last two I made. Cheza from VAA did the voice of Namine and I did the voice of Roxas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo95EIsujBY KH-Future Mix I've made a total of eight AMV's and deleted all except this one. I believe this is the best one that I can offer to a lot of you. The video is really fast and intense. The AMV includes high quality scenes from the Secret Endings, ASAS, and Deep Dive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWp9bfTCUCU The True Name: Dub The True Name Dub marks a break for this last Roxas dub that I will be doing. It's not a total end, but I'm taking a break for awhile. The dubs have received a lot of respect and I appreciate it. Also thanks to KHV, KH Insider and KHU for posting it up. For more on my Roxas dubs, check out my channel. The dub is basically a big flash back. Note that it will go quick at one time. Roxas: Voiced by Mike Xemnas: Voiced by DJ Firewolf http://youtube.com/watch?v=NIS8Z58Zo8s
Wow their pretty good and that coment on the 2nd vid that darksora 94 said "nice vid good work dubbing and the guy that did roxas sound alot like him xD" he really does!
Thanks. My voice is almost like that anyway. I didn't really have to try hard to sound like him. Eh, I thought I could of done a better job...
Actually there was another video that I missed. In December, I made the KH: Christmas Digital Booklet, which made it in the whole KH community. In fact KH-Vids posted it as well. I ended up making a commercial for it, but it never made it to any of the KH fan sites. So, In the video you'll notice that I mention all the sites in it. KH Digital Booklet: Trailer http://youtube.com/watch?v=OMI2VO3_4FU This commercial is a promotion for the Kingdom Hearts community. "The Digital booklet" was once called the KH Christmas Card. It featured only a couple of signatures in 2005. The card was very small and didn't have enough room on it. In 2006, the second edition of the Christmas Card, came out with about twelve signatures. This was followed by yet again another small card. This year, I wanted to give the card a new look and a new name. The Digital Booklet contains four pages. It will be released this Christmas with an available section for each site to make it's own signatures and comments. You can find this card available on all the fansites listed below for Christmas Eve/Day 2007.