American Gods RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by mr_croup, Jan 10, 2007.

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  1. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Well mostly they ignore me, so I can get away with talking to you, as long as I don't interfere with them. Zaris knows, but he will not harm you or disturb us. I will see him tomorrow to try to calm him so he hopefully does less damage in your city, but I must go alone. He will tolerate me, but not you. If you are there he will try to destroy you. They are all the same. I imagine your side shows little tolerance and understanding either."

    Nikki could see that Mr Wheeler had put himself in a very dangerous position for her.
  2. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    "I'm going to a meeting with many of the new gods tommorrow as well. We'll see if i survive. Knowing my bosses, they'll be too busy setting up for tommorrow to really care." Mr. Wheeler took one last fork full of chow mein. After he swallowed, he looked Nikkie in the eye. He said with a simile, "Don't worry about me. I'll work it out."
  3. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "But I will worry about you. I'm the reason you're in danger in the first place. If only I could help you in some way. Just ask and I will do my best."

    Nikki knew that Mr Wheeler was covering up the danger.
  4. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Mr. Wheeler could tell that Nikkie saw through his bluff. "I appreciate that. But don't worry about me. I'm a bit tougher to kill than most of the other new gods. You should be more worried about you. If you think that i was the only new god dispatched here, you're horribly mistaken."
  5. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "The same here. There are three of us. trust me, the other two aren't friendly. You've met Zaris, but not the other one."

    Nikki wanted to convince Mr Wheeler that she would be alright. In this case she was in a safer position that he was. At least her own kind wouldn't try to kill her for speaking to him. She had thought the old gods uncivilised, but the new gods must be at least as harsh.
  6. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    "As i said before, we're holding a meeting in los angeles tommorrow. By then, this place will be crawling with new gods and demigods. Not to mention the fact that one of the highest of the new gods lives here."

    Mr. Wheeler shuddered at the very idea of seeing her get angry...
  7. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Then we must hide. Zaris has something planned, and I'm going to try to stop him tomorrow. The other god is Jon, though he knows of your existence, he has chosen not to reveal himself. Once I have dealt with Zaris I will go into hiding. I will tell you where I am as I trust you, even Zaris doesn't know this, none of the old gods do. Take care."

    Nikki told Mr. Wheeler where she was going to be.
  8. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Mr. Wheeler acknowledged that he understood. "I'll meet you there by sunrise tommorrow morning." Mr. Wheeler realized that the waiter was asking if he was done. "I'm finished. Are you, Nikki?"
  9. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Yes thank you." Nikki offered to pay. She was not that much of an old god. She also knew she had to stop Zaris, who knew nothing of the danger. She tried to locate him, but only saw death. 'What are you doing Zaris?' she thought.
  10. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    "That's okay, " responded Mr. Wheeler. "I'll take care of it. I ate a lot of the food, so it's only fair."

    Mr. Wheeler couldn't help but be nervous. If she found out about this, he would be screwed beyond belief. Or maybe she had found out already...

    MR. Wheeler tried diverting his thoughts to paying the bill. In cash, of course.
  11. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Nikki knew from her powers that Mr Wheeler was in a great deal of trouble because of her. She could see from his face that he was very nervous. Whoever was in charge of the new gods was obviously ruthless, and he had exposed himself to danger. She gave him the cash for her half of the meal.

    "I know that things are worse for you than you let on. Do you have to go to the meeting tomorrow? If not don't go. I will hide and protect you. I can see what is about to happen as a vision, and so you will have enough warning to escape. It's my fault you're in this mess, at least let me help you."

    Nikki looked him straight in the eye and smiled. "I am your friend you know, regardless of the politics of the others. You can come to me if you need me."
  12. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    "Sadly, they'll know something is up if i'm not there. I need to go. But if i know my associates, they are all about appearances. They wouldn't dare kill one of their own in front of everyone." Mr. wheeler returned nikkie's smile. "As soon as i'm done, i'll come find you, and we can get out of here."

    Mr. Wheeler left the cash on the table with the bill. "Shall we go?" He couldn't tell what the future held, and that he was taking a gamble, but he got a feeling that everything would be alright. After all, at least he wasn't in it alone.
  13. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Certainly, and I will be with you after to help you. I've been doing this for a very long time. I'm a titan, so even the main pantheon gods don't fully trust me. I'm used to fighting my corner, and now yours."

    Nikki got the cloak out of her bag and put it over her arm. She followed Mr Wheeler, but couldn't help looking around. Nothing had come to her in a vision, so she was sure Mr. Wheeler was safe at least until the meeting was over. She wrapped the cloak round herself as soon as she got outside, and seemed to disappear into the darkness.
  14. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    {hey mikki u done with ur date yet?}
  15. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    'My name's Nikki and we are just leaving. You are in great danger. I need to see you urgently.'
  16. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Mr. Wheeler walked out the door. "So where can i drop you, Nikkie?"
  17. feanaro Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2007
    Always one step ahead of you.
    Saule stood talking to the police officer, but was getting nowhere. It was apparent that this man would give him no information of value without the proper incentive. After emptying his wallet Saule knew that the On Star in the had asked for directions to a Chinese restaurant about an hour ago. From what he had heard about Mr. Wheeler's eating habits he imagined he was still there and would be for sometime.

    He had been sent to follow Mr. Wheeler after his benefactor had seen the comution in the mall and lost track of him. Apparently, three old gods were spotted in the mall and there was a worry that Mr. Wheeler had done like one of his SUVs and flipped over to the other side, and should that be the case Saule had a very distasteful job.

    Saule sighed and wondered if this had really been the choice after the unpleasant incident several years (or maybe months, time traveled kind of funny anymore) ago.
  18. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "It's alright, I'll find my own way home. I don't want to put you in any more danger and I have to stop Zaris before morning. You take care, and protect yourself. I can use my cloak and use the darkness to travel."

    Nikki smiled, kissed Mr Wheeler on the cheek and disappeared.

    'Zaris where are you? I need to talk to you now! It's a matter of life and death, possibly yours if you don't hear what I have to say!'
  19. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    zaris then appeared in front of nikki.........

    ''make this quick....''
  20. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Look Zaris, the new gods are gathering in LA today for some major meeting. The whole lot! They're also aware we're here, and are hunting us. The head new god is here and she seems to scare Mr. Wheeler. He's put himself in a great deal of danger for me, it seems. They may be hunting him as well. We've walked into a hornets nest. Please keep a low profile tomorrow, I beg you!"

    Nikki looked at Zaris with sincerity and tears filled her eyes.
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