American Gods RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by mr_croup, Jan 10, 2007.

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  1. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Nikki could sense the power behind her, though he felt tired and in some way alone. She hated the sun, it stopped the blessed night, but she never hated the gods personally. She turned as if to talk to Zaris and glanced at the stranger. He looked tired and stressed. So this was a henchman of Media. Were all her cronies so harried? She wondered if he had noticed her as she placed the orange juice on the belt and paid for it. Part of her wanted to talk to him, but she knew that would not only endanger her, but also Zaris. She picked up the carrier bag with the orange juice in it and linked her arm through Zaris's.

    "Let's go home."
  2. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''no way I sence hes weakened even if he wanted to fight us we can easily take him down just stay who knos he maybe friendly........''
  3. feanaro Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2007
    Always one step ahead of you.
    Saule paid for his candy bar. He then followed the woman and the man out the door. It was outside that Saule became aware of just how incredibly intimidating the man next to the pale skinned young woman was. He was not particularly muscled or really tall (although he was most assuredly taller than Saule), but did look as though he would punch you in the face soon as look at you, of possible just punch you in the face without the whole "looking" thing).

    'Bodyguard!' Thought Saule, 'must be a movie star (an eccentric one to buy food at the super market), but a movie star or someone equally famous none the less. That is probably why she wares that hood over her face. I should probably not bother her, she may be one in Media's pantheon or a human about to join it.'

    Saule gave one last woeful look at the orange juice heading away from him and turned away to go and find a good place to await sunrise.
  4. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Nikki glanced back to see that they had been followed by the solar god. She looked him directly in the eyes. He apparently had no idea who she was, or what she was. He seemed sad and a little neglected. As if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. Not what Nikki expected a solar god to be. Apollo was proud, and would never be seen so down. She felt sorry for him. Perhaps he wasn't the monster she had painted him as.
  5. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''duh Nikki u can be so naive u gattah lighten up a little.........''
  6. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Lighten up? I am the more aware one here. That was Saule. He looked a little shabby to me. I don't think this war has been so kind to him. You learn to read souls through the eyes. His are tired and resigned, like he hates his job but can't see an escape. You're free, understand what being trapped is."
  7. feanaro Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2007
    Always one step ahead of you.
    Saule had looked back, a second earlier, and now he had to resist doing a double take. She had made eye contact with him and those had not been the empty eyes of anyone in Media's inner circle, those eyes had been very old, possibly those of a very mature and aware but more likely those of an old god. Saule was not sure tailing her would be a good idea, if she was an old god then the man beside her was most likely one too, and Saule could barely handle one right now.
  8. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Nikki realised that Saule probably knew she was an old god, but had not followed her. Could he be that weak? He hadn't harmed Mr. Wheeler either, and he looked exhausted. She doubted very much it was just lack of sunlight. He looked slightly shabby, and careworn. Media obviously did not look after her cronies very well. Why had he gone to the supermarket for just a candy bar, she then realised that he had been fascinated by the juice, and that she had taken the last container. Perhaps he needed it. She had nothing against him personally. He had avoided any contact, as though he could deny seeing them. She pitied him.
  9. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''well any way Nikki I got this book its called the book of the dead wanna look?''
  10. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Yes please. I've heard of it and I must admit that I'm curious. Doesn't it belong to the death gods? If so, how did you get it? I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get a visit from one now. There are two in town you know, Jon and the unknown old god.."
  11. Darkvincent Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 9, 2006
    I'll get as want as drunka be
    ''well I think its jon's its from an egyption god i was gannah use this book to bring up the dead and cause all kinds of wars kol eh?''
  12. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    ooc: sorry i haven't posted in a while. i've been away.

    "I figured i'd find you out and about," media said in that smooth, silky voice that usually meant that somethinbg bad was going to happen.

    "Why's that?" Mr. Wheeler asked.

    "Call it a hunch. Just calling to remind you of the meeting today."

    "Yeah, i know. Where's it going to be?"

    MEdia told him. Mr. Wheeler sighed. he should have known that was coming.

    "Okay, i'll be there."

    "Be there soon. You're helping set up."

    Before Mr. Wheeler had a chance to respond, Media simply said, "Ta ta", and the screen went dark.
  13. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Nikki arrived back at the apartment to find that the TV was off and Mr. Wheeler looked unnerved. "Are you ok? We only left for a short time." She placed her hand on his shoulder. Whatever had happened to him, it wasn't good.
  14. feanaro Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2007
    Always one step ahead of you.
    Saule had left the store with the intention of not following the hooded woman, but by some strange set of coincidences after walking in different directions their paths had converged near the tallest building in the intimidate area, and where Saule had planed to await the morning. Saule then saw her entering a nearby apartment building and decided to let curiosity get the better of him; he could not see the man in black, but that was perhaps because he had already entered the building. Nevertheless, Saule walked up to the building and pressed a call button and began reading the call buttons.

    'If I can find out who this person is I can find out she is indeed an old god, and even if she has nothing to offer me, her location may make a good enough gift to Media that I can finally have somewhere nice to live.' Saule thought.

    OoC: Gharanth, what is your character's listing on the apartment call button?
  15. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    ooc: Nikki Santos

    Nikki suggested that Mr. Wheeler sat down while she made him herbal tea to calm his nerves. She wondered how he could have become so upset. Then she sensed the solar god nearby. He had followed them both from the supermarket, and had the nerve to try to pursue her in her own home. 'Don't let him up here' she instructed the concierge telepathically.She had no wish to be sold out to the new gods.

    The concierge looked up at Saule. "I'm afraid Miss Santos does not accept visitors at this hour Sir.' He looked at the solar god with a mixture of annoyance and hatred. He literally worshiped Nikki and knew that the stranger was unwelcome. Knowing that a key was needed to work the elevator also gave him courage. "I suggest you make an appointment to see her at her office."
  16. feanaro Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2007
    Always one step ahead of you.
    Saule smiled. He had already received most of the information he could have hoped for: a name. He had at no point mentioned who he was looking for, but the concierge had been kind enough to give him the name of the most important person in the building.

    The concierge was a short and balding man who looked easy enough to influence. "I am not actually here to see Miss Santos although am afraid it is inevitable that I will. You see, a good friend friend of mine, Badger Berkley, is staying with Miss Santos, and he asked me to pick him up for so he can get an early place in line for some book signing or something."

    Saule was not sure if this ploy would work, but at least it would force the concierge to ring Miss Santos, and telling Saule whether or not she was home.
  17. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Miss Santos has no one of that name staying here. All guests are signed in. May I inquire what your name is so that I may inform Miss Santos that you were looking for Mr. Berkley? She would surely like to know."

    The concierge looked at Saule with suspicion. He was not going to give his mistress away. Most people underestimated him, which made him perfect for the position.
  18. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    Mr. Wheeler's first instinct was to tell nikki that Media had found him. But for some reason, something was telling hm that wasn't a good idea. He just couldn't bring himself to do it.

    "Nope. Nothing's wrong. it's just about time for me to go. Thanks for everything, Nikki."
  19. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "By the way, Saule is down in the lobby, talking to the concierge. I think he must have followed us as he was in the supermarket. The concierge is a loyal follower of mine, and will not betray you, but I think we had better check he's gone first. I would not want you getting into trouble. He's Media's crony and she will find out you have a friend who's an old god. This will not go well for you."
  20. mr_croup Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 17, 2006
    A giant bucket
    "I'm not sure that's necissarily true. If media wanted to kill me, she wouldn't have just sent Saule- who doesn't necessarily trust media either- last night.

    Also, Media needs me to help set up for the meeting, which is why i have to go early."

    Mr. Wheeler looked Nikki in the eye and smiled at her one last time. "Once again, Thanks for everything, Nikki."
    And with that, Mr. Wheeler was gone.
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