America: We're ****ed.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by libregkd, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Hmm...well, our amendments still come first, and we still have our democratic representatives who are supposed to defend us. Although as GhettoXemnas had said, humans can be corrupted with evil and greed for more power, but of course, the normal, common people without power, would persist onward for their right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." So overall, I believe our amendments would precede anything trying to hinder our rights, continuing to ensure a country that is democratic and free...
  2. Repliku Chaser

    I think what is posted first is an 'extreme' concept of what 'could' happen with this law if we did not pay attention and don't see it as the 'likely' thing to be probable. I do not like to be overly paranoid when it comes to government issues, even though I do know and see some of the corruption that can be viewed. I'd say that the warning sign is there to pay attention so that we do not become as lame as what happened in Germany during WW II. We can't let ourselves continue to be separated by stupid issues of ethnicity and all, even though it happens.

    Also, there are terrorist cells in the U.S. and we should all be aware of that. It's not even just the "evil Muslims" that are terrorists here. Any group that spreads hate and fear as a doctrine and has harmed people is. We have terrorist Christian activists too, and Mormon ones, as well as other groups that do things to harm others and spread terror. If we broke it down, we could even say some certain gangs that are corrupting kids, such as the Crips and the Bloods are terrorists in their ways. The KKK has done acts based on color of skin and hides behind Christianity. We do have groups that are out there hiding in our society that could easily enough be labeled as harmful to society and well...most are. They prevent others from simply living a normal life and getting fulfillment.

    I can't say these harmful groups that even have military grade weapons at times aren't needed to be stopped. So, yes, humans, as someone mentioned above, do corrupt things and take them and bend them to their purpose, but somehow I don't see the regular citizens of the U.S., who grew up as a nation that had to fight for its freedom in the first place, sitting there like Germany did in WW II and just letting someone tell us that today they are going after religious people that pass out Bibles on the street to people, or that carry signs of the end times etc. It's a law for those that truly are trying to destroy things to get what they want and bend us all to their whims. We'll see how it works out and it is a law to 'watch' but I don't think it's one to get extremely worried about unless someone tries to abuse it. It is our jobs as citizens of this country to watch it and ensure what it is actually 'meant' to do and then do something when it is abused.
  3. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    We aren't abusing freedom of speech. Sure, some people say things that are extreme and such, but they have that right to say what they want.

    Taking freedom of speech away is an extreme act. If it's passed and enforced, it just proves that the country is run by corrupt leaders.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    I would disagree with you. Freedom of Speech is constantly abused. People can say anything, sure, but sometimes they have to comprehend they are responsible for their words and there may sometimes be repercussions. People often misunderstand that and think they can just say whatever and not be accounted to it.

    Of course, on the same issue, I don't like the fanatical zealots and fundies that try to regulate our speech and use the 'It's for the Children' clause either. A 'way' of speech is not the same as the meaning of the words spoken and I don't think people should be so lame over that.
  5. Wabba Twilight Town Denizen

    May 7, 2007
    This is like Red-baiting. Claiming someone a terrorist when they are not as people claimed others a communist from the days of the cold war. Worst case scenario, this passes and is later revoked by the next president as slandering people as communists and socialists were.
  6. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    Ooh, look, more things for Jade to label as silly. First, Congress would never do anything that would revoke any of the statements on the Bill of Rights. Never. It's just too deeply ingrained in American philosophy.

    Second, as Cin said a while ago, this is being blown way out of proportion. All I have to say in response to this is: "What do you have to hide?"
  7. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    America was never destined to last very long, but eh, an almost 300 year run aint bad. The U.S.A. has good ideas that sadly can't run for very long. All these freedoms and eventually something bad happens, or politicians take back former freedoms.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    This whole thing kind of reminds me of McCarthyism and the attack on 'communists' that weren't all really communists. We can't live our lives in fear and all and if this sort of thing happened, we were raised that we would fight. We wouldn't just sit and watch like Germans did with the SS and the taking of people out of their homes like that. We'd find out the truth of where they went, I would hope and not take such a thing well at all.
  9. Gritz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 25, 2007
    If free speech against the government(More specfically, this Administration)was really being threatened in the USA, then wouldn't the first move to destroying the internet. The Internet is the highway of info. To keep people in the dark, they would have to shut down these mediums. Considering that you can post something like this with no fear of being arrested, I'd say that we are pretty long way from a fascist state.

    Also, If free speech was being controlled, would Hollywood and soo many movies be so vocal in their hatred of this administration and its policies. As for a Christian Theocracy, I'm unconvinced that a group that can't even get public schools to keep public prayer is any real threat to our Democracy.
  10. LightManifest Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 4, 2008
    You have a good point. They wouldn't be able to afford to take away freedom of speech. Besides, movies and media are a great source of entertainment for America. We're famous for it!

    Besides, why would they take it away? :wacko: I very much doubt they believe all their great citizens are terrorists. I know bad things happen, but I find if you give trust to someone, they like to live up to it. The government, a body of people, including the people of America voting and all that, are apparently more than a single person. However, it just works in a slower process is all. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone who has a different opinion. I just don't want to see anyone's face turned to a frown. Well, it's the internet, I know, I can't see anyone's face, but that's really not the point...
  11. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Great Empires have risen and fallen.

    Either by a rebel of the people against the government or by corruption and failure of the government. There are more reasons of course.

    America is a country that is mostly stable. Our economy is trying to balance out with the whole stock market incident.

    As long as we elect capable presidents and have good politicians in office, we should be fine.
  12. Repliku Chaser

    I'm not sure I agree that we are 'mostly' stable. With radical groups popping up of both Christian and Islamic violence groups (mind you I am not saying all Christians or Muslims etc), backwater thinking and regulations regarding that we should let others protect us instead of moving on with things when they could have said something before 9/11...I just don't think we are so stable. I do feel there is a lot of fascism spreading around where people can say things like 'Atheists should not be considered citizens of the U.S.' and these are leaders that say this such as Bush. When people can say remarks like during what was said in the elections for primaries and when fascists can run for office and still hang around lurking for VP's just scary. The Constitution was made the way it was for a reason and when Huckabee said he wanted to put 'God' into it in a speech he made in the primaries, that is also fascism. Hitler did the same sorts of things in Germany, restructuring their government and base platforms. We've slowly been letting fascists of both corps and religions take over key spots in politics and it is kind of troublesome.

    I do think if we vote right, we may be able to fix some of this fascism that wants people to wear a pin instead of showing by actions support for the country. We have work but people really do need to get involved and despite how boring it can be, know what's going on. Politicians -hope- we don't pay attention much so they can get away with things that they've been doing. I think in the upcoming years if we just let people make our choices for us for much more, we are going to be a different country indeed.
  13. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    somehow i get the feeling that things won't be noticeably different anyways if this bill happened (did it?)
  14. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Wow, this seriously scares me. America is on a bad road right now. One that will lead us to imminent fascism.