It makes me laugh when people think that becoming premium is an instant boost for getting staff. Plums isn't a prem and yet he is a sectional mod (Go Plums).
It is a boost, just because Plums got a staff position without being premium doesn't mean it's not a boost. If you think so then you don't know what a boost is.
Personally I think it is more or less how the user acts that is the main point the staff would look at. What I was saying is being a premium won't increase your chances of becoming staff by a lot. Granted it does raise your chances a bit but if they aren't "trustworthy" or something along those lines then they won't get it. Premium or not. And that is just a generic example that wasn't targeted at any specific member.
Oh of course, if someone isn't trustworthy then they won't pick them no matter what, normal or premium. Though I think it's much easier to become a staff member if you're premium. For one it means that you've contributed a fair bit to the site, then there's also the fact that the premiums are the only ones who can turn in a staff application at any time... Unless that was changed, haven't checked in ages. I do believe being a premium improves your chances a bit, but there will always be exeptions, and it's a given that you won't instantly become staff just because you're premium, if not then we would be probably all be yelling "Change the mod-colour to *insert colour*" just about now.
And the part "let's go back to the topic?". Whatever... Mwahahahahahahahaha'. Didn't expext to laugh at this hour of night (I almost woke up my older brother). xDDDDDDDDDD Well, congrats in hacking google becoming premium, Amaury! You're on Google! You're stealing all my popularite Current Amaury Usertitle: Permium Member; Default Usertitle: Chaser. AMAURY: 0 EVIL MAN: +1 Ahahahahaha'. Dude, I really have fun here. xD