I was exiting (entering?) onto a highway and the exit that I use to get onto the highway is on of those that has an exit directly after it so you have to merge quickly or else you'll be exiting again onto some other road. Anyway, as I was exiting (entering?) there was this van that was right where I was supposed to be, but instead of merging left so the person merging onto the highway (me) can merge, they stayed in the same lane. However they didn't slow down or speed up so I could get in front or behind them, they sped up and then slowed down so they were directly where I needed to be. I had to speed up super fast so I could get into the lane I needed to be in and not be on another exit. If I didn't have any faith in people I would assume they were intentionally trying to run me off the road. Doesn't that just piss you off?
If your exit isn't the next one or two you have no business being in the right lane for exactly this reason: you're in everybody's way. Protip: Left lane: people who drive fast (at least 70) only Middle lane: everyone. This way, people can get around you. Right lane: people getting off the road ONLY If it's a two lane road... It's everyone for themselves. But you should always leave a few cars' space between yourself and the person in front of you, so if someone does merge on, they can easily get in front or behind you. It's also so you don't rear end someone. Why people fail to realize these things is beyond me.
LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT DRIVERS IN ISRAEL they are the absolute worst. you got people driving between two lanes on highways, motorcyclists zooming in between cars, aggressive drivers that will rear up on you and honk at you for not driving "fast enough" even though they were like so far behind you a minute ago. israel has the worst drivers, be thankful you dont live here, and no, my description does not do justice to the the actual scenes. they are far worse.
If it's a two lane road, everyone should use the right lane. If someone is driving slower than you'd like to go, pass them in the left lane and then go back to the right lane after passing the car. That way everyone can drive the speed they want. Driving in Americas sounds terrible
We have a pretty bad exit / entrance merge ourselves when I-82 merges with I-90, if this is pretty much what you're talking about.