Hey, are there any other fans of Amanda Lee, commonly known as LeeandLie on YouTube, and AmaAmaLeeLee on SoundCloud? For those of you who aren't in the know, Amanda Lee is a musician who usually covers anime and video game music, doing an exceptionally good job in my opinion. A few of my favorites from her are below:
I think her version of Reluctant Heroes is probably my favourite. I actually prefer it to the original song. It's a bit more emotive than the original is because of the different instrumental and the way it's sung. The slower, sadder version works really well. Then there is of course her version of Crossing Field, because it's an English version of Crossing Field and the lyrics are pretty fitting for the song.
Oh I love her stuff. For a while I started looking into doing my own English covers of stuff. However that didn't go far cause I have zero confidence in my voice so yeah. But I still enjoy listening to her stuff. I really enjoy Crossing fields. As well as her other SAO related ones. I also like her guilty grown ones.