For me it has just been one of those days when the people I try to talk to just don't seem to care and some even seem to hate me. Nothing but bad luck all day so I just gotta know am I hated?
I don't hate you. I am kinda stupid though, so don't take my word for it. I might hate you and not know it! (Just kidding. I do know I am hated by people on here, and everywhere. I actually had some random guy in Hawaii call me stupid for no reason)
At times our personal perceptions colour things. I am very doubtful anybody hates you (and considering the section this thread is in, a number of people are generally kidding if they do state as such). Oftentimes one has to expand the scope of their mind to get a clearer picture of the situation. For example, consider the time of year. Considering the prime demographics of the forum, academic work and other factors are in their high stages and people may simply be busy. This, of course, is just an example and not strictly the case. But regardless, there are always alternative reasons to people not being able to respond on time besides the surprisingly uncommon "I don't want to talk to you" that many people appear to fear.
Darn it What?. You figured out how to say it before I could. And in much better detail as well. As to expect, rather than a question, What? is the answer. Only on the staff.
What? I once had this said to me "I don't talk to the likes of you" and that was by someone I actually considered a brother so you can imagine what was going through my head the time.
You ARE aware that you'll never be friends with everyone, right? There are people that will just not like you, for whatever reason. You've got to just take it in your stride and move on.
I know I won't be friends with everyone in fact I have someone who I once saved the life of who wants me dead now. I just wish I knew where I stood with people.
What the heck? Oda, I don't hate you. You are one of the nicest people I know here, but there are times when people won't like you for random reasons. Even when you help they just can't help, but hate at times. There's this guy in school, who I deeply despise to the point where I make random reasons to hate him. It's just life. Btw, about the saving someone's life thing, sound's interesting, you have to tell me the story sometime.
I actually think you seem like an ok guy Below and for the story Cse2311 wants to hear if anyone else wants to hear it just say and I will tell it.
I definitely don't hate you Oda, I've found you a pleasure to talk to. What I've found is bad moods are like a disease- they're infectious and spread by being moody to someone. For example, if in school someone had come in after a night of no sleep due to a fight between their parents and then bumbed into someone else in the corridor and yelled at them for not looking where they were going (even if it was the first guys fault). The second person may start to feel bad and angry at themself or at the first person and pass on their bad mood in class as they shout at their friend or something. This friend may then pass on the bad mood etc. Sometimes, bad moods shouldn't be taken personally- perhaps the person who has been horrible or just cold to you has been going through a bad time or they are just taking their anger out on you when it's actually directed at some other aspect of their life. Although bad moods are infectious- good moods can be as well :3
I know what you mean Ienzo and for all those interested this situation has got me to write one of my poem thins. Read the last one I posted in that link to see some of my story.