alright, current Marvel readers I need your help

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by 61, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    So a few weeks ago I bout Nova #6 and loved it. In the issue it somewhat recapped previous events, and my assumption was that it was the first 5 issues. The other day I bought #3-5 and they had nothing to do with anything #6 referenced. My assumption was that Sam was in another current book somewhere, so in #6 he was talking about what happened there, but after digging around I can't find what happened between #5 and #6 anywhere. If it didn't happen anywhere that's fine, but if it did I want to know so I can read it.
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    I think the bit referenced is in Avengers vs X-Men #1. I know he's also in AvsX #12 too but I'm not sure if that is still in the time gap as I've only read Nova #1-5 and AvsX #1 with him in. I think the reason for the time gap is that #1-5 were just showing his origins and now they're skipping forward to present day.
  3. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011

    Yeah that's what's happening. I was just curious where I could find what happened in that gap. Thanks, I'll check those out.