Red, Green and Azule Red: The elixir of flesh. With this you will be able to completely alter your physical form and that of others. Your organs are redundant as your life force is what holds you together, Biology is your plaything. With time you will be able to manipulate the very genetic code of living beings and even be able to mix and match different aspects from different creatures. A human with a crabs shell? A dog with a scorpions tale? A cat with a reptile regeneration? The sky's the limit Blue: The elixir of mana. This will free your soul and allow you to manipulate the strange substance known as "Ether". At first only raw blasts and shields will be possible, but with time you will be able to shape the Ether into anything you wish. Portals, constructs, even use it to heal, sky's the limit. You may even one day be able to escape the physical realm and become a being of pure Ether. Green: The elixir of the mind. With this you will be able to hear the minds of others and force your thoughts upon them. With skill and practice you will be able to change the inner working of someone's mind including but not limited to altering personalities or creating multiple. One day you may find that you can even transfer your consciousness into another or simply duplicate it. MIXING POTIONS IS BAD SO DON'T DO IT Additionally you can teach these arts to others, however they all have the potential to become as great if not greater then you. After drinking one potion you are free to do with the other potions as you wish. Just don't drink em. OH! AND THE MIND CAN ONLY LEARN ONE ART! THE OTHERS CONFLICT WITH EACHOTHER ON A DIVINE LEVEL. NOT A MADE UP RULE! I SWEAR
Green. I would force everyone to do as I wish, and I would know the intricate workings of everyone's minds. If I wanted something bad to happen to someone I can cause them to harm themselves instead of me doing it. I'd also experiment with what I can do with their minds, I'd definitely take what all I could find hidden in people's heads and use it to craft alternate personalities for them. Say if someone repressed a lot of desires to commit crimes and such I'd give them a second personality that really did such things. And finally I'd live forever by transferring my mind into other bodies.
I drink the potion of the Mind and use my newly obtained power to make two weak minded people my minions, then have them drink the other two potions. When my minions and I learn to fully control our powers, I duplicate my consciousness twice and place the two copies in my minions, erasing their own consciousnesses in the process. With copies of my consciousness in the bodies of my minions, I now have the power of all three potions, allowing me to use it for my own nefarious purposes.
Red potion, baby! And with it I will turn the world into my own personal genetic canvas and give my followers Lovecraftian superpowers! Oh yeah! And then with the other two I will look for those worthy of them and give them the potions! If I don't find anyone right away I will destroy someone's home town, kill their parent or other loved ones, or cause some form of tragedy to befell them so they'll hopefully gain some sort of hero complex and then gift them with a potion.
Spoiler lolget it? Anyway, what I would do is not use any of these potions, but safeguard them from sick ****s like you guys.
Red. I can turn into whatever the hell I want. Tail and wings here I come! I'll give my girlfriend the green one. And... save the blue one :P
Blue, with the endgame of being able to collect the essences of every person who ever lived and died and preserve them on the next level of consciousness THAT'S RIGHT FUCKERS I'M IN CHARGE OF THE AFTERLIFE #HEAVENSWAG #SOULTHUGGIN