I love uncyclopedia. lol @ Fallout 3 Karma Fallout 3's karma setup makes use of Bethesda's "arbitrary" system of good and bad. This results in some serious moral issues. For example, you can either choose to blow up a ******-scrapyard full of black cowboys, tramps and an Irish asshole (considered "evil"), or you can live in said shithole (considered "good"). Pros of blowing it up: Kill off the tramps, kill off the Irish guy, kill off the black cowboy, see the pretty explosion with a perfect view. Cons: Absolutely no fuckng cons whatsoever, except Moira lives, unless you're a pussy and you're actually concerned with the ****** and useless "karma system" (in which case, you can donate a bunch of water bottles to nameless beggars to make everyone forget that you blew it up in the first place). Of course in Fallout, in contrast to Fable, the goal isn't to look like a gross idiot if you're evil, but to actually have the gall to pretend it will make the player feel guilty (actually effective in most cases).