All Nighter =O

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Darkandroid, Feb 4, 2008.

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  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Right I've got the weekly Japanese test tomorrow, the one I'm never prepared for every week, but instead of sleep I've decided to (plan to) revise. Being a person who loves his sleep and the fact I have a long day of lectures tomorrow 9am-6pm. I'll see how it goes. I haven't done an all-nighter in years.

    Now for hourly update, to pass time and so I don't get bored and tired. =O

    10pm - decided to start my revision, wrote down the kanji we need to learn (just 1-10 in kanji, not too difficult, it's just things like one person, 1 month, 3 years etc) but also the vocab for chapter 14 of the textbook. Now this is were it gets harder. Damn chapter involves these verb groups, all we know are some words which change the ending like for example kakimasu to kaite. Why it changes to that I haven't got a ****ing clue.

    John (one of our tutor) doesn't explain because he explains this long metaphor or story to explain why, but by the time he finishes we forgot what we asked and explains it in a way unknown to man. The textbook doesn't say why, the grammer notes and translation book for the textbook doesn't say why either. And Ken (other tutor, and an actual japanese guy) doesn't either, when you ask a question he tell you a question which is suppose to answer our one, or just simply laughs and walks away. So if the textbook doesn't say, and the tutors are pretty useless, how the **** are we suppose to know when yo use it. It's nice to know that the word nomimasu can change to nonde, but why does it change to that, and also what classifies this change. If we are here to learning the fricking language, a simple explaniation would be nice.

    Wow, sorry for my mini rant here. *cough* There you go a small piece of my life at JMU. XD

    11pm - I thought I would go and have some coffee, that always works (apparently) I can't stand coffee, but since there was no red bull or any energy drink of that nature I decided to have some. It was ok, added lots of sugar to counter the terrible bitter taste, but it made the first half too sweet and the last too bitter. I can't stand coffee for it's aftertaste. Blah. But anyway I took my flat-mates, coffee, sugar and milk. They are all out on a pub crawl called 'Carnage' I would of joined them, but i was being a geek and decided to revise for the test i'm not prepared for.

    12am - Tried to get the taste of coffee out of my mouth, tried eating some soft cheese. Didn't work. Maybe I should try cleaning my teeth. And oh yeah, I decided to write this.

    1am - Is it common to get feel light headed after drinking some coffee? Well I do. O.o I'm up this time alot, but I never feel like this. Instead of revising i've decided to finish off the Top 5 for the week 12th -19th. Should be up soon.

    2am - Finished the Top 5 for that week. Felt tired doing it. XD I did more revising. And then some of my flat-mates have come back, 2 of the 5 are back. They are talking right now outside. Good thing i'm awake or I would of been pissed off.
  2. Alex C: Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    Good luck keep us updated but try to not think about posting on khv as much. =o
  3. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Update. =O
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Don't............. FALL ASLEEP..... Don't................... FALL ASLEEP.
  5. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Play Mahjong during your breaks, it'll help you with those Kanji on your test. XD

    You better ace that test, DA. Kanji 1-10 are free marks.

    Anyway, if you need/want any help for anything I'll be glad to assist... and I think I have you on my MSN.

    EDIT: Okay, yes I do have you on my list, lol.
  6. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Yeah I have your MSN. XD

    I'm not worried about those Kanji, it's chapter 14 I'm worried about. I'm crap at remembering vocab.

    Edit: UPDATE.
  7. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Like the Anberlin song!

    I mean, uh... Go DA?
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