For a while now I've been asking myself whether it's okay to just download individual tracks instead of just listening to a whole album. I know you're not likely to love every track off an album, but I find it's more respectful to the artists if you listen to the whole work as they organized it, and it also gives you the chance to broaden your musicl horizons a bit (not to mention how much more organized your My Music becomes this way). Of course, I own an iPod, so I know how convenient the Playlist way of thinking is. Listen to a song, get it, go. Repeat. I just feel like there's so much good music that goes unheard because of this. Your thoughts?
Some artists have good tracks, and some just throw some other crap songs to them to make an album. However, with some artists, it's better to listen to the album all the way through. The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails comes the mind. Most of the Beatles' albums are that way too. Explosions in The Sky. Etc. I like listening to an entire album at once, but I find myself making playlists too, if I want to listen to only a certain style.
Agree with The Fuk?. I buy albums for the pure point if I believe I like the artist's music from a track or two, I consider it and if their unique enough for me to take an interest i'll buy it. I've only ever bought singles when i've absolutely loved the song. But most of the time I buy the album the single is on after that time anyway.
I'm all for downloading individual tracks, but as the The Fuk? said, some albums or most even, deserve to be listened all the way through. The albums of Mirah come to mind, as she makes concept albums commonly. It really depends on the listener.
Individual tracks are great and all, but I'd like to see what other kinds of songs are in the same album, because I might like some of those too, so most of the time, I just end up getting the whole thing and sometimes trying not to regret it later when it sucks.
I've been contemplating getting the songs I like, but I just don't like it. I want to have whole albums and listen to them and sure, I may not like all the songs, but listening to an artist I like and their work seems proper and organized. Sometimes, it's happened where I don't notice a song until it plays randomly, and then I like it, but that wouldn't have happened if I didn't have whole albums. But that's really just me.
If I really really really like a song,I'll get it... But normally I'd buy the whole album,just to check out all the other stuff on it. And quite a few times,I've had the pleasent surprise of relising that the song I really liked orginally is actually the worst song on that album,which is great as then Ive discovered lots of new good songs. But then also sometimes the rest of the album is pretty sh*t... Matter of luck I guess.
Easily Albums. A lot of the artists I listen to have a story on the album, which makes it even better. The two albums with stories I've enjoyed the most are definitely American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown by Green Day, and even though a song as it stands individually isn't that good, I still want the entire story. However, I have a tendency to not pay too much for my music, so I guess it doesn't matter to me. Though I can say that I can't remember the last time I aquired a single song instead of an album.
Y'know, I used to question the same thing myself, but I found after a while that if I gave the album a listen through at least once, I found more tracks that I liked until eventually I liked pretty much everything on the whole album.
I saw Green Day live, and it was the easily the best concert I've been to. I'm not even a big Green Day fan, but they put on quite a show.
I prefer to get the full album. I usually learn to appreciate certain songs more be listening to an album all the way through. Most of my favorite albums are the type that are better heard when listened to front to back. Things that come to mind are Well Isn't This Awkward and Well This Isn't Awkward by Charles Hamilton, and Bastard and Goblin by Tyler, The Creator. Each of those albums tells a story so skipping tracks takes away from that. Also, I make music and as an artist I want each album heard in full so I do the same for most music I download at least once before I decide to remove certain songs and keep others to put on my iPhone.