AHH. I've been so so busy with school lately ; ~ ; Been having lots of rehearsals and school work, and this one project (a graphical resume) got me into creating the first two pieces I'm sharing. Yup, that's why I'm here! Lol duh. Yeah. I've created new art pieces, and finally updates my deviantart but I wanted to share it here and get some critique and the such. so here we go! c: Spoiler: first drawing This is my new ID on dA. It's rather small because I originally made it to fit into that graphical resume project (I'm kind of planning to show it here since I'll be using lots of graphics etc c: hurhurhur). Yes, it's some sort of self portrait thing. Yeah. It took me forever to get the legs right lol. I used my tablet only for this in photoshop! Spoiler: second drawing I actually quite like how this turned out n__n It's just some random girl, job class: archer. I love archers. I originally drew it as a rough sketch that I would line later on in photoshop for my graphical resume once again - however, I never got to that as I was way too tired from rehearsals from that day. So I ended up coloring it like so, with the sketchy effect c: Spoiler: third drawing Preview for a group called "The Alliance" for the future comic I plan to make. I've got the gist of the story on the go, but I'm planning to officially work on it when I'm off from High School and hopefully, am more knowledgeable on art. Anyway, these are all just cropped scans from the character designs I made in my sketch book for a long time. I've only recently finished the first guy on the left and completed the group so only now can I share their faces. However, that's all I'm sharing for now >< So yes, uhm. I'd like to know what you think and stuff c: That is all, thank you in advance! Though I still will probably thank you later x)
OK, so... First one: Shading on the hair looks out of touch with the shading on the rest of the drawing. The hair also suggests the upper part of her head is huge. The neck is also very long. Hands look kind of weird, but honestly, they aren't too bad. The way the feet are attached to the legs make it looks as if they might be broken. And not to be rude, but they are kind of shaped more like blobs than feet. Second one is probably the best. Major problem is the pose itself. She's completely out of balance and would instantly tip over if we applied gravity (she does, in fact, already look like she is falling over). Arms are very thin, anorexia-thin, and also very long (it looks like her hands would be able to reach her knees in an idle pose). Wouldn't it normally be located slightly farther towards the hips? Neck is a bit too long and attaches weirdly to the body. Skirt seems (imo) attached kind of high up (around her navel). Her right foot is also looking kind of weird. But really, other than that it's a pretty nice drawing. Don't have much to say about the last one. In general, your necks are too long.
Oh no, I totally understand. I laugh looking back at the feet really. I just can't seem to get it right... Again, yes, the hair. I like big hair, I don't know why but yeah. However, if I take more realistic stuff I suppose I'll try and keep that in mind. I was going to put more work to the hair in terms of shading, but I just made this very quick since it was mainly for school lol x) Yup, while I was coloring this I actually thought about the pose a lot. I flipped out about it for a while, then decided not to mind it. I'll work on the poses more next time, heehee. As for the rest, I tend to draw limbs and necks rather long and for some reason part of me actually likes it. I don't know, I like long, lanky limbs and drawing it is just fun for me. But maybe in my future works, when art becomes a lot more serious - I'll most probably put proportions into mind. Accurately. Haha. Lastly, the skirt's meant to be high-waisted c: Thanks so much for the critique Gultigargar! Lots of help, as always n__n